 0  33943  33951  33957  33961  33967  33969  33973  33979  33981  33987  33993  33997  33999  34003  34009  34011  34017  34021  34023  34027  34029  34033  34035  34037  34038  34039  34041  34042  34043  34045  34047  34051  34053  34057  34059  34063  34069  34071  34077  34081  34083  34087  34093  34099  34101  34107  34111  34113  34119  34123  34129  34137  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

           by his friends and relatives,he decided to file his invention with the patent office to get recognition for his successful idea.

A.Having pressed         B.Being pressed        C.To be pressed       D.Pressed


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I’ll call my father tomorrow which is Father’s Day. Every other  1  I call,Morn answers and Dad quietly picks up the  2  and listens in to our conversation.But  3  Father’s Day, we will talk a little about my job,my family and the weather. Then Dad will say,“Thanks for 4    ,son ,”and hang up.

       5  it is almost summer, every year after our Father’s Day talk,I’m left with images of my father and the cold.As a boy I watched him out of the kitchen window  6  our lane(道) of snow with the first snow blower(旋转式清雪机). First,he’d do our walk and then he’d blow the lanes of the shut-ins(不能出门的病人),the single morns,and poorer folks,  7  could not seem to get it together.

    I  8  him and learned from him,but I  9  not remember my father and me ever having much of a conversation.Nothing that he  10  shared、vim me in a heart-felt way showed that he may be  11 ,upset or ready to climb the wall.

 The last time I saw my father, I asked him to go out for a  12  with me.The sun was setting over the lake and I said,“Come on.We don’t  13   much time together any more. Let’s go. ”Father looked at me meaningfully and said,“  14  . ”

 That visit to my father was about a week before September 11 th.I was near Ground Zero on that day and for five hours  15  the first plane struck, my family did not know of my whereabouts(下落). 16   for me I arrived back at our home in Brooklyn.My biggest  17    was that my wife told me my father was  18  to drive from his home on Lake Huron to Ground Zero to find me.

    To love the remote father is to face this paradox(矛盾):to accept his refusal of my  19 for a sunset walk with his worry that I might have died with thousands of others last September; to deeply know, if not accept,that is his way, the way a man of  10  words,snowblower of shut-ins and lonely hearts,can best show a father’s love.

1. A.day                     B.time                     C.year                      D.summer

2. A.pen                     B.paper                  C.extension                      D.directory

3. A.on                       B.at                        C.during                    D.after

4. A.coming                 B.inviting                C.calling                    D.giving

5. A.As if                 B.Even though           C.As though              D.Ever since

6. A.washing               B.clearing                C.appreciating            D.playing

7. A.who                    B.which                  C.they                      D.whom

8. A.saw                     B.noticed                C.watched                 D.realized

9. A.can                     B.must                    C.need                      D.shall

10. A.still                    B.even                    C.ever                      D.never

11. A.straight forward  B.afraid                  C.innocent                 D.authentic

12. A.walk                  B.swim                  C.meal                      D.picnic

13. A.spend                B.waste                         C.save                             D.cost

14. A.Yes                    B.No                      C.A moment              D.After you

15. A.until           B.unless                  C.before                    D.since

16. A.Properly             B.Luckily                C.Unfortunately        D.Shortly

17. A.success             B.objection              C.surprise                 D.drawback

18. A.prepared           B.forbidden             C.persuaded              D.urged

19. A.worry                B.pleasure               C.desire                    D.curiosity

20. A.many                 B.few                     C.several                   D.enough


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 A.Reasons that employers use tests

 B.Procedures involved in recruitment(征募)

 C.Tips to follow while taking tests

 D.Disadvantages of interviews for recruitment

 E.Importance of interview

 F.Adoption of psychological tests to hire employees


 Nowadays more and more foreign enterprises and companies are no longer relying on interviews for recruitment.Years of studying interviewing has made clear that it is not a very objective’ process.Personnel officers often hire the person they like best or even the one they think most physically attractive.Looking good is no guarantee of doing the job well.


