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科目: 来源: 题型:

Each of us fails _________,but we should accept these failures as a learning process.

A.from time to time                                     B.all at once

C.all of a sudden                                           D.for the time being


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ the unwillingness from animals,many people still like to dress their pets the way they are.

A.Although              B.Despite            C.While               D.Besides


科目: 来源: 题型:

Some people still remain _______ about the effect of this new medicine since two people died after taking it.

A.considerate          B.cautious         C.optional           D.beneficial


科目: 来源: 题型:

I read a passage on how to resist __________ by the unfriendly words of your partner.

A.to affect              B.affecting              C.being affected            D.to be affected


科目: 来源: 题型:

The editors invited some children to draw pictures __________ the future cities look like.

A.of which              B.which            C.of what                D.what


科目: 来源: 题型:

Why are there so many new words in this passage? Otherwise it ________ much easier to read.

A.will be                                      B.could have been

C.would be                                     D.would have been


科目: 来源: 题型:

Taiwan pop singer Chang Hui-mei, more widely known as A-Mei,will return to the mainland stage after a(n)__________ of five years.

A.ambition              B.mess             C.virtue              D.absence


科目: 来源: 题型:

—You didn't turn up yesterday.

—I ________ to work because l was allowed to have one day off.

A.needn't have come                                   B.needn't come

C.don't need to come                                     D.didn't need to come


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

With golden sunshine and gentle breeze,autumn is the most beautiful season in the year.This is a great time to go outside and have  1  .Go to a valley to see red maple trees,go and pick fruit in an orchard or find an open field to fly your kite in.

  2  ,for many high school students,these great activities may be just a/an  3.With plenty of work to do, spend all their hours indoors.  4   for a high mark in their exam.

     5    ,study is one of the most important things for teenagers.But life is   6    much more than that.

    Sometimes we may be so   7  with studying that we forget how to make  8  wonderful.In doing so.we lose the   9  purpose of life--to be a valuable and happy person.

    To   10   just how great it is to he alive,we have to   11   our books and pens and look around us.Guys,take some exercise to   12  your health,talk with your parents and friends for understanding and walk around outside your house to refresh your body and mind.

    Going out and enjoying the beautiful countryside often helps our creativity in our work.Chinese craftsman Lu Ban created a saw to help woodworkers.But   13  he hadn't walked  14  ,he would not have been  15   by a kind of toothed grass.We could also suppose if Newton hadn't  16  under that apple tree.then he wouldn't have been hit by an apple,and his great theories would not have come out.

    Going out is not only a/an  17  from hard work,but a chance to  18  to life experience.

    So come on,give your  19   a good rest.Step out of the books and get your bag ready for aft autumn outing.We are sure you will get much more than  20  from the exciting journey.

1.A.fun                       B.sunlight                C.picnic                    D.trip

2.A.Moreover              B.Eventually            C.However                D.Therefore

3.A.application             B.dream                  C.chance                   D.effort

4.A.asking                   B.searching             C.calling                    D.struggling

5.A.As a consequence     B.In turn                 C.In fact                   D.Of course

6.A.definitely               B.generally              C.magically                D.strangely

7.A.covered                 B.connected            C.occupied                D.buried

8.A.autumn                  B.heart                    C.time                       D.1ife

9.A.practical                B.imaginative           C.real                        D.perfect

10.A.possess               B.enjoy                   C.exploit                   D.discover

11.A.1ake up                B.burn out               C.put down                      D.sell out

12.A.raise                    B.increase               C.improve                 D.recover

13.A.whether               B.if                         C.since                     D.unless

14.A,inside                  B.around                 C.outside                 D.forward

15.A.touched               B.invited                 C.inspired                D.suggested

16.A.walked                B.rested                  C.passed                 D.climbed

17.A.break                   B.absence               C.movement             D.vacation

18.A.refer                    B.turn                      C.stick                    D.add

19.A.brain                   B.heart                    C.body                      D.feeling

20.A.awareness            B.evidence              C.courage               D.knowledge


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was late afternoon when the train pulled into the station.There were many people standing there,and Jeff could see his grandfather standing near the hack of the crowd.Each summer Jeff spent a month with him at the seashore.

    When Jeff and Iris grandfather reached Grandpa's old truck.Grandpa lifted the suitcase into the back of the truck.They started their way down the road to Grandpa's cottage.As they parked in front of the cottage,Grandpa smiled and nodded his head toward the beach.“Go on,”he said with a smile,“and I’ll get supper on.”

    Sand shifted and settled beneath Jeff's feet as he walked along the beach.Jeff loved how calm the water was at sunset.He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of salty air.Suddenly the peace was broken when close by he heard something.His eyes opened wide, and he saw a big seagull(海鸥)flying around his head.“Aawk,”it cried,swooping down again and again.

    Covering his head with his arms,Jeff dashed back to Grandpa’s collage and told him about the seagull.“It surely had a reason to act that way.”Grandpa said.“l wonder what it is.”

    The next morning,the sun shone brightly as Jeff bravely returned to the beach in search of interesting stones,shells,or pieces of driftwood.Once again,though,he soon found himself under attack.“Go away!” Jeff shouted and ran to the nearby bushes.

    There he heard a softer bird sound,“Eeep!” Gently pushing branches aside,he saw a young seagull.Its feet were tangled in(缠绕)plastic rings.“No wonder your mom’s upset,”Jeff said,Carefully he untwisted the rings.Finally free,the bird fluttered onto the sand crying,“Eeep!”

    “Aawk,”its mother replied,swooping down.Together they flew up into the blue sky.

    Jeff ran to fell Grandpa the news.”Now you can collect your rocks in peace.”Grandpa said. Grabbing a large bag.Jeff said.“I think I’ll collect some trash first.”Grandpa looked at Jeff with new eyes and  he said,” Would you mind if I join you?”

1.The author attempts lo entertain,inform,and persuade the reader by telling ______.

A.a sad story about visiting the beach and spending time with family members

    B.a thoughtful story while showing how being careless with trash can he harmful

    C.a boy's exciting story about the beach as well as facts about studying the ocean

   D.a funny story and asking important questions that require research to answer

2.If the author added a sentence at the end of paragraph 3,which of these would fit best?

    A.The seagull's threatening behavior was unusual and strange.

    B.Another time Jeff WON chased down by a little dog.

    C.There was nothing more lovely than seagulls at the beach,flying over the water.

    D.Sunset was Jeff's favorite time of day at the beach.

3.Why does the seagull swoop down to attack Jeff?

A.She has a nest of eggs to guard.   

B.She thinks he will take her food.

C.She has been hurt by people before.   

D.She wants to protect her young.

4.Grandpa discovers that the best way to spend time with Jeff is to _________.

A.clean the beach                                          B.play games   

C.watch the sunset                                       D.collect rocks

