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科目: 来源: 题型:

I want to make ______clear that we do an important and necessary job.

A.that                B.this                C.it               D.what


科目: 来源: 题型:

The reason _______he is unable to go to college is ________his grades were too low.

A.why;that             B.which;that           C.how;because          D.why;because


科目: 来源: 题型:

一Is there anyone who is going to climb the mountain?


A.None            B.No           C.Not any             D.No one


科目: 来源: 题型:

一Shall watch TV now, mum?

一I’d rather you ______.You ________finish your homework first.

A.wouldn’t;must                                      B.didn’t;shall

C.won’t;should                                          D.don’t;will


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college;For many months he had  1 a beautiful sports car in a showroom,and knowing his father could well  2  it.he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day cam near,the young man awaited  3  that his father had bought the car.  4  .On the morning of his graduation.his father called him into hisstudy room.His father told him how  6  he was to have such a fine son,and told him how  7  he loved him.He handed his son a beautifully  8  gift box.

Curious, and somewhat disappointed,the young man opened the box and  9  a lovely.leather-bound(皮纸封面)Bible,  10  the young man’s name pressed in gold.  11  .he raised his voice to his father.and said “With  12 your money,you give me a Bible?” and stormed out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in  13  .He had a beautiful home and wonderful family.but realized his father was very  14  ,and thought perhaps he should go to him.He had not seen him  15  that graduation day.

    Before he could make arrangements.he received a telegram  16   him his father had passed away.and willed all his possessors to his son.He needed to come home immediately and  17  things.

When he arrived at his father’s house,sudden  18  and regret filled his heart.He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still gift wrapped Bible  19  as he had left it years ago.With tears,ho opened the Bible and began to turn the pages.

Suddenly.a car key dropped from the back of the  20  .It had a tag(标签)with the date of his graduation on it.and the words PAlD IN FULL.

1.A.admired                 B.watched               C.seen             D.noticed

2.A.offer                     B.afford                  C.serve             D.supply

3.A.mark                     B.support                C.signs              D.promise

4.A.Finally            B.Instead                C.So                   D.Shortly

5.A.public                    B.hard                    C.lazy                D.private

6.A.proud                    B.sad                      C.upset              D.puzzled

7.A.many                     B.far                       C.much              D.often

8.A.typed                    B.wrapped              C.written            D.painted

9.A.looked                   B.reached                C.showed           D.found

10.A.with                    B.while                   C.after                      D.when

11.A.Interested              B.Pleased                C.Angry             D.Disappoint

12.A.none                    B.all                        C.1ittle                D.bit

13.A.business                B.study                   C.city              D.home

14.A.healthy                B.strong                  C.young              D.old

15.A.on                       B.until                     C.since              D.after

16.A.telling                  B.showing               C.saying             D.talking

17.A.look for               B.take care of           C.care             D.mind

18.A.excitement             B.disappointment        C.surprise          D.sadness

19.A.but                      B.right                    C.just              D. only

20.A.Bible                    B.bed                      C.desk                D.door   


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

From a major Windows upgrade(升级)to more powerful Web services and high-definition (高清晰) DVD.there’s a lot to look forward to in the coming year.

Vista View

    Microsoft’s next major operating system,Windows Vista.looks different from today’s Windows.But the parts you can’t see might be even more important.Microsoft is focusing on protecting users from the viruses.worms,and other attacks that have become a serious problem in the last decade.But security isn’t the only point of Windows Vista.It includes additional gaming features.a new desktop search function.a new user interface(界面),compatibility,(兼容)with high—definition TV and multimedia equipment.

  New DVD on the road

  The next DVD generation has two layers.First.high-definition recording will mean more vivid sound and Pictures.It also means you might have to put aside your present DVD collection.as people did with tape cassettes in the 1980’s when CD was introduced.The new technology will record high-definition TV programs on a small disk without quality loss.And up to 50 gigabytes (十亿字节)of storage can put l3 hours of programs or eight movies on a disc.

Wireless Internet Everywhere.

    Wife is coming.Despite the over publicity surrounding wireless networking.the fact remains that finding a public connection still takes work.Next year.connectivity should get easier.thanks to long-range broadband wireless technology from Intel called WiMax.According to an Intel spokesperson a WiMax signal”can carry 50miles in tests.but in reality about half that.”It means you can get online almost anywhere at any time.

