 0  34196  34204  34210  34214  34220  34222  34226  34232  34234  34240  34246  34250  34252  34256  34262  34264  34270  34274  34276  34280  34282  34286  34288  34290  34291  34292  34294  34295  34296  34298  34300  34304  34306  34310  34312  34316  34322  34324  34330  34334  34336  34340  34346  34352  34354  34360  34364  34366  34372  34376  34382  34390  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Born and ________ near Edinburgh, Mollie has devoted her talents to writing primarily for young people.

A. turned up        B. brought up           C. taken up            D. picked up


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything. I had no sooner got off the   1   than I was stopped by a man who wanted to   2   me a diamond ring. I had no   3   of buying one, but I could not deny the fact that I was   4   by the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as   5   as marbles(玻璃球). The man went to great lengths to   6   that the diamonds were real. As   7   walked past a shop, he held a diamond   8   against the window and made a deep impression in the   9  . It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.

The next man to   10   me was selling expensive pens and watches. I   11   one of the pens closely. It certainly looked   12 . At the base of the gold cap, the words “made in the USA” had been clearly   13  . The man said that the pen was worth £50, but as a special   14  , he would let me have it for £30. I   15   my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5. Gesturing wildly, the man acted as if he found my   16   shocking, but he eventually   17   the price to £10. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away. A moment later, he ran after me and   18   the pen into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he   19   accepted the £5 I gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful   20  —until I got back to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink

1. A. ship                          B. train                         C. plane                       D. bus

2. A. show                           B. sell                           C. buy                         D. give

3. A. money                         B. hobby                      C. experience                D. intention

4. A. ashamed                   B. impressed                 C. moved                            D. cheated

5. A. colorful                       B. big                          C. heavy                      D. small

6. A. prove                          B. explain                     C. instruct                   D. perform

7. A. they                                B. he                            C. we                           D. people

8. A. sharply                        B. quickly                     C. slowly                      D. forcefully

9. A. assistant                   B. shop                        C. glass                        D. door

10. A. approach                    B. call                          C. find                         D. look

11. A. checked                            B. examined                  C. noticed                     D. watched

12. A. expensive                   B. ordinary                   C. natural                            D. real

13. A. marked                      B. signed                      C. found                       D. recognized

14. A. feeling                       B. favour                      C. reason                      D. present

15. A. shook                        B. nodded                     C. held                         D. touched

16. A. decision                            B. answer                            C. offer                        D. solution

17. A. reduced                            B. gave                         C. suggested                 D. had

18. A. threw                        B. snatched                   C. brought                    D. forced

19. A. angrily                       B. disappointedly           C. readily                      D. clearly

20. A. experience                  B. bargain                     C. advice                      D. balance


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The World Is Getting Smaller

Imagine this: a television screen the size and thickness of a piece of paper. You carry it around in your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. Imagine a guitar so tiny you can’t see it with the human eye, but you can hear sounds when its strings are plucked(拨). Some people say the future is big, but when it comes to technology, the world is getting smaller.

Nanotechnology(纳米技术)is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is being explored and developed all over the globe. Micromachines too small to be seen by the human eye are being designed to do many things that larger machines do today. And these machines, no longer in diameter(直径)than a human hair, are extremely powerful. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution.

Maybe the area where nanotechnology will have the biggest impact is medical science. Imagine nanobots in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with specific missions. For example, they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses. Other machines may stay in the human body permanently to help organs that are not functioning properly.

Think of the possibilities in using such tiny machines in surgery. Imagine machines so small you can swallow them in a pill or inject them into your bloodstream through a needle. After you’ve had too many years of junk food, these tiny robots could be sent into your arteries(动脉)to clean them. An intelligent machine in your heart would look around to find the problem and then repair it. If you needed an operation, it would be almost like swallowing the surgeon.

When could all of this happen? Scientists predict that much of this is possible in the next 30 years. After all, when your grandparents were young, they would have laughed if someone told them a person could walk on the moon. Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micromachines. Nanotechnology is just around the corner.

1. Paragraph 2 mainly discusses ________.

A. nanotechnology          B. human eye                C. large machines          D. human hair

2. According to the passage, the tiny medical instruments ________.

A. can stay in human body and cure the diseases

B. are too small to be repaired

C. may not function well in human body

D. can also be used to send human onto the moon

3. The phrase “just around the corner” in the last sentence means “________”.

A. in the distance                                              B. right under your notice

C. likely to happen soon                                      D. beyond all imagination


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Happy birthday

The China National Opera(CNO)will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.

Different generations of CNO vocalists, like Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like “The White-haired Girl” and “The Hundredth Bride”, as well as arias(咏叹调)of such Western opera classics as “Madame Butterfly”, “La Traviata” and “Rigoletto ”.

Time / date: 7:30 pm, September 7, 8

Location: Tianqiao Theatre

Tel: 6551-4787, 8315-6170              Tickets: 60-500 yuan(US $7.2-60.2)

Folk music

A concert will be held to feature some recently composed traditional Chinese music works.

