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科目: 来源: 题型:

In no country ______ Britain, it has been said, _______ experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. other than, can one                   B. rather than, one can

C. more than, can one                           D. better than, one can


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Why did John ask me about the problem?

---________, he tried to find a better way to settle it.

A. Not to be satisfied          B. Don’t satisfy

C. Not being satisfied          D. Not satisfied


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Michael was always in a good mood. He was a natural motivator(乐天派). One day I asked him, “How can you be  1      all the time.” Michael replied, “Each morning I     2   up and say to myself, ‘Mike, you have two  3       today. You can choose to be in a good mood  4         you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something  5        happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. I choose the positive side of life.”

Later, I heard Michael was  6        in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a tower.

After 18 hours of  7        , and weeks of intensive care, Michael left the hospital with rods(钢棒)  8         in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the  9       . I asked him what had  10         his mind as the accident took place.

“As I     11    on the ground, I remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.” “Weren’t you   12       ?” I asked. Michael continued, “They kept telling me I was going to fine.     13     When they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the     14     on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got  15      scared. In their eyes, I read ‘He’s a dead man’. I knew I      16    to take action.” “What did you do?” I asked. “Well, a big nurse asked me if I was allergic(过敏) to     17    . ‘Yes,’ I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they     18     my reply. I took a deep breath and cried, ‘Gravity.’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I’m choosing to live.    19   on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”

    Michael     20   ,thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing positive attitude.

1. A. negative                      B. passive                      C. positive                     D. native

2. A. wake                          B. pick                          C. stay                          D. turn

3. A. ways                          B. jobs                          C. lives                         D. choices

4. A. and                            B. or                             C. besides                     D. nor

5. A. good                         B. bad                           C. lucky                        D. urgent

6. A. involved                     B. divided                      C. separated                  D. packed

7. A. work                          B. rest                           C. surgery                     D. flight

8. A. placed                        B. lain                           C. cut                           D. removed

9. A. incident                      B. event                        C. item                          D. accident

10. A. got through               B. broken through          C. seen through             D. gone through

11. A. lay                           B. sat                            C. slept                         D. stood

12. A. excited                     B. thrilled                      C. afraid                        D. encouraged

13. A. So                            B. But                           C. Otherwise                 D. Therefore

14. A. impressions               B. expressions               C. attractions                 D. tears

15. A. really                        B. slowly                       C. even                         D. slightly

16. A. used                         B. supposed                   C. dared                        D. needed

17. A. nothing                     B. something                 C. anything                    D. anybody

18. A. called for                  B. ran for                      C. waited for                 D. rushed for

19. A. Operate                    B. Turn                         C. Search                      D. Jump

20. A. disappeared               B. endangered                C. died                          D. survived


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     Recent weeks have seen a wave of new books, stamps, movies, television programmes, newspaper articles, songs and performances, all celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping, on August 22. To Chinese people, he was no doubt one of China’s greatest leaders.

     Many Westerners remember Deng as “a little man with great ideas”. He was famous for his practical and direct manner, shown in famous slogans such as “No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; a cat that can catch rats is a good cat” and “Poverty is not socialism”.

     In 1979, as the first top Chinese communist leader to set foot in the United States, he was regarded as a symbol of friendship when he wore a cowboy that in Houston, Texas, and rode around in a stage coach.

     “His straightforward manner earned the trust of the American people. He changed the American people’s traditional view of Chinese leaders and China,” said David Lampton, a well-known American expert on China. “He succeeded in strengthening Chinese diplomatic relations.” Lampton said that Deng opened China up to the rest of the world and helped develop more friendly relations with the West.

“Deng’s reform increased the world’s understanding of China and today Americans are no longer afraid of China,” said Mike Wallace, an American journalist who interviewed Deng in 1986. At that time, he said, China was still mysterious in the eyes of Westerners.

Talking of his impression of Deng, Wallace said he was very honest and clever. He recalled a conversation at the beginning of the interview. “I started the interview by saying ‘reporters don’t normally get to meet you’. Deng answered, ‘Because I am an ordinary person’. Then I asked, ‘Why did you decide to have the interview with us at this time?’ He replied, ‘Because I want to know American people and that they can know China better; by American people I also mean American leaders’.”

Though he interviewed many international leaders, Wallace thought Deng was very different form them all. Maybe the fact that Deng was selected twice as “Person of the Year” by the world-famous American Time magazine tell it all.

1.         The passage mainly talks about_____________.

A.      how Deng was regarded by Chinese people

B.      how Deng was viewed amongst foreigners

C.      what Deng was famous for

D.     how Deng strengthened the relations between China and the US

2.         Which of the following isn’t the result of Deng’s visiting America in 1979?

A.      It made Americans no longer afraid of China

B.      It opened China up to the world

C.      It developed the relations between China and the US

D.     It changed Westerners’ view of China

3.         Which of the following can best show many Westerners’ impression on Deng?

A. Honest and clever           B. Kind and friendly

C. Practical and direct          D. A little man with great ideas

4.    What does the underlined word “it” in the last sentence refer to?

A. He was selected twice as “Person of the Year” by the American Time magazine.”

B. He wanted to know American people

C. He was very different from many other international leaders

D. He wanted American people to know China better


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    When you put down your pens at the end of the college entrance exam, 12 hard years of study will have come to an end. Forget your studies for a while. It’s time to enjoy yourself.

