 0  33820  33828  33834  33838  33844  33846  33850  33856  33858  33864  33870  33874  33876  33880  33886  33888  33894  33898  33900  33904  33906  33910  33912  33914  33915  33916  33918  33919  33920  33922  33924  33928  33930  33934  33936  33940  33946  33948  33954  33958  33960  33964  33970  33976  33978  33984  33988  33990  33996  34000  34006  34014  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was once an 18-year-old guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can’t be cured. He could  1  anytime. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken care of by his mother. He   2  went outside but he was  3  of staying at home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked his mother and she gave him  4  .

He walked down his block and passed a CD store. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and knew it was love at first  5  . He walked in, not looking at anything else  6  her. He walked closer and closer  7  he was finally at the front desk where she sat.

She looked up and smiled, “Can I help you?” He thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.

He said, “Uh…Yeah…I would like to buy a CD.”

He picked one out and after  8  the CD, she gave it to him. From then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too  9  to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn’t. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took all his  10  and went to the store as usual. He bought a CD   11  he did every day and   12  she went to the back of the store and then came back with it wrapped. When she wasn’t looking, he left his  13  on the desk and ran out…


One day the phone rang, and it was the girl!!! The mother cried and said, “You don’t know? He   14  yesterday…”.

Later in the day, the mother went into the boy’s room  15  she wanted to remember him. She was surprised to find piles and piles of   16  CDs in his son’s closet. She picked one up and opened it. Inside, there was a CD and when she took it out of the wrapper,   17  fell a piece of paper. It   18  : Hi…I think you are really cute. Do you want to go out with me? Love, Jocelyn. His mother was deeply  19  and opened another CD…

Again there was a piece of paper with the same sentence on it.

Love is …when you’ve had a huge fight but then decide to  20  your egos(自我),hold hands and say, “I Love You.”

1.A.leave                     B.live                     C.cure                    D.die

2.A.sometimes             B.never                  C.occasionally         D.frequently

3.A.sick                      B.fond                    C.afraid                  D.worthy

4.A.advice                   B.permission           C.promise               D.message

5.A.smile                    B.talk                     C.sight                   D.choice

6.A.and                       B.also                     C.or                       D.but

7.A.until                      B.since                   C.after                   D.while

8.A.passing                 B.wrapping             C.examining            D.opening

9.A.disappointed          B.crazy                  C.shy                     D.patient

10.A.courage               B.strength               C.possession           D.passion

11.A.  because             B.although              C.so                       D.as

12.A.for once              B.all at once            C.once again           D.once in a while

13.A.purse                  B.phone number      C.address               D.letter

14.A.passed away        B.passed by            C.passed on            D.passed through

15.A.once                   B.although              C.since                   D.because

16.A.unannounced       B.unopened             C.unchecked           D.unwrapped

17.A.over                    B.off                      C.out                     D.behind

18.A.said                    B.wrote                  C.edited                  D.printed

19.A.hurt                    B.involved              C.moved                D.embarrassed

20.A.stand aside          B.move aside          C.step aside            D.put aside


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Growing up the daughter of an outstanding educator, Andrea Peterson knew at a young age

that she wanted to serve others. It was with this mindset that she started to take a degree in medicine. However, while visiting her brothers who were away at college studying music education, she realized that she too was drawn to teach music.

In her ten years at Granite Falls, she has revitalized(复兴) the music programs at both the

elementary and high school levels, to the extent that an additional music teacher was hired by the district to assist with the workload. The growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District has encouraged students to participate in county, state ,and national music competitions, and won a lot of prizes for the district.

Teaching music is only part of Peterson's instruction-it serves as a vehicle to other areas .

"Music is an amazing tool to unlock students' potential. The most visible benefit from their success in music is their increased confidence and self-esteem," Peterson said. "However, I don't believe it is the only benefit, nor the most powerful. It is truly exciting to see how my music teaching can transfer back to other classrooms." With this philosophy, Peterson introduced a cross-curriculum program, where she takes lessons taught in other classes, such as English and math, and expands upon them in an eight-week unit.

