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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens.

Meanwhile, Fitzgerald’s wealth greatly increased. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald himself became seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will as to how his wealth would be settled—to sell his entire collection at an auction(拍卖).

Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid(出价).Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgerald’s son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.

When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled(敲槌) the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald’s will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son.

The poor-quality painting didn’t receive any bidders...except one—the old servant who had served the son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.

As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will: “Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection.” Then the auction was over.

1.The English Baron Fitzgerald was ______.

A.a museum director                                    B.a master of art

C.an art collector                                         D.an art dealer

2.Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgerald’s son?

A.He was devoted to the family.            B.He saw that no one bid for it.

C.He knew the content of the will.          D.He found it cheap for him to buy.

3.Fitzgerald’s will showed ______.

A.his desire to fool the bidders

B.his invaluable love for his son

C.his sadness at the death of his son

D.his regret of having no children to take over his wealth


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many animals recognize their food because they see it. So do humans. When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat. You can also use other senses when you choose your food. You may like it because it smells good or because it tastes good. You may dislike some types of food because they do not look, smell or taste very nice. Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food. A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense.

Although there are many different types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type. The giant panda(大熊猫)eats only one particular type of bamboo(竹子). Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice. A kind of white butterfly(蝴蝶)will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden. However, most animals have a more varied diet(多样化饮食). The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, birds and fruits. The diet of these animals will be different depending on the season.

Humans have a very varied diet. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. In countries such as France and Britain, people eat foods with too much sugar. This makes them overweight, which is bad for their health. Eating too much red meat and animal products, such as butter, can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food, therefore, has become an area of study in modern life.

1.We can infer from the text that humans and animals _________.

   A.depend on one sense in choosing food    B.are not satisfied with their food

   C.choose food in similar ways            D.eat entirely different food

2.Which of the following eats only one type of food?

   A.The white butterfly.    B.The small bird.   C.The bear.    D.The fox.

3.Certain animals change their choice of food when ___________.

   A.the season changes                    B.the food color changes

   C.they move to different places             D.they are attracted by different smells

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that __________.

    A.food is chosen for a good reason

       B.French and British food is good

    C.some people have few choices of food

D.some people care little about healthy diet


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As a professor at a large American university, there is a phrase that I hear often from students:“I’m only a 1050.”The unlucky students are speaking of the score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT),which is used to determine whether they will be admitted to the college or university of their choice, or even if they have a chance to get a higher education at all. The SAT score, whether it is 800,1100 or 1550,has become the focus at this time of their life.

It is obvious that if students value highly their test scores, then a great amount of their self-respect is put in the number. Students who perform poorly on the exam are left feeling that it is all over. The low test score, they think, will make it impossible for them to get into a good college. And without a degree from a prestigious university, they fear that many of life’s doors will remain forever closed.

According to a study done in the 1990s,the SAT is only a reliable indicator of a student’s future performance in most cases. Interestingly, it becomes much more accurate when it is set together with other indicators-like a student’s high school grades. Even if standardized tests like the SAT could show a student’s academic proficiency(学业水平),they will never be able to test things like confidence, efforts and willpower, and are unable to give us the full picture of a student’s potentialities(潜力).This is not to suggest that we should stop using SAT scores in our college admission process. The SAT is an excellent test in many ways, and the score is still a useful means of testing students. However, it should be only one of many methods used.

1.The purpose of the SAT is to test students’ ______.

A.strong will                                                B.academic ability

C.full potentialities                                   D.confidence in school work

2.Students’ self-respect is influenced by their ______.

A.scores in the SAT                                     B.achievements in mathematics

C.job opportunities                                       D.money spent on education

3.“A prestigious university” is most probably ______.

A.a famous university                                   B.a technical university

C.a traditional university                                D.an expensive university

4.This passage is mainly about ______.

A.how to prepare for the SAT                        B.stress caused by the SAT

C.American higher education                         D.the SAT and its effects


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames(绰号).Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence(影响) on the world of music.

Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, “Jazz and I grew up together.”

Armstrong showed a great talent(天赋) for music when he was taught to play the cornet(短号) at a boy’s home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that travelled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.

In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever he went. Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.

His cornet playing had a deep humanity(仁爱) and warmth that caused many listeners to say,“Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over.”He was the father of the jazz style(风格) and also one of the best-known and most-admired people in the world.His death, on July 6,1971,was headline news around the world.

1.Armstrong was called Pops because he ______.

A.looked like a musician                      B.was a musician of much influence

C.showed an interest in music                     D.travelled to play modern music

2.The third paragraph is developed ______.

A.by space             B.by examples           C.by time            D.by comparison

3.Which statement about Armstrong is true?

A.His tale begins in New Orleans.

B.He was born before jazz was invented.

C.His music was popular with his listeners.

D.He learned popular music at a boy’s home.

4.Which would be the best title for the text?

A.The Invention of the Jazz Music

B.The Father of the Jazz Style

C.The Making of a Musician

D.The Spread of Popular Music


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans.  1  Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today.Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.

Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829.  2  He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847.Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention.After the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortune.

Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth.  3  When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.

In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent.  4   .

By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion.

5   The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

A.As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.

B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.

C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.

D.However, he did not get much business for those products.

E.He also made a great contribution to America's clothing industry.

F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.

G.As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。



修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第十一处起)不计分。

When I was ten years old, I went to Yangzhou with two American.I became their guide.First, we went to the Shouxi River.They wanted to look around the river by the boat.After buy the tickets, we got into the boat.We went around seeing the beautiful sight.After that, we went shopping.The sellers couldn't spoke English.Though it was very harder, I tried my best listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences.They bought some little things with their help.Next, we went to a small zoo but took some pictures.When we felt hunger, we went out and had lunch.After lunch, we visited some old house and learned more about Chinese history.


科目: 来源: 题型:




                              November 14,2003

                                                                    Mr. Edwin C.Heimer

Executive Assistant-Administration

                                                                                                         Kabala Hilton

                                                                                                  5000 Kabala Avenue

                                                                                               Honolulu ,Hawaii 96816


Dear Mr. Heimer



Sincerely yours,

Wang Gang


科目: 来源: 题型:

-Since there is ________ time, we have to take a taxi to the theatre.

-That’s a good idea.

A.little         B.a little        C.few         D. a few


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ an English-Chinese dictionary.

A.The students each have               B.The students each has

C.Each the students has                 D.Each of the students have


科目: 来源: 题型:

Everyone should learn from ________ Lei Feng and try to be ________ Lei Feng.

 A./, a        B./, /         C.the, the         D. /, the

