 0  33895  33903  33909  33913  33919  33921  33925  33931  33933  33939  33945  33949  33951  33955  33961  33963  33969  33973  33975  33979  33981  33985  33987  33989  33990  33991  33993  33994  33995  33997  33999  34003  34005  34009  34011  34015  34021  34023  34029  34033  34035  34039  34045  34051  34053  34059  34063  34065  34071  34075  34081  34089  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Only then______ what she meant.

A.I understood                                     B.have I understood

C.had I understood                                 D.did I understand


科目: 来源: 题型:

Remember:_____ happens, don’t get nervous.

A.What              B.Whatever               C.However           D.No matter how


科目: 来源: 题型:

Using Dr.Yuan’s hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests______ as before.

A.large as twice       B.twice as large         C.as large twice      D.as twice large


科目: 来源: 题型:

The front door is wide open. You_____ left it unlocked just now.

A.should             B.might             C.could have          D.must have


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- I was wondering if you would type the letter for me.


A.My pleasure        B.It was nothing          C.By all means         D.So what


科目: 来源: 题型:

For the sake of children’s safety, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out beyond their_____.

A.place              B.hand               C.hold                D.reach


科目: 来源: 题型:

Owing to his wonderful performance, the young baseball player was _____ to the Major leagues.

A.taken on            B.called up             C.checked out          D.turned out


科目: 来源: 题型:

Isn’t it time we got down to______ the room??

A.tidying             B.be tidied           C.tidy             D.being tidied


科目: 来源: 题型:

Have you heard the news______ the Chinese athletes won 165 gold medals at the 15th Asian Games?

A.whether            B.what            C.which            D.that


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My good thing happened when I was 18 years old I was trying to  1  home to Maryland from visiting friends in Texas. I was going up the road and all of a sudden my car  2  just not go .It was a Sunday and cold outside. The only person I could  3  was an old man who owned a tow truck.?

When he got to me ,I  4  he was too old to  5  hook up (钩住)my car. He was probably around age 75 or older,  6   he was freezing, too. Actually, he pulled my  7 to a small Texas town about an hour’s drive from the middle of nowhere  8  I had broken  down. So, I  9  a motel(汽车旅馆).The next day ,the auto shop called and said I needed a new  10  in my car !There was something wrong with my motor. I asked if I could just  11  the car there for them .They could use it for parts  12  the shell of the car was fine.?

They said  13  — the man who pulled the car in told them to  14  a new motor and send me on my way !When I picked up the car ,there was a(n)  15  that told me to just do nice things for people when I got into a 16  position in life and it would always come back to me .That was what he wanted me to do as  17  for the new motor .He would not let  18  tell me how to contact him.

Now, every time I see someone in  19 I try to do all I can for them. I will never forget this man’s generosity and care for his fellow human being !I will 20  do what you ask me to do ,and I know you are up in heaven watching since I was only 18 at the time and now I′m 40,but never got to say thanks!?

1.A.go                     B.leave                       C.drive                      D.return

2.A.should               B.need                      C.could                      D.would

3.A.turn to               B.turn over               C.turn out                  D.turn down

4.A.recognized         B.thought                   C.imagined                 D.knew

5.A.surely                B.completely              C.ever                       D.even

6.A.so                     B.and                         C.or                          D.but

7.A.car                    B.taxi                         C.truck                      D.motor

8.A.which               B.that                        C.wherever                D.where

9.A.checked in         B.pay off                   C.looked over             D.passed through

10.A.equipment        B.engine                     C.device                    D.part

11.A.buy                 B.forget                     C.leave                      D.lend

12.A.since               B.when                      C.before                    D.after

13.A.yes                  B.no                          C.hello                       D.sorry

14.A.put in              B.pay for                   C.look up                  D.break down

15.A.text                B.message                 C.e-mail                     D.note

16.A.poorer             B.worse                     C.better                            D.happier

17.A.favor               B.payment                  C.gift                         D.pleasure

18.A.anyone            B.everyone                 C.none                       D.someone

19.A.need                B.store                       C.life                         D.touch

20.A.seldom            B?never                      C.sometimes                     D.always