One of the most popular projects in Peterson's classes is the creation and performance of a musical, In the activity students create a play from one of the books they have read in another class. Students work together to choose the music that best fits with the overall feel of the play and then perform it for the greater community. "Through Andrea's efforts these kids have helped to put Granite Falls, Washington, on the map for musical talents. Parents, staff ,and community members continue to be in awe of what she is able to bring forth from the children," said Debra Rose Howell, a colleague of Peterson's at Monte Cristo Elementary School.

1.At the beginning, Andrea Peterson planned to work as a (n)        .

      A.teacher                B.doctor                 C.educator              D.musician

2.The 2nd paragraph mainly tells about      .

       A.Andrea Peterson’s life at Granite Falls

       B.county, state and national music competitions

       C.the growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District

       D.Andrea Peterson’s contributions to Granite Falls’ music programs

3.Which of the following is NOT a benefit the students get from Andrea Peterson’s class?

       A.Music talent development.

       B.Increased self-confidence.

       C.Ability in learning other subjects.

       D.Prizes for English and maths.

4.The following sentences tell what the students have to do about their musical project. Which is the right order of the events?

       a.They chose proper music for their play.

       b.They adapt the story into a play.

       c.They put on the play for the whole school or the whole community.

       d.They practice performing the play.

       e.They choose a story they have read in another class.

      A.e→b→a→d→c    B.e→b→c→a→d    C.a→e→b→d→c       D.a→b→e→d→c

5.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage ?

       A.A Family of Educators                          B.Ten Years at Granite Falls

       C.An Outstanding Teacher                       D.Successful Music Projects


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 1755 there were no commercial banks in the American colonies. The commercial Bank of England was already almost a century old, but few colonists had any dealings with it or with the Mother Country’s huge funded debt. However, there are some colonial institutions, both public and private, which went by the name of “bank”, but most of these were very different from commercial banks. In the decades following the first attempts in Philadelphia, New York and Boston to establish the Bank of North America in 1781, the Bank of New York in 1784, commercial banking survived political attacks, and economic depressions. In the early days of the American Republic, there developed two different types of banks: commercial and savings. Savings banks only let the individual put money in the bank. Loans or credits to buy unimproved land came from the land owner, which could be an individual, a large company such as the Holland Land Company, or the government. Sometimes wealthy personal friends supplied money.

Country banks, which were commercial banks, but which broke many of the rules of strict commercial banking, also loaned money for real estate(不动产). Insurance and Trust companies did too. Individuals and country and city banks made personal loans backed only by promissory notes(本票), though the latter usually tried to hide the fact. Bad agents broke the states laws to supply short-term unsecured(无抵押的)credit at high interest. Merchants and commercial banks conducted currency exchanges.

Commercial banks accepted special and demand deposits. They also created deposits by loaning “money of account” that could be drawn on by check. Finally, commercial banks, and sometimes other companies, both public and private, used loans to issue their own promissory notes payable to the bearer(持票人)on demand. By presenting the note at the bank of issue, the bearer received the note’s face value in gold or silver. Merchants considered bank notes the equal of specie (money in coins). A bank that could not change its notes into gold or silver was considered bankrupt and could lose its charter.

1.Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

       A.Commercial banking in early America was slow to develop.

       B.Banking in America was often unlawful.

       C.America developed its own banking institutions in response to local developments rather than reproducing those of England.

       D.Commercial banking in early America was not really commercial banking.

2.The underlined word “which” in the first paragraph refers to         .

       A.loans or credits

       B.unimproved land

       C.land owner

       D.an individual, a large company or the government

3.According to the passage, commercial banks supported their promissory notes by honoring to pay      .

       A.in coins               B.in kind                 C.in theory             D.in gold and silver

4.According to the passage, a commercial bank could have to close if         .

       A.it didn’t have enough gold and silver

       B.too many customers wanted to present their promissory noted for payment

       C.the value of money in coins was not about equal with the money of gold and silver

       D.it only let the individual put money in the bank


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After winning a big game, athletes are often asked how they attained that success. Most say their achievement is the result of hard work and intense practice. Usually athletes say how hard it is to win the big games. At the opposite end of the spectrum, however, is the fact that losing the big game, or, in my case, all the games, can be even tougher.

From the spectators’ point of view, last year’s basketball season for my high school team was nothing short of an embarrassment. And while 0 and 20 is certainly nothing to be proud of, that season had a bigger impact on me than any other, and probably more than any season since.

