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科目: 来源: 题型:

---Wei Fang studies very hard and makes full use of her time.

---It's no wonder that she _____in almost every subject.

A.puts out          B.stands out           C.gives out           D.sets out


科目: 来源: 题型:

We'll see if either of the two young men wants to be a bridegroom _____the princess has no _____to bring to the marriage.

A.when, riches                            B.while, fortune

C.because, wealth’s                         D.despite, treasures


科目: 来源: 题型:

Jackson made _____ for himself as a famous singer worldwide, so it _____that many thousands of people were present at his funeral.

A.his name, fit the description                         B.a name, was fitting

C.well known, is appropriate                           D.a good reputation, suited the condition


科目: 来源: 题型:

Whenever his aunt shouted abuse at her, Tom would _______, and did everything in his power to comfort her.

A.speak it out         B.speak up for her       C.help him out       D.speak against her


科目: 来源: 题型:

On hearing the news that he would be taken ____prisoner, he became fainted.Fortunately soon he _______.

A./, came to his sense                                    B.the, was brought to his senses

C.a, was brought to his sense                          D./, came to his senses


科目: 来源: 题型:

Sometimes some illegal persons ______students, even some good ones to do ill acts , such as surfing some unhealthy nets, robbing , and stealing.

A.need          B.demand           C.encourage          D.dare


科目: 来源: 题型:

When it comes to _____, it is not wise for parents to meet all the needs of a child , because if he _____, he will only make further demands.

A.educating children, is given way to               B.the education of children, gives way

C.educate children, is given in to                     D.children's education, gives in


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Night after night, my mother came to my bed, even long after my childhood years.She would

  1   down and push my long hair out of the way, and then kiss my forehead.

I don't remember when it first started  2  me---her hands pushing my hair that way, for they felt work-worn and rough  3  my young skin.Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, "Don't do that any more----your hands are too rough!" she made no  4  and left quietly.But never again did my mother do it with that familiar expression of her  5 

With the passing years, my  6  returned to that night time after time.By then I  7  my mother's hands and her goodnight kiss.Sometimes the incident seemed very  8  , sometimes far away, but always it was  9  in the back of my mind

The years have passed, and I'm not a little girl any more.Mom is in her seventies, and those hands I once  10  to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.

Now, Mom no longer has Dad and lives  11  .One night on Thanksgiving Eve, I found myself  12  to her house to spend the night with her.As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly ran across my face to  13  the hair from my forehead.Then a  14  , ever so gently , touched my forehead.I burst into tears.

In my memory, thousands of times, I  15  the night my young voice complained.Catching Mom's hand in hand, I told her how  16  I was for that night.I thought she'd remember,  17  I did.But Mom didn't know what I was talking about.She had already forgotten and   18  long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new  19  for my gentle mother and her caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was   20  to be found.

1.A.lie                         B.bend                   C.look                    D.fall

2.A.annoying               B.astonishing          C.delighting            D.disappointing

3.A.along                    B.above                  C.against                D.aside

4.A.reply                     B.promise               C.request                D.agreement

5.A.pity                      B.sadness               C.apology               D.love

6.A.feelings                 B.opinions              C.spirits                 D.thoughts

7.A.missed                  B.forgot                 C.held                    D.shook

8.A.strange                 B.close                   C.serious                D.common

9.A.stressed                B.changed              C.hidden                 D.exposed

10.A.expected             B.thought               C.reminded             D.complained

11.A.yet                      B.away                   C.alone                   D.long

12.A.drawn                 B.carried                C.moved                D.stayed

13.A.cut                     B.wash                   C.brush                  D.take

14.A.tear                     B.kiss                     C.press                  D.hand

15.A.returned              B.remembered         C.realized               D.recalled

16.A.sorry                  B.happy                  C.angry                  D.nervous

17.A.when                  B.how                    C.why                    D.as

18.A.disappeared         B.forgiven              C.apologized           D.abandoned

19.A.imagination          B.inspiration            C.decoration           D.appreciation

20.A.still                     B.soon                   C.nowhere              D.anyhow


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Your accent might be different from everybody else's.Your clothes may also be very different from those around you.Sometimes it can be really difficult being different, especially when compared to the other kids at school.But some people at your school will want to get to know you because your differences seem really cool.Other people, though, might try to give you a hard time.