Next-Generation Game Consoles(控制台)

    Gamers.fasten your seat belts.This year will be one of the most exciting with major releases from Sony.Nintendo and Microsoft.It’s like an election:Every four years or so. gamers get to choose which platform they’ll support for the next cycle. As you’d expect,the processing and graphics (图形)hardware powering the consoles is impressive.They’ll include HDTV and high-speed Internet connectivity.

1.Which is NOT included in Windows Vista? 

    A.Gaming features.                                   B.A new monitor.

    C.High-definition TV.                                   D.A new desktop search function.

2.With the new DVDs.you can__________.

    A.Play raises                                              B.record TV programs or movies

    C.use smaller disks                                     D.enjoy a bigger collection of DVDs

3.What do all the items listed above have in common?

    A.They are convenient for gamers.

    B.High speed Internet connectivity.

    C.All involve a great leap in technology,

    D.High definition.

4.What’s the purpose of writing this passage?

    A.To inform you of ways to upgrade your house.

    B.To introduce the new technology.

    C.To inform you how to build up a digital centre.

    D.To introduce the new designs.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Human life has not only been changed within the past few hundred years.it has been revolutionized.In the old days there was little difference between the houses.dress and food of those who were chiefs and those who were their servants.There was, to a large degree.social equality.The contrast(差别)today between the palaces of the millionaires and the cottages of the laborers shows us the change which has come with civilization(文明).  

    This change.however.is not to be regretted.but welcome as highly beneficial(helpful).For progress there must be homes of great wealth to keep the best things of civilization.Therefore it is much better to have this great difference between rich and poor than to have general poverty.Neither master nor servant was as rich in the “good old times” as today.Whether the change is for good or bad.it has come,and it is beyond our power to turn back.Therefore.it should be accepted and made the best of.It is a waste of time to discuss what must happen.

    By today’s production methods the world gots goods of excellent quality at prices which even people of 25 years of age would have thought unbelievable.The poor enjoy what once the rich could not.The poor are more richly clothed and better housed.The laborer now has more comforts than the farmer had many years ago.The farmer has more luxuries(奢侈品)than the landlord had.The landlord has more rare books and pictures and more works of art than the king could have in older tires.

1.The writer thinks that the contrast between the living conditions of the workers and those of the rich________.

      A.should be regretted                                  B.is not a bad thing

      C.will cause a lot of trouble                           D.should not be accepted

2.Which of the following shows the change that has come with civilization?

    A.Neither the rich nor the poor live better than before

    B.Both the rich and the poor live better than before

    C.The rich live better that before but the poor don’t

    D.The poor live better than before but the rich don’t

3.According to the writer,it is much better to have a great difference between the rich and the poor than to have general poverty because ________.

    A.social equality is not as important as it used to

    B.the poor people have more comforts than before

    C.it is not right for master and servant to live a like

    D.this difference helps to keep the best things of civilization for progress

4.It is inferred but not mentioned that __________.

    A.the landlord is more interested in art today than the king was in older times.

    B.the king does not have as many works of art as he used to

    C.the landlord did not own as many things of civilization as he does today.

    D.the king no longer has interest in art


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

She is a cute,quiet girl.As a daughter, she has no secrets towards her mother, who is very much pleased with her.But recently she has become somewhat.mysterious, not so opon-minded as before.She has a diary that she keeps under lock and key.Mother cannot help worrying about her:what if she falls in love,which is too early for a girl of her age.After all she is reaching the  ‘dangerous stage’.Those thoughts have caused trouble in the mother’s mind.

One weekend the girl came to tell that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late, As this was the first time her mother consented, but couldn’t resist worrying because she had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and her uneasiness got the upper hand over her, She decided going out to meet her daughter.Just at the moment the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window and—there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy.Her heart missed a beat.When the girl came in.the mother was watching TV.pretending nothing had happened. “Mum, I’m back.” “Yeah.” “Sorry to be late.Still sitting up?” “Yes.Oh.that…Who’s that boy?” The daughter was attune(发愣)for a moment.”“Ah.It’s my monitor.He gave me a lift on his way home.Mum.I’m going to bed.” “All right.Go to sleep early.”