As a team captain, I knew it probably wouldn’t be the easiest year, but did I ever think we would lose every game? Of course not. Since six of our top players had graduated, it was clear that we were a young team who would struggle. The struggle began earlier than expected, though, as our team’s training center was suspended(暂停) for the season, and two key members decided to quit after two weeks. At some point, quitting probably passed through every player’s mind, but, in the end, we all stuck it out, swearing to work even harder.

   Then there came a time when even our own coach had given up on us. Personally, I felt like it was no longer worth giving my all. I thought, if even the coach doesn’t believe in us, why should I? But just as my hope began to fade, a teammate called a meeting. He said, “Nobody thinks we’re going to win, but as teammates and friends, we owe it to each other to give it our all every game.”

Sure, it was a commonplace remark, but it was that moment that taught me how to be a leader. It hit me then that I may have been a captain, but I, like others in my position, certainly didn’t deserve the role. As a leader you can never quit on the team who looks up to you. It is one thing to be named captain and feel great and go through the motions, but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their potential all the time.

I am sure it is great to go through high school without losing and bringing home awards. But in all honesty, I appreciate the fact that my team lost every game last year. It may not help me to become a better basketball player, but it already has made me a better leader, and person.

1.What was the biggest problem with the author’s team last season?

    A.Several key members were unable to play the games.

       B.Their coach no longer wanted to instruct them.

       C.There were no actual leaders on the team.

       D.Most of players lost hope and wanted to quit.

2.By saying “we owe it to each other to give it our all every game.” (Paragraph 4) the teammate means that all of them should ________.

       A.try their best on the court       

       B.be responsible for the losses

C.feel thankful for what they’ve done

D.get together to win every game

3.In the text, the author seems to suggest that a good leader should        .

       A.be confident about himself

       B.make sure everyone goes all out

       C.work hard to win the games

       D.feel great about his team

4.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

    A.Success is the result of hard work.

    B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    C.One can learn something from the failure.

    D.A real leader should never give up.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A is for always getting to work on time.

B is for being extremely busy.

C is for the conscientious(勤勤恳恳的)way you do your job.

You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead,

experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.

Dale Carnegie suggested as much as more than 50 years ago hard work alone doesn’t ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet , despite the obvious rewards of being dedicated to office politics –a better job, a raise, praise—many people are still unable —or unwilling—to “play the game.”

“People assume that office politics involves some manipulative(工于心计的)behavior,” says Deborah Comeran, assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. “But politics comes from the word ‘polite’. It can mean persuading and forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.”

In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to seek one’s own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some form of getting along with others within the office environment—not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.

Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the concept of politics in the office. Some people , they say, have an idealistic idea of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others associate politics with flattery(奉承),fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear, to be flattering their boss for favors.

Experts suggest changing this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self promotion.

1.What does it mean by saying “many people are still unable—or unwilling—to ‘play the game’”?(回答词数不超过15个)

2.According to today’s experts, what is office politics?(回答词数不超过12个)

3.What’s the main idea of the passage?(回答词数不超过8个)


科目: 来源: 题型:



Dear Ms Linda,

    Though living in a wealthy family , I don’t feel as happy as other boys because I’m forbidden to do what I want to, such as surfing the internet, playing with my friends, buying what I want , and so on. My parents ask me to study all day. I feel they are too hard on me. I often feel upset as I have no freedom. What shall I do? I will greatly appreciate it if you could give me some advice.







Dear David,

I can understand how you feel.                                                  






科目: 来源: 题型:

An increasing number of people are paying different bills        the Net, which brings them a lot of convenience.

A.by          B.in         C.on         D.for


科目: 来源: 题型:

What moves us deeply is that the seriously sick woman presents    gratitude    complaint.

A.more … than       B.no more … than     C.not more … than       D.more than … /


科目: 来源: 题型:

The exercises are extremely difficult, but half of the class         them ahead of time.

A.has already finished                                     B.will finish

C.have already finished                                   D.finishes


科目: 来源: 题型:

Life        filled with good things and we should enjoy them, and that includes the lovely snow that sometimes        Shanghai.

A.was… fell on                               B.are… fall on

C.is … falls on                                D.were … fell on