 Recruitment can involve steps in two ways.Step 1 is always the same:job application.The company decides whether you might be suitable based on your qualifications and your previous job experience.Step 2 Can be screening.A specific test is given at this stage to rule out those who might not be worth interviewing.Some large employers use tests—especially IQ based tests precisely to eliminate the unsuitable.Only those who pass Step 2 go to the interview.Step 2 Can also be testing and interview combined.If the company thinks you might be suitable after looking at your application,they ask you to come to be tested and to be interviewed.It is seen very much as part of the same step.


 Tests claim to be scientific and objective. A large body of research has shown that interviews by themselves are not very reliable as a method of selection.People’s judgments are often very subjective:whether they like the look of someone counts for more than almost anything else. But reliable and valid tests call offer rapid and more objective information about would-be employees.If a candidate talks well in an interview but his test results suggest that he is a careless person who cannot concentrate,and employer is likely to think twice about hiring him.


 Taking a serious test for a job is rather different form taking a game-like test. You can spend just a little time answering questions of that kind of test,and you can deny the answers and say they are not accurate.But you can not go to a serious test without enough preparation since you can not afford to be denied and eliminated again and again.What can you do to do justice to  yourself in tests? Here are three tips:Understand,Analyze,Practice.


 To get a more objective view, many companies are also using psychological tests,to hire both for relatively routine job and for positions at senior levels of management.It is impossible to say how many employers use tests,but estimates of test sales in the U.K.for 2001 were over one million.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Made in America’’ must make a comeback

 One thing the financial crisis shows is that the United States is in trouble because Americans have stopped making things.

    It used to be that we made a lot of things:televisions,clothes,radios,typewriters,and telephones.And we also used to make the things out of which things were made:steel,plastic,and glass.Today they are largely made overseas.They send us their things and we send them our money.It also used to be that Americans liked to make things.Think of all the things Thomas Edison invented.Or Henry Ford.Countless others worked as toolmakers and machinists because they liked to work with their hands.A Japanese neighbor visiting a US factory told me once that he envied Americans because they did not accept cultural limitations in improving the way something is made.He said that you could never go against the grain like that in Japan. But today we rely on people around the world to do that innovation(创新)for us.

    To be sure,outsourcing(外购)has some benefits,but the danger in ending our desire to make things is that,in doing so,we forget what made America great.It was hard work and persistence.It was having a dream and being patient and self-sacrificing to achieve that dream.Forgetting that contributes to America’s deterioration(退化).

 Nowadays,young people are not encouraged to work with their hands.It’s thought to lower their status.They want to work in the financial industry(at least until recently).But working with your hands to create something new is rewarding.Even better,it helps you see how something can be improved.

 Be sure the “can-do spirit”is still alive in America.We just need to encourage it in our young people.Today’s schools must help teach our young people the value of physical labour and help us take advantage of the greatest place to be for innovation.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?

      A.People who worked with their own hands.

B.All the things Thomas Edison ever invented.

      C.A Japanese neighbor visiting a factory in the USA.

      D.The fact that Americans made things and liked to make them.

2. The underlined phrase “go against the grain” in Paragraph 2 probably means        

      A.do what is normally done                     B.not buy the grain

      C.not accept cultural limitations               D.obey the common rules

3. The main reason for America’s deterioration is that       

      A.people prefer outsourcing                            B.people lack the can-do spirit

C.schools don’t teach children well          D.people forget what made America great

4. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the present situation in America?

A.Neutral and objective.                       B.Worried but optimistic.

      C.Worried and pessimistic.                  D.Unconcerned and indifferent.

5. Young people in America don’t like working with their hands because they       

      A.think they will gain less respect from others

B.know the value of working with their hands

C.are not strong enough for it

      D.don’t like making things


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A young Nepali climber is seeking to popularize a toilet fashioned from a plastic bucket with a lid to promote eco—friendly climbing on Mount Qomolangma.Hundreds of climbers flock to the world’s tallest peak at about 8,850 meters every year,with many simply squatting(蹲)in the open or hunching behind rocks as the Qomolangma base camp has no proper toilet facilities.Dawa Steven Sherpa,25,who led an eco-Qomolangma expedition to collect trash dumped by previous climbers,said his team used a plastic bucket as well as a gas-impervious(不可渗透的) bag designed to safely contain human waste. “It is portable and very secure,”Sherpa said,“I want to promote anything that manages human waste on the mountain.”