    Next morning when the mother went to the daughter’s room to do some tidying.she found her diary left at her pillow.After a few minutes’ hesitation she eventually opened it to the entry of the night before.It reads:Mum.it’s love that made you ask.but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn’t.

    Holding the diary.the mother fell into thought.

1.Which is he correct order according to the story?

      a.She took a lift back in her monitor’s car.

    b.She went to see a film with her classmate.

    c.She wrote in her diary to her mother.

    d.Her mother pretended to watch TV.

    e.Her mother worried about her daughter’s returning late.

    A.b.e,a,d,c                                       B.e,b,a,d,c

    C.b.a,e,d,c                                         D.b,e,a,c,d

2.From the diary,we can see the daughter ________.

    A.thanked her mother for asking her

    B.thought her mother cared about her very much

    C.thought it was her mother’s duty to ask

    D.thought her mother’s understanding is better than simple love

3.The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should ________.

    A.care about what their children really think and feel

    B.not give much freedom to their children

    C.talk with their children about thei rearly love

D.keep silent about thei r children’s privacy

4.Which can be the best title for this story?

      A.Mother’s True Love                                 B.Early Love Between Students

      C.To Ask or Not To Ask                               D.Dangerous Age


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For as long as humans have lived on the earth,they have made use of various forms of communication.Generally,this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech.When there is a spoken language problem.communication can be carried out through sign language.in which gestures stand for letters.words, and ideas.Tourists and people unable to hear or speak have often had to turn to this form of expression.When gestures describe words or ideas.they can often be used internationally.When used for spelling words however,where each gesture stands for a single letter,people must share the same written language.

    Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions.either meaningfully or not.A wink can be a way of showing that the person is only joking.A nod means agreement.while shaking the head indicates disagreement.

    Other forms of language can be found in Braille(a reading system of raised dots read with the fingertips used by the blind).signal flags.Morse code, and smoke signals.Road maps and picture signs also guide and warn people.while language is the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.

1.What does the author mainly want to say?

      A.People can communicate in many different ways.

      B.Everybody uses only one form of communication.

      C.Language is invaluable to foreigners.

      D.Non-spoken communication is of little value.

2.According to the text, which part of the body can be used to show you are joking?

      A.Fingers.            B.Eyes.                C.Head.                   D.Feet.

3.What can’t be effectively communicated by sign language when people belong to different language groups?

      A.Spelling.        B.Idea.                 C.Whole words.       D.Expressions.

4.How many different forms of communication are mentioned in the text?

      A.Three.                B.Five.                   C.Six.                     D.Nine.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Your mind like your body is a thing where the powers are developed by effort.This is a principal use, as I see it,of hard work in studies.Unless you train your body you can’t be a good sportsman, and unless you train. your mind you can’t be much of a scholar.The four miles a boatman covers at top speed is in itself nothing to the good.but the physical capacity to hold out over the distance is thought to be of some value.So a good part of what you learn by hard study may not be kept forever.and may not seem to be of much final value.but your mind is a better and more powerful instrument because you have learned it.“Knowledge is power,”but still more the ability of obtaining and using knowledge is power.If you have a trained and powerful mind,you are certain to have stored it with something.its value is more in what it can do, what it can grasp and use,than in what it contains; and if it were possible,as it is not.to come out of college with a trained mind and nothing useful in it.you would still be ahead.and still, in manner, educated.

1.The title that best expresses the min idea of this passage is _______

    A.Knowledge is Power

    B.How to Keep and Use Knowledge

    C.Physical and Mental Efforts

    D.The Train Mind is What One needs

2.In his example the author tells his readers that_______.

    A.it is important to build up one’s physical capacity

    B.it is no good having much physical training

    C.it is more important to know one’s capacity than to win the race

    D.it is important to have physical training while one trains hi mind   

3.The author emphasis(强调)that many of the facts you acquire by hard study ______

    A.deal with rules of heath                            B.will be forgotten

    C.are of no value                                        D.will be very useful

4.After reading this passage,one gets to know that the author is ______.

    A.praising the college education

    B.helping change the college education

    C.giving his advice to the college education

    D.telling us what he thinks is wrong about college education

