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科目: 来源: 题型:

The police found that the house        and a lot of things       .

A. has broken into; has been stolen          B. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolen                   D. had been broken into; stolen


科目: 来源: 题型:

He hurried out of the room _______ the meeting was over.

A. at the moment      B. the moment       C. a moment ago        D. for the moment


科目: 来源: 题型:

We all think she is a strange person because we can’t________ her style of living.

A. experience  B. stand                 C. adopt                       D.  interest


科目: 来源: 题型:

The exhibition________ three parts.

A. composes of     B. makes up of        C. consists of             D. organises


科目: 来源: 题型:

_________our delight, he passed the exam and would be sent abroad the following year.

A. For                     B. In                         C.  With                    D. To


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- I pass the drive test!  


A. Congratulation                                      B. Congratulations for you

C. Congratulations                                    D. Congratulation on you


科目: 来源: 题型:

To learn to swim well, _____________.

A. much practice is needed by one                     B. much practice is needed

C. one needs much practice               D. one is needed much practice


科目: 来源: 题型:

The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but_______ didn’t help.

A. it                      B. she                       C. which               D. he


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mr White wrote many short stories, but he is       his plays.

A. well-known as    B. better-known for   C. better-known as        D. well-known for


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Mrs. Green, including her husband and three children, lived in a city,   1  _was very near the countryside. She worked   2  a teacher and gave music lessons at a school. Of course she was fond of    3___.

Mrs. Green had a good voice and she  4    her classes exciting. But she had a   5   point. Some of her notes (音调) were so high that they sounded like a door which needed   6   . In order to improve her notes, she took   7   chance (机会) that she could find to practise.

As her house was not big, she couldn't practise    8__ in it. So she usually left home, walking and singing  9   the country road. She practised her high notes   10   walking. However, each time she heard a person or a car    11   along the road, she  12   singing. She did not want her high notes to be   13  , for she was shy.

One afternoon a fast open car came up to her so   14   and so fast that she didn't  15   it until the car was only a few meters. She was practising some of her  16   and most difficult notes at that time. As the car passed by, she saw a   17   expression come over the driver's face. He stopped suddenly to  18  all the tires (轮胎) carefully.

Mrs. Green felt it shy to tell the driver what the   19   he had heard really was. The driver found   20   wrong, got back into the car and drove off.

1. A. that                 B. which                 C. where               D. there

2. A. as                   B. like                     C. with                  D. on

3. A. books             B. pictures               C. sports               D. music

4. A. got                 B. supported            C. made                D. forced

5. A. weak              B. strong                 C. good                 D. special

6. A. painting           B. locking                C. cleaning            D. oiling

7. A. some              B. each                   C. a                      D. other

8. A. operating         B. listening              C. singing              D. other

9. A. across             B. beside                 C. close to             D. along

10. A. as soon as     B. while                  C. after                 D. before

11. A. coming          B. disappearing        C. leaving              D. driving

12. A. kept              B. went on              C. stopped             D. began

13.A. found             B. made                  C. hearing              D. heard

14. A. quietly           B. quickly                C. carefully            D. slowly

15. A. recognise       B. catch                  C. realise               D. provide

16. A. biggest          B. highest                C. nice                  D. largest

17. A. puzzled          B. sad                     C. serious              D. happy

18. A. watch           B. examine              C. control              D. notice

19. A. fact               B. note                    C. noise                D. music

20. A. the tires         B. everything           C. something         D. nothing

