 0  34007  34015  34021  34025  34031  34033  34037  34043  34045  34051  34057  34061  34063  34067  34073  34075  34081  34085  34087  34091  34093  34097  34099  34101  34102  34103  34105  34106  34107  34109  34111  34115  34117  34121  34123  34127  34133  34135  34141  34145  34147  34151  34157  34163  34165  34171  34175  34177  34183  34187  34193  34201  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

The discovery was made quite by accident,      we hadn’t expected.

A.what                   B.that           C.which                    D.it


科目: 来源: 题型:

All the players came to the sports field at 7:30 and     

A.then began the game                            B.then did the game begin

C.then the game began                   D.began then the game


科目: 来源: 题型:

It will cost a lot of time.      ,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful to us     

A.What’s more; sooner or later                          B.As a result; now and then

C.At the same time; more or less                D.After all; here and there


科目: 来源: 题型:

His words remind me      we did together during the past holidays.

A.of what          B.of that          C.what        D.that


科目: 来源: 题型:

She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she      all day long.

A.has been reading                                  B.had read

C.is reading                               D.read


科目: 来源: 题型:

Just as he suggested, we removed all the games from the computer, but      didn’t help;it still worked very slowly.

A.which             B.he            C.we         D.it


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Early in the morning, I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck.I felt horrible as well as  1 .What would she do with me? She was almost made after the  2   of her husband.

A few minutes later, I heard the truck  3  its engine and move fast.I kept making sounds to show my protest, but failed to make any 4  

Finally she put me down in a  5   place.Maybe she didn’t want me to die from lack of air; she untied the bag.

I  6  out and looked up, only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.

It turned out that my owner meant to  7 me.I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther.So I cast my head  8  the direction of the truck: The days we spent together were like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck.I saw my male owner.Who suffered liver cancer, look at me with his sad eyes.I saw myself  9  my owner everywhere; I saw him lie in his dying bed, she all  10 

I ran as fast as I could.And the  11  I saw her wave to me, my eyes became wet.I wouldn’t blame her for treating me like this for she was such a( n)  12  lady.She seemed even somewhat  13  at his leaving her alone, trying many ways to  14  the pain of losing him.She

  15  his pictures and clothes, she redecorated the whole house.Now I was the only  16 

thing to remind her of him.  17  later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this…

The truck finally stopped when I was almost 18   .She ran up to me and hugged me  19  .I heard her  20  ;”I know you are a present he left to me.”

1.A.puzzled                 B.excited                C.delighted             D.frightened

2.A.separation             B.absence              C.departure            D.death

3.A.run                     B.begin                 C.start                  D.operate

4.A.sense                  B.trouble                C.effort                D.difference

5.A.usual                   B.strange               C.familiar              D.dark

6.A.walked                B.rushed                C.ran                     D.struggled

7.A.harm                   B.desert                C.punish                D.sell

8.A.into                     B.at                      C.in                      D.to

9.A.follow                  B.bring                  C.guide                  D.support

10.A.with tears           B.in tears               C.out of breath       D.in silence

11.A.time                   B.direction              C.way                    D.moment

12.A.cruel                  B.unfriendly            C.unfavorable         D.unfortunate

13.A.calm                   B.depressed           C.angry                  D.sad

14.A.kill                     B.remove               C.bear                   D.prevent

15.A.kept                  B.burned               C.sold                   D.hid

16.A.moving              B.walking              C.existing              D.blessing

17.A.But                    B.And                   C.Thus                 D.Then

18.A.worn out           B.knocked out       C.left out              D.made out

19.A.tightly                B.patiently             C.sadly                 D.desperately

20.A.shout                 B.speak                 C.whisper             D.talk


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it.I mean the teenager problem.Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.

I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways.One strict mother insisted that her son, right from a child, should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman.I saw him last week when I called round.Sprawlig himself( 懒散地躺)on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me.His mother was ashamed.”I don’t know what to do with him these days.”she said.”He’s forgotten all the manners we taught.”

He hasn’t forgotten them.He’s just decided that he’s not going to use them.She confessed(坦白)that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.

Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say, ”I don’t like your dress it’s ugly” One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school.The other has left home.

“Where did we go wrong?” their parents are now very sad.Probably nowhere much.At least, no more than the rest of that unfortunate race, parents.

