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科目: 来源: 题型:

Before the war broke out,many people _______ in safe places possessions they could  not take with them.

A.threw away     B.gave away      C.put away       D.carried away


科目: 来源: 题型:

Some people can never go above 4000 meters,because their body is unable to     these extreme conditions.

A.adopt to         B.apply to  C.adapt to         D.appeal to


科目: 来源: 题型:

Nowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance ______ that they or their family members need medical treatment.

A.in order         B.in need          C.in case        D.in hope


科目: 来源: 题型:

When you make a decision to buy something,you must remember that a good name of a product doesn’t ______ mean good quality of it.

A.necessarily      B.simply     C.essentially       D.purposefully


科目: 来源: 题型:

I could not find out from Jim whether he wants to come or not;he would not _____ himself.

A.commit         B.express         C.behave          D.cheat


科目: 来源: 题型:

We should bear in mind that social development and balance of nature should go in ______

A.combination    B.sympathy      C.association     D.harmony


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you shout at him,he's _______ to do the opposite of what you want.

A.determined      B.expected     C.guaranteed           D.regarded


科目: 来源: 题型:

The visitors would be most _______ if you could confirm these arrangements immediately.

A.grateful             B.disappointed    C.encouraged          D.reluctant


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


例:We_(起床)before dawn. It was still dark outside. (get)

    答案:got up

1.Water, which seems so simple and common, is_______________________(使生命成为可能的东西).(make)

2.The Summer Palace _______________________(被参观)by so many tourists that some of the relics are  not well protected.(visit)

3._______________________(多么激动人心的消息啊)it is that China successfully launched Chang' e I,the lunar orbiter!(news)

4._______________________(考虑到各种情况),the plan John put forward seems to be more   practical.(take)

5.The baby was given up for adoption_______________________(刚出生).(immediately)

6.It is_______________________(丢失他的新MP4) makes him look so upset. (lose)

7.You don't have to feel thankful to me, for all I did was_______________________(说了我该说的).(say)

8.A healthy diet should include a variety of food, _______________________(大部分富含)nutrients.(rich)

9.Up into the sky _______________________(淡蓝色的烟升起)just now. (go)

10.Xu Sanduo’s wonderful performance has inspired many people to believe that success and happiness in life_______________________(人人伸手可及).(reach)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    A young soldier found himself in a terrible battle during the Scottish Reformation. The enemy was   1  this young man's army on a large scale. He and his comrades  2   themselves hurriedly retreating(撤退)from the battle field in defeat,   3   away in fear of losing their lives. The enemy gave chase. This young man ran hard and fast,full of fear and desperation. Soon he found himself   4   off from his comrades in the army.

    He eventually came upon a rock mountain containing a cave. Knowing the enemy was close   5   and that he was exhausted from the chase,he chose to hide there. After he crawled(爬)in,he fell to his face in the   6  ,desperately crying to God to save him and protect him from his enemies. He also made   7   with God. He promised that if God saved him,he would serve Him for the rest of his days.

   While he lifted his head with   8    hope,he saw a spider beginning to weave its web at the entrance to the cave. As he watched the   9   threads being slowly drawn across the mouth of the cave,the young soldier thought about its irony. He thought,“I asked God for   10,and he sent me a spider instead.”

    His heart was hardened, 11   the enemy would soon discover his hiding place.

    And soon he did hear the   12   of his enemies,who were now searching the area looking for those in hiding. One soldier with a gun   13   walked up to the caves entrance. As the young man crouched(蹲伏)in the darkness,   14   to surprise the enemy in a last一minute  15   attempt to save his own life,he felt his heart pounding   16   out of control.

   As the enemy   17    moved forward to enter the cave,he came upon the spiders web,which by now was completely covering across the opening. He   18   and called out to a comrade,“There cant be anyone in here. They would have had to   19   this spider's web to enter the cave. Let's move on.”

    Years later, this young man made good his   20   by becoming a preacher(布道者).

1.A.defeating             B.following          C.watching          D.driving

2.A.saw                 B.found              C.let                 D.made

3.A.going                 B.marching          C.running            D.flying

4.A.sent                 B.got                 C.taken              D.cut

5.A.behind              B.forward          C.down              D.up

6.A.light                B.darkness           C.sun               D.blindness

7.A.bargain               B.living                C.way               D.decision

8.A.great                B.real               C.little                 D.fantastic

9.A.straight              B.thin                C.short              D.thick

10.A.safety              B.tools              C.strength             D.rescue

11.A.wondering          B.expecting          C.assuming           D.knowing

12.A.voices            B.whisper           C.sound              D.shouts

13.A.slowly            B.quickly            C.calmly              D.anxiously

14.A.dreaming           B.indicating          C.hoping             D.guessing

15.A.special             B.desperate          C.effective           D.reasonable

16.A.regularly           B.lightly              C.heavily            D.wildly


17.A.cautiously          B.hurriedly           C.worriedly          D.confidently

18.A.gave in            B.backed away     C.backed tip        D.gave away

19.A.destroy            B.use                     C.break              D.protect

20.A.wish              B.thought           C.desire              D.promise