    Sherpa’s team,during its month-long expedition,picked up 965 kg of cans,kitchen waste,tents,parts of an Italian helicopter that crashed 36 years ago and remains of the body of a British climber who died in 1972.In addition,his team also brought down 65kg of human waste produced by its 1 8 members,which is handed over to a local environment group at the base camp for management.“To date,no other container designed for human waste exists in this size,weight or strength,”Sherpa said of the U. S. -designed bucket,which is 11 inches tall and weights 2. 4 pounds,and has an opening that is eight inches in diameter(直径).

    Tourism,including mountain climbing,is a key source of income and accounts for nearly 4 percent of Nepal’s total domestic product.About 3,000 people have climbed Mount Qomolangma since it was first scaled(登上)by New Zealand’s Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1953,and there are growing concerns about the environmental impact of the large numbers of climbers.“There is a heightened need for environmentally friendly practices in climbing,not only to have a neutral impact on the mountains but a positive impact.”Sherpa said.

1. From the passage,we may know that Dawa Steven Sherpa           .

      A.designed the plastic bucket

      B.was the leader of an eco-Qomolangma expedition

C.Was in charge of collecting trash on Qomolangma

      D.tried to sell a fashionable plastic bucket to climbers

2. It can be inferred from the passage that     

      A.mountain climbing is challenging as well as dangerous

B.the expedition consists of 18 members

C.climbers have to deal with their waste themselves

      D.a British climber died in 1972

3. Which of the following would be the best title?

      A.A young Napoli climber                      B.The world’s tallest peak

      C.A month-long expedition                     D.Portable toilets for Qomolangma

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

      A.Previous climbers enjoyed squatting in the open.

      B.There are various kinds of containers designed for human waste.

      C.The newly designed plastic bucket is portable and secure as well.

      D.Mountain climbing covers about 4%of Nepal’s total domestic product.


科目: 来源: 题型:


 teamed up with       out of order      by means of    ring off    dating back to

 to make a life        regardless of     fed up with     fade out    pays off

1.All of you will be given a chance                  your age or sex.

2.Mr. Smiths,who is        his present job,has decided to resign and then go to the south to seek a fortune.

3.Found my lost bike         a notice in the newspaper.

4.In an unexpected and rare discovery, scientists have found the oldest fossil brain in the USA      , 300 million years.

5.The majority of the immigrants remained in California.            for themselves in the new towns or on farms.

6.Listen to native speakers so that you can understand them. You may find it hard at first but

          it when you come to speak.

7.They              another family to rent a house for the summer.

8.I’m afraid I have to            ;my mum is calling me for supper.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 Things came to change after the young man made friends with the

 People          (具有)a similar background at college. Their experiences 1.    

 back in Africa helped Obama to finally face up to his A         origin. He       2.       

worked hard to become a star at Harvard Law School and the      (第三)              3.       

Black senator in US history.At the        (开始)of his campaign for            4.      

the White House,few people viewed Obama favorably. M      doubted          5.       

his unusual background,which left him a        “black” enough nor white   6.        

 enough.      Obama turned his pain of growing up into a tool to make            7.      

 Americans b        —There is not a black America,a white America,            8.      

 a Latino America or      Asian America.There’s the United States of,            9.        

 America.Black Obama’s victory is a historic victory      promised                 10.        

 change and overcame centuries of prejudice.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1.His mother                              in the river.(禁止他游泳)

2.It                             he should apply for a patent for his invention.(这位发明家没有想到……)

3.Let’s discuss the problem this Friday afternoon                          .(要是你方便的话)

4.Here was a chance for me                             that would catch snakes but not harm them.(通过发明某种仁慈的东西来表现一下自己)


科目: 来源: 题型:





 Dear Alice,

 I’m now writing to tell you how social practice activities are going on in our school.






科目: 来源: 题型:



       A.plate                B.grass              C.stamp            D.quality


       A.ocean              B.century            C.scold          D.physics


       A.brick              B.imagine          C.police           D.universe


       A.food               B.goodbye           C.wooden         D.blood


       A.whom             B.wheat            C.wheel            D.whisper