1.This text is most probably written by   

A.a specialist in teenager studies              B.a headmaster of a middle school

C.a parent with teenage children               D.a doctor for mental health problems

2.The underlined word ” it ” in the second paragraph refers to     

A.the change from good to bad that’s seen in a child

B.the way that parents often blame themselves

C.the opinion that a child has of his parents

D.the advice that parents want their children to follow

3.The boy on the sofa would most probably be described as     

A.lazy                    B.quiet                   C.unusual               D.rude

4.From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters     

A.pay no attention to them

B.are too busy to look after them

C.have come to hate them

D.feel helpless to do much about them

5.What is the author’s opinion about the sudden change in teenage children?

A.Parents have no choice but to try to accept it.

B.Parents should pay still more attention to the change.

C.Parents should work more closely with school teachers.

D.Parents are at fault for the change in their children.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Traditionally, women have fallen behind men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released yesterday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project fount that women under age 65 now get ahead of men in Internet usage, though only by a few percentage points.But the survey also noted that the disparity between women and men on the Wed is even greater among the 18-to-29 age group and African Americans.

The report,” How Women and Men Use the Internet”, examined use by both sexes, looking at what men and women are doing online as well as their rate of adopting new Wed-based technologies.

The report found that 86 percent of women aged 18 to 29 were online, compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group.Among Americans, 60 percent of women are online, compared with 50 percent of men.

In other age groups, the disparity is only slight, with women outpacing men by 3 percentage points.However, among the older group, those age 65 and older, 34 percent of men are online, compared with 21 percent of women.

Men tend( 倾向于……)to use the Web for information and entertainment, getting sports scores and stock quotes and downloading music, while women tend to be heavier users of mapping and direction services, and communication services such as e-mail.

1.Among African Americans,     

A.women equal men in the use of the Internet

B.women use the Internet less than men

C.women use the Internet more than men

D.women use the Internet better than men

2.In which age group do women fall behind men in the use of the Internet?

A.18 to 29.                                          B.Over 30.

C.65 and older.                                    D.Under 20.

3.According to the last paragraph, women use the Internet for    more than men.

A.information                                         B.entertainment

C.communication                                    D.self-improvement

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Women are catching up in the use of the Internet.

B.Men and women use the Internet for different purposes.

C.How people use the Internet in different age groups.

D.Why women fall behind in the adoption of Internet technologies.

5.The underlined word “disparity” in the first paragraph probably means “   

A.opinion                                              B.gap

C.problem                                              D.preference


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The North and South poles are remote and freezing places that receive lots of animal visitors but few human tourists.

But even if you never plan to visit the polar bears in the north or penguins in the south, now is a perfect time to start thinking about them.That’s because 2007 marks the beginning of the International Polar Year ( IPY), a two-year-old activity of science projects that aim to show how important the poles are to the health of our planet.During the IPY, which will last until March 2009,thousands of researchers from more than 60 countries will conduct more than 200 projects and expeditions to both the top and bottom of the world.

In recent years, the polar regions have begun to change severely as a result of global warming.Temperatures there are rising faster than anywhere else on Earth.As a result, the ice and snow in these regions are melting at record-setting rates.One result is that sea levels are rising around the world, putting animals and people at risk.

Only by studying the poles, say IPY researchers, can we find ways to protect them and ourselves.

Both the Arctic and the Antarctic and cold and remote, but the two regions have important differences.For one thing, the Arctic is an ice-covered ocean surrounded by land.The Antarctic, on the other hand, is a continent of ice-covered land surrounded by water.

Most polar studies have focused on the Arctic, and that is where scientists have observed the most remarkable changes in the ice.During a typical year, Arctic ice expands in the winter and shrinks in the summer.But recently, the amount of ice covering the ocean has been steadily dropping in both seasons.

1.Which of the following might be the best tile of the passage?

       A.Earth’s Poles Interest Scientists

       B.The Animals of Earth’s Poles

       C.Earth’s Poles in Danger

       D.The Discoveries of Earth’s Poles

2.The goal of the International Polar Year is     

       A.to make it clear that the poles have much to do with a healthy earth

       B.to provide practical theory to further develop this distant area

       C.to call on as many scientists as possible to do research on the poles

       D.to discover more mysteries unknown to man

3.What is the main factor that has caused the changes of the poles?

       A.The increasing number of animals.


       B.The development of the poles.

       C.The melting of the poles.

       D.The rising temperature.

4.The main idea of the fifth paragraph probably is      

       A.to explain the poles are cold and remote

       B.to show the Arctic is more important

       C.to tell readers the differences of the two poles

       D.to stress the Antarctic is more remarkable

5.What unusual phenomenon worries the scientists?

       A.In summer the ice of the Arctic loses faster.

       B.The ice covering the Arctic decreases even in winter.

       C.The ice of the Arctic increases less than in the past.

       D.The changes in the Arctic are more serious.

