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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Plant a Tree in Your Community

       Almost everyone loves trees, but did you know that trees can help people heal faster?

       It's true. According to the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture), hospital patients have been shown to recover faster when offered a view with trees. And while trees certainly benefit any landscapes -- whether lining residential streets, dotting urban areas, or in full glory in the forest -- they are actually important to our daily well-being.

       Trees improve the quality of the air around us by absorbing dust and other particulates (微粒), and release clean oxygen for you to breathe. If the health of people and the environment aren't high on your list of concerns, perhaps your wallet is: Trees make economic sense. A home surrounded by trees costs less to cool and heat. Neighborhoods with trees are often several degrees cooler than those in similar climates that don't have trees. In winter, trees can keep your house warmer by blocking high winds. Also, less water is needed in tree-shaded areas where the sun isn't constantly boating down on the earth below.

       Besides, trees can enhance privacy, block unpleasant views, and improve the value of your home. Unfortunately, these days, mass construction projects tend to wipe out all the trees in an area before creating new neighborhoods and buildings. That's why it's more important than ever to plant a tree in your community.

       Cheek out the NADF (National Arbor Day Foundation) online to find out more about planting a tree in your area or how to volunteer in an urban center. The Arbor Day Foundation can tell you how to plant a tree in someone's name as a gift, donate a tree in someone's honor, or memorialize a loved one by planting a tree.

1.According to the ISA, a sick person in hospital can get well sooner if he or she ________.

      A.has a glance at some trees               B.can enjoy a view of trees

      C.receives treatment in time                D.is surrounded by flowers

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

      A.Trees benefit any landscape as well as human .beings

      B.Trees take in dust and dioxide and release clean oxygen

      C.The health and the environment aren't on people's list of concerns

      D.People in tree-shaded areas can reduce their cost on house holding

3.It is more necessary than ever to plant trees mainly because they ________.

      A.improve the quality of the air             B.make economic profits

      C.are destroyed for mass construction    D.are used to insure privacy

4.______ is most probably mentioned following the last paragraph.

      A.The website of the NADF                 B.How to plant a tree

      C.Importance Of planting trees           D.How to be a volunteer


科目: 来源: 题型:






       We have done a survey recently to find whom students                   1._________

will turn to when they in trouble. The following are the results.                 2._________

       Most of students will go to their friends. Because they are                       3._________

almost the same age and are able to understand each other                  4._________

easy. Some students will tell their parents or teachers about                       5._________

their trouble for the reason that they all have rich experience                 6._________

and love them very much. They can be trusted by their kids and                   7._________

students. Only a few students prefer to solving the problems                 8._________

all by themself. They hate to talk with others and can't get                   9._________

on well with others. As a result, they have more friends.                  10._________


科目: 来源: 题型:

—We need a person badly to be in charge of this program.

— _____ the newcomer have a try?

A. May             B. Will             C. Need             D. Shall


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom, Jack and Rose were named as assistant professors. Believe it or not, ______ three of them were of ______ age.

A. 不填; an       B. 不填; the             C. the; an                      D. the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

With the number of cars increasing rapidly in cities, a major problem is _____ the cars can be parked.

A. which          B. that              C. when               D. where


科目: 来源: 题型:

My father gave up smoking for a while, but soon ______ to his old days.

A. returned        B. returns         C. was returning    D. had returned


科目: 来源: 题型:

The wildlife project will cost quite a lot, ______ it will benefit us in the long run.

A. or            B. since          C. for                D. but


科目: 来源: 题型:

All the preparations for the task _________, and we're ready to start.

A. completed      B. complete     C. having been completed      D. have been completed


科目: 来源: 题型:

.—Don't let others know it.

—Yes, I see. I will keep the secret ______ you and me.

A. with          B. around             C. among              D. between


科目: 来源: 题型:

Many possibilities were considered ______the government decided to take action.

A. because       B. before               C. whether             D. unless