Some of the people who may try to tease (戏弄)you might do so because of stereotypes.Stereotypes are simplified ideas, often exaggerated (夸大) or distorted in a negative way, that one group of people holds about another.An example of a stereotype would be everyone with curly hair is lazy.Like this example, stereotypes are often wrong, and they can be hurtful.

If someone bothers you, walk away-don't give the person the satisfaction of seeing that his or her comments bother you.If you can't shake off the comments, talk about it with good friends, siblings, or parents.The people who love you and know that you're a great person can often help you understand that the bully (仗势欺人者) has no idea what he or she is talking about.It also helps to find people at school to hang out with who are cool enough not to care what the bully says.

As much as you would hate to be boxed into a certain type, try and get away from doing the same to others.These characterizations (界定法) are just as unfair as the ones people might use to describe you.And beliefs in these can get in the way of making some good friends.

1.Some people may give you a hard time because ______.

       A.you are different from others

       B.you seem really cool

       C.you are outstanding

       D.you are hard to get along with

2.What do we know about stereotypes?

       A.They are positive comments on others.

       B.They help others know themselves better.

       C.They are wrong ideas against others.

      D.They are simplified ideas on life.

3.The underlined phrase "to be boxed" in the last paragraph may mean "______".

       A.to be hurt                                            B.to be surrounded

      C.to be beaten                                        D.to be limited

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

       A.Comment on others                             B.Get along with others

       C.Deal with teasing                                D.Be different from others


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It's obviously true that not all people like to work, but everyone likes to play.All over the world, men and women, young and old, enjoy recreational activities.So, beyond doubt, entertainment plays an important role in our daily lives.In modern society, there is a broad range of recreational activities - from online computer games to lovely picnics - that meet the needs of different groups of people.Therefore, it won't be difficult for you to find some recreation to refresh your body and mind.

Recreational activities have a number of benefits, especially in this highly competitive society.They can help us relax, have fun and relieve stress.In fact, I believe there is no better way to get exercise and relieve stress than to take an active part in recreational activities.But can recreational activities do us harm? Of course they can.Let's take TV as an example.There is no denying that TV offers access to the latest news and to useful knowledge, while providing us with entertainment.However, if we spend too much time watching TV, it will numb our mind and destroy our creativity, which is exactly the opposite of what we really want.What's more, TV can also show some pornographic programs, which are absolutely unsuitable for us young students.So, just as the old saying goes, every coin has two sides, and watching TV is no exception.

As a student, I think recreational activities are very important for us.But this doesn't mean we should take up whatever recreational activities are available.Instead, we should strike a balance between work and rest.We should have our own judgment, which means knowing what is good for us and what is not.And we should exercise self-control so as not to become addicted to them.I believe moderate recreational activity will benefit us in many ways and help us live a full, meaningful life.

1.Why does entertainment play an important role in people's daily lives?

       A.Because online computer games are popular with people.

       B.Because entertainment can help people have fun instead of relieving stress.

       C.Because people of all ages enjoy recreational activities.

       D.Because it is easy and convenient to take up any recreational activity.

2.Which of the following statements is not counted as the disadvantage of TV?

       A.People are addicted to watching TV.

       B.TV provides people with the latest news.

       C.Some programs are unsuitable for young students.

       D.Spending too much time on it may destroy people's creativity

3.In the author's opinion, what is the proper attitude to recreational activities?

       A.Spending as much time as we like watching TV.

       B.Taking part in any recreational activities available.

       C.Learning to control ourselves about entertainment.

       D.Benefiting us by taking part in different activities.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

       A.Advantage of recreational activities.    

      B.Disadvantage of recreational activities.

       C.Advantage and disadvantage of recreational activities.