The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as “Memory of Childhood”, “Memorial Ceremony for God” and “Wine Song”.

Time / date: 7:30 pm, September 13

Location: Concert Hall at the National Library of China

Tel: 6848-5462, 6841-9220              Tickets: 30-200 yuan(US $3.6-24.1)

Moon music

A concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival which falls on September 21st this year.

The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centered on the theme of the moon, such as “Moonlight”, “Spring Night on a Moonlit River” and “Lofty Mountain and Flowing River.

A number of established traditional Chinese music performers, like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos as well as collaborate with the folk music orchestra.

Time / date: 7:30 pm, September 21st

Location: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

Tel: 6606-8888, 6606-9999

1. If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music “Memory of Childhood”, you will dial ________.

A. 6551-4787              B. 6848-5462            C. 8315-6170             D. 6606-9999

2. Which statement is right according to the passage?

A. Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei stand for the same generation of CNO vocalists.

B. “Rigoletto” is a famous piece on the theme of the moon.

C. “Lofty Mountain and Flowing River” is a traditional Chinese music.

D. Zhou Yaokun will play solos and Fan Weiqing will collaborate(合作)with the folk music orchestra.

3. “Madame Butterfly” is ________.

A. a Chinese opera        B. a Western opera      C. a piece of music     D. a song

4. In which column of a newspaper will the article be published?

A. Entertainment.         B. People.                 C. Culture.                        D. Sports.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In today's Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.

In 2007, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2008, it was reported that about 80 percent of China's 13.8 million online game players were under 25.

And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Dr. Sue-Huei Chen, a psychologist(心理学家), discovered some signs of at-risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

1. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. online game                                                B. problems caused by online games

C. computer problems in Asia                            D. problems caused by young people

2. In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that ________.

A. South Korea has a large number of Internet schools

B. More and more young men are stealing money for online games

C. China's online game players are all under the age of 25

D. Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea

3. After reading the passage, we know that in China ________.

A. many young people are playing online games for fun

B. many young people are getting addicted to online games

C. only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods

D. 80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed

4. According to the passage, ________ are more likely to become addicted to online games.

A. people under great pressure from school and work

B. people well-known in the field of computer games

C. people with unsolved problems and few friends

D. people who'd like to take a risk in computer games


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



The United States provides more than half the world’s food aid. American programs gave about two billion dollars last year.

But critics say the current system wastes money and delays the arrival of needed food. Under current law, United States government agencies have to buy American-produced food. And 75% of the aid must be carried on American ships.

President Bush wants to change the system. His plan would provide food aid by buying crops directly from farmers in the developing world. Money in the form of cash would make up about 25% of the aid. The president is calling on Congress to support the project, saying it would support agriculture in developing countries.

Last year, Congress reported that 65% of the money for food aid was spending on costs other than food. It said rising business and transportation costs had cut the average amount of food shipped over the last five years by 52%. Yet demand has grown.

Critics among charity groups have called for changes to the system. CARE USA, a major aid group, said last year that it would not take part in the current system after 2009.

But the system also has supporters among agricultural and shipping groups, and lawmakers in Congress. Supporters say the current system works well and that changing it could harm food-aid programs.

The government passed similar laws last year. President Bush says he may reject the final law that reaches him because it would cost too much in its present form. He wants to end subsidy(补助金)payments to farmers who already earn a lot from their crops.

Title: A Discussion of How to(1)____________ US Food Aid

 (2 )____________ system

A waste of time.

Food doesn’t(3)____________ on time.

Food must be bought from (4) ____________.

75% of the aid must be carried on American ships.

New system

Crops will be (5) ____________ directly from farmers in the developing world.

25% of food aid will be paid in(6) ____________.

Farmers will not get any extra money from the(7) ____________.


Charity groups are(8)____________ the current system.

Agricultural and shipping groups, as well as lawmakers, (9)____________ the current system. They think that changing it could be (10)____________to food-aid programs.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 自然资源日趋减少;

2. 环境问题依然严重;

3. 人的环保观念淡薄;

4. 贫富差距越来越大。


1. 制定了相关的法律法规;

2. 投入了大量的资金改善环境;

3. 对民众进行教育;

4. 加强了国际间相互合作。




1. 不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥;

2. 词数:150左右;

3. 文章的开头部分以给出。

参考词汇:差距 gap  相关法律 relevant laws

The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet,                               







科目: 来源: 题型:

Nowadays working women bear a lot more pressure _________them from families and careers.

A. put on              B. put down            C put aside            D. put away


科目: 来源: 题型:

____ more lives than any other disease, hunger has become the number one global health risk.

A. Having been claimed         B. Claimed        C. Claiming         D. To claim   


科目: 来源: 题型:

In honor of the return of the son, who later _______his ways, a calf that ______allowed to grow fat was killed and cooked for a feast.

A. mended, had been                       B. was mending, was

C. has mended, had been                    D. had mended, has been

