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科目: 来源: 题型:

I don't suppose they'll be seeing much of each other since she's accepted that job in London,_________?

A.are you         B.will they                 C.do I          D.hasn't she


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I hope Johnny won't go to prison.

—For his mom's sake,_________.

A.he won't,too                 B.I won't,either       

C.I don't,either                   D.I do,too.


科目: 来源: 题型:

If it is cheap,I'll buy it.If _________,_________.

A.not;no         B.no;no              C.not;not           D.no;not


科目: 来源: 题型:

Is that the biggest nature park for milu deer in China _________ we visited just now?

A.what          B.where               C.that          D.which


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Are you hungry? I just made Indian food.

—I'm always hungry _________ Indian food.

A.since I like        B.because of              C.when it comes to            D.in spite of


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What are you making a long neck for?

—I'm looking forward _________ what is going on there.

A.to seeing            B.to see                       C.and see          D.by seeing


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was hard to accept,but the horrible day had finally arrived.I still remember the tears welling up in my six-year-old sister's eyes as she looked around the __1__ closet in wonder.The space once filled with __2__ clothes now held only loneliness and sorrow.This little child had come to the __3__ that her father was gone.He had left us,and there was simply no way to __4__ it.

Being the __5__ of four girls has never been easy,but with the __6__ of our father,our world and dreams were __7__ beyond repair.My mother,the most amazingly warm-hearted person in the world,has worked harder than anyone should simply to __8__ our broken household.However,long hours at work often prevented her from __9__ being there in our times of need.This is where I have stepped up as the temporary __10__ of my three small sisters.

Many college students write essays about their leadership positions in school and the community(社区),but I feel that my greatest __11__ is the role I have played __12__ my own family.

Senior year in high school is not __13__ for anyone,especially when it __14__ like the entire world is resting on your shoulders.I've been trying hard to __15__ the dream my mother holds for my future.She was not able to __16__ her college education as expected,__17__ this success is the first thing she's mapped out for her __18__.

A leader is described as one who has influence on others.I hope that my leadership __19__ the lives of my sisters and everyone around me.In __20__ myself to my family and school,I have set goals that I will do anything to accomplish.

1.A.familiar               B.crowded           C.empty             D.broken

2.A.her                  B.his                C.our               D.their

3.A.situation             B.prediction          C.realization          D.imagination

4.A.undo                 B.explain             C.control            D.believe

5.A.busiest               B.saddest            C.smartest           D.oldest

6.A.arrival               B.departure          C.unemployment      D.hospitalization

7.A.preserved            B.destroyed          C.separated          D.combined

8.A.enlarge              B.suit               C.modernize          D.mend

9.A.physically                                                B.frequently

C.whole-heartedly                                        D.absent-mindedly

10.A.caretaker           B.playmate           C.teacher            D.friend

11.A.disappointment       B.accomplishment     C.difference          D.regret

12.A.against             B.outside            C.within             D.without

13.A.meaningful          B.interesting          C.hard              D.simple

14.A.feels               B.proves             C.passes             D.begins

15.A.abandon            B.renew             C.continue           D.fulfill

16.A.give               B.complete           C.survive            D.forget

17.A.as if               B.but then           C.and so             D.or else

18.A.future              B.career             C.family             D.children

19.A.shapes             B.lengthens          C.affects            D.restarts

20.A.presenting          B.devoting            C.connecting         D.attaching


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture.But there are different kinds of fractures.A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place.You may have heard the term hairline fracture.This is a single fracture that is very small,like the width of a hair.A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart.When a bone is broken in more than two places or gets crushed,the name for it is a comminuted fracture.Still another condition is called a bowing fracture.This happens with a bone that bends but does not break.It happens mostly in children.Ever heard of a greenstick fracture? This is when a bone is.bent and breaks along only one side,like a young stick of wood.Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture.This is when the bone breaks the skin.This is very serious.Along with the bone damage there is a risk of infection in the open wound.

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone.You might suddenly feel lightheaded.You might also feel sick to your stomach.People who are seriously injured can go into shock.They might feel cold,dizzy and unable to think clearly.Shock requires immediate medical attention.But while broken bones can be painful,they are generally not rife-threatening.Still,broken bones should be treated quickly because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage.Also,the break will start to repair itself,so you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly.

X-rays are taken to see the break.Treatment depends on the kind of fracture that is identified.A doctor sets a broken bone to make sure it is in the correct position.Severe breaks may require an operation to hold the bone together with metal plates and screws.Then,a hard cast may be put around the area of the break to hold the bone in place while it heals.Casts are usually worn for one to two months.In some cases,instead of a cast,a splint made of plastic or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement.

1.How many kinds of fractures are mentioned in this passage?

A.Four.             B.Five.                    C.Six.               D.Seven.

2.If a bone is bent but does not break,it belongs to _________.

A.a hairline fracture                                B.a bowing fracture

C.a greenstick fracture                     D.an open fracture

3.What's the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.Reactions of the body to a broken bone.

