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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The amount of time children spend in institutional care(机构式照顾)may affect how their brains develop. That’s the conclusion of a new study carried out by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, Harvard Medical School and the University of Minnesota. The study is published in Child Development in the journal’s January/ February 2010 issue.

To learn how the lack of care and material needs that institutionalized children often experience affect brain development, the researchers looked at 132 8- and 9-year-olds. Some of them were adopted into U.S. homes after spending at least a year and three quarters of their lives in institutions in Asia, Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, and Africa. Others were adopted by the time they were 8 months old into U.S. homes from foster care(寄养)in Asia and Latin America; most of these children had spent no time in institutional care, while some had spent a month or two in institutions prior to foster placement. On average, the internationally adopted children had been living with their families for more than 6 years. These children were compared to a group of American children raised in their birth families.

Children adopted early from foster care didn't differ from children raised in their birth families in the United States. Children adopted from institutional care performed worse than those raised in families on tests measuring visual memory and attention, learning visual information, and impulse (冲动)control. Yet these children performed at developmentally appropriate levels on tests involving sequencing and planning.

The take-home message: Children make tremendous advances in cognitive(认知的) functioning once they reach their adoptive families, but the early impact on their brains' development is difficult to change completely.

"We identified basic learning processes that are affected by early institutionalization," notes Seth Pollak, professor of psychology and pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin, who was the study's lead author. "Policies that speed the time in which children can be removed from institutionalized care so they can develop within family contexts should be implemented to decrease the likelihood of learning problems later in children's lives."

1.The passage is mainly written to      .

       A.compare two childcare systems            B.criticize the institutional childcare

       C.present a new research finding              D.introduce the basic learning process

2.Children have their brain development affected in institutional care because       .

       A.they suffer form poor living conditions

       B.they spend too much time learning

       C.they don’t have freedom staying there

       D.they are neither physically nor mentally satisfied

3.Compared with home-raised children, institutionalized children didn’t do as well in tasks like    .

       A.thinking in pictures and self-control

       B.working in teams and self-expression

       C.putting things in order and self-defense

       D.adapting to the environment and self-panning.

4.It can be concluded form the passage that         .

       A.the United States is a good place for children’s all-round development

       B.a perfect family is beneficial to children’s all-round development

       C.children in institutional care can hardly achieve anything great

       D.nothing has been done to help children in institutional care


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


例:We       (起床)before dawn. It was still dark outside.(get)

答案:got up

1.We’re deeply impressed by the way he’s thought of        (解决问题).(solve)

2.Only after she had prepared her lessons and marked the test papers,         (我们才有机会)to interview her.(have)

3.       (他真是太粗心了)to have made the same mistake over and over again!(how)

4.You may      (放心)that we’ll never do anything harmful to our friendship.(depend)

5.When she noticed the teacher        (盯着看她),she lowered her head in shame.(stare)

6.We Chinese people feel proud of         (我们取得的成就)in the past 3 decades.(achieve)

7.It was nearly midnight         (他听到敲门声)on the front door.(hear)

8.When again         (遭同学们嘲笑), the boy turned to his teacher for help.(laugh)

9.We               (本来可以完成任务)on time, but the traffic delay destroyed all our plan.(complete)

10.This time tomorrow, we         (在听)a lecture by a visiting professor from abroad.(listen)


科目: 来源: 题型:



1.“春晚”从1983年开始举办,中国人视为精神大餐(big feast);






Dear Jack,

I’m glad to know you’ve watched the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year and that you’ve

got a very good impression of it.

Looking forward to hearing from you again!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Tony, I really appreciate your wonderful performance in the concert.


A.I've practiced for ages                             B.Well, it's just so-so

C.No, I don't think so                               D.Thank you very much


科目: 来源: 题型:

In       18-minute address to students across America on September 8, 2009, President Obama told American students to make          most of their education.

A.an; the          B.an; a           C.the; the          D.the; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

With the price of pork and eggs         quickly, CPI has become a hot phrase among Chinese.

A.climbing         B.climbed          C.to climb         D.climb


科目: 来源: 题型:

Without the contributions of Qian Xuesen, the father of Chinese missile, the achievements in space technology       unthinkable in China.

A.would be                                            B.would have been

C.might be                                         D.should have been


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Hey, did you enjoy the vacation in London?

—No.Our vacation was totally ruined; not only was the food terrible but the weather was awful        .

A.in the meanwhile                                   B.as well

C.as a matter of fact                                            D.in addition


科目: 来源: 题型:

Henry proved himself a true gentleman and beauty of his       was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A.temper          B.behaviour           C.character           D.talent


科目: 来源: 题型:

When       about one of the biggest problems today, many experts say that an energy crisis is approaching and is thus threatening mankind's survival.

A.asked          B.being asked          C.having asked         D.asking