B.Various results from broken bones.

C.People's worries about broken bones.

D.People's performance after a broken bone.

4.What's the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.How to identify a broken bone.

B.How to treat a broken bone.

C.What is needed in treating a broken bone.

D.Why are X-rays needed for a broken bone.

5.What's the meaning of “cast” in the last paragraph?

A.A sprint made of plastic or metal.

B.A thin pointed piece of metal used to fasten something.

C.A hard protective case used to support a broken bone.

D.A shaped container to make an object into a particular shape.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 2007,five young people in the American state of Massachusetts developed an idea.The team knew that the world is filled with mobile phones.About 80% of all people are said to live within reach of a wireless telephone signal.

The idea was to use mobile phones and the Interact to connect job seekers with employers.The young people wrote a business plan and formed a company called Assured Labor.

Assured Labor won a development competition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).Three of the founders were graduate students there.

Assured Labor is an electronic marketplace.It has two parts.One is for the United States.That operation was launched in January in Boston.It links people with employers offering temporary jobs.The other arm of the business is for developing markets.That operation is meant to help people get more permanent jobs.A representative is currently building partnerships with universities and international companies in Central America.

Assured Labor's president,David Reich,says the companies are interested in having more modern hiring practices.Through Assured Labor,companies will list open positions on the Internet.People who think they could do the job could reply by text message or on their cell phones.

This is how the system works in Boston: The jobs available include house cleaning,dog walking and home repair.People who want their house cleaned,for example,can look online at a list of twenty housekeepers.The list tells what services they offer and how much they want to be paid.People need two letters praising their work to get on the list of service providers.The employer chooses workers they would like to hire.The company then sends the workers a text or e-mail message so they can respond quickly to an offer.After a job is completed,the employer and employee evaluate each other.The evaluation is kept for future use.

Assured Labor is not charging anyone right now,but the plan is to have employers pay for the service.

1.What is the idea of Assured Labor based on?

A.Technology of mobile phones and the Internet.

B.Technology support by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

C.Broad labor sources all around the world.

D.Large areas of a wireless telephone signal available.

2.Which of the following can indicate how the system works in Boston?

a.Assured Labor informs the worker of the job available.

b.The employer chooses a worker from a list online.

c.The employer and the worker evaluate each other.

d.The worker responds to the offer and does the job.

A.a-b-c-d             B.b-a-d-e                   C.a-b-d-c             D.b-a-c-d

3.To build its electronic marketplace for permanent jobs,Assured Labor needs _________.

A.to place job ads on radio or in newspapers

B.to cope with employers offering temporary jobs

C.to get the support from the American state of Massachusetts

D.to cooperate with universities and international companies

4.How much money has Assured Labor made till now?

A.A large sum of money.                   B.Only a small amount of money.

C.No profit at all.                         D.It's not mentioned in this passage.

5.From this passage,we can infer that _________.

A.80% of people in the world now have a telephone

B.all founders of Assured Labor were from MIT

C.anyone's name can be listed on the internet by Assured Labor for job hunting

D.the evaluation after a job is quite important and necessary


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent.From the very beginning,music was regarded as a necessary accompaniment(伴奏);when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition,in the United States in February 1896,they were accompanied by piano on popular tunes.At first,the music played bore no special relationship to the films~ an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient.Within a very short time,however,the incongruity of playing lively music to a serious film became apparent,and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

As movie theaters grew in number and importance,a violinist would be added to the pianist in certain cases,and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras(管弦乐队)were formed.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra,and very often the qualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.Since the conductor seldom saw the films until the night before they were to be shown(if indeed,the conductor was lucky enough to see them then),the musical arrangement was normally improvised(临时准备)in the greatest hurry.

To help meet this difficulty,film distributing companies started the practice of publishing suggestions for musical accompaniments.In 1909,for example,the Edison Company began issuing(发行)with their films such suggestions of mood as “pleasant”,“sad”,“lively”.The suggestions became clearer,and so appeared the musical sheet containing indications of mood,the titles of suitable pieces of music,and precise directions to show where one piece led into the next.

Certain films had music especially composed for them.The most famous of these early special scores(乐谱)was that composed and arranged for D.W Griffith's film Birth of a Nation,which was shown in 1915.

1.Who did the most in the development of movie music?

A.Conductors.                 B.Pianists.

C.D.W Griffith                   D.Film companies.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A.there were no movie music composers at the very beginning.

B.the Edison Company had its own orchestras.

C.movie music is a kind of music with a history of one hundred years.

D.conductors paid much attention to the mood of a film.

3.The underlined word "incongruity" in Paragraph I most probably means “_________”.

A.being different                           B.being inharmonious

C.being dull                                 D.being unwise

4.In the writer's opinion,_________.

A.the skill at playing music is more important titan the taste in the mood of a film

B.the taste in the mood of a film should be basically important

C.a pianist is more important than a violinist when accompanying

D.a conductor is more important than a pianist when accompanying