There are many ways to celebrate this special month of graduation. You can have photos taken with your classmates and teachers, or dine out together and exchange gifts.

High school students in western countries as the United States and Canada usually have a prom to mark their graduation. It’s to mark the time kids turn into young men and women. After the prom, teenagers either go to college or find a job. It means they are no longer as dependent on their parents as they were before.

At the prom, boys usually dress in dinner jackets and wear ties, though many different types of formal clothes are worn. Traditionally, girls give boys matching boutonnieres (a small collection of flowers they pin to their jackets). Girls traditionally wear formal dresses, or dress to shock or be noticed, in shiny or brightly colored materials.

Common prom activities include dining, dancing, the crowning(加冠) of a prom king and queen, and just talking to friends. In some cases, high school students collect funds for their class prom through the four years of their high school.

High schooling in or near large cities may rent ballrooms at expensive hotels or, to be unusual, on a pleasure cruise boat.(游船).

But often costs are cut by simply using the school gym. Students make a lot of efforts to decorate the gym to make the event special. The music played at the prom will be the most popular kinds like rock and hip-hop.

The students elect the Prom Queen. She is partnered with a Prom King who is elected similarly. These are great honors that the pair take very seriously. The two dance with each other celebrate their election.

Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the prom. But others like to go with friends, to whom they are soon going to be saying goodbye.

If you like the idea of a prom, why don’t you and your classmates organize one for your graduation

1. What does the word “prom” probably mean in the passage?

  A. A dancing competition           B. A party held to celebrate graduation

  C. A fashion show                 D. An election

1. Which of the following is an economical way to hold the prom?

   A. Renting a ballroom              B. Taking a cruise boat

  C. Holding it in the school gym      D. Wearing formal dresses

2. Which of the following clearly indicates that the prom is very important to students?

  A. They take pictures at the prom

 B. They wear formal clothes or special clothes

 C. Music is played at the prom

 D. Teachers and parents attend it

3. Why do some students attend the prom with their friends?

  A. They want to be elected by their friends as the Prom King or Queen

 B. They don’t like to be accompanied by their parents

 C. They don’t want to depend on their parents

  D. They will part with their friends in a short time


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

China's educational authority yesterday gave the green light to college students planning to get married.

Starting from the fall, students reaching the legal age for marriage don't have to ask their university for approval when they plan to tie the knot, Ministry of Education officials said yesterday at a press conference in Beijing to announce revise Guidelines on University Students. The current campus regulations were issued in 1990.

But it doesn't mean the government encourages collegians to marry, said Sun Xiaobing, director of the ministry's legal office.

Students should focus on their studies, Sun said, "College students should handle properly the issues of studies, marriage and family. They aren't financially prepared yet for marriage."

"The ministry lifted the ban to get in line with the country's new Marriage Law, which came into force in 2003." said Sun.

The new Marriage Law says a person needn't get approval from his or her employer for marriage registration. But sources said only one in every 10,000 students has registered for marriage.

The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing(剽窃)research achievements.

A university can kick out a student if he or she takes an exam for another candidate, hires a proxy(替考者)to take an exam, organizes exam cheating, cheats through telecommunications devices like a cell phone, or steals ideas from a published research paper, the guidelines say.

On March 3, a district court in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, ordered Zhengzhou University to cancel its order to dismiss a student who had been caught cheating in an exam. The court said the punishment was too cruel, according to the campus rules. To better protect students' rights, the new guidelines allow students to appeal to their school or even the provincial-level education authority if they are unhappy with a punishment.

1. The Ministry of Education called off the ban in order to ________.

A. better protect students' rights             

B. encourage collegians to marry

C. be in line with the country's new Marriage Law

D. challenge the current campus regulations issued in 1990

2. The underlined phrase “tie the knot (in Paragraph 2)” has the same meaning with the word “______” in the passage.

A. get married     B. change school rules       C. make a tie       D. graduate earlier

3. According to the new campus regulations, students reaching the legal age for marriage______.

A. should concentrate on their studies

B. should earn more money to prepare them for marriage

C. can decide when to marry at their will

D. must get approval from his or her university


科目: 来源: 题型:

目前荧屏上青少年才艺展示表演越来越多,不同学生就此有不同看法。请根据以下表格内容,以Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? 为题,为某英语杂志写一篇英语短文。





1. 没有形成自己的演出风格,仅靠模仿,不是真艺术;

2. 女孩们过多迷于“明星梦”,忽视学习;

3. 演出花费太多时间与精力,不利集中精力学习。



1. 表演节目提供了参与社会活动的机会;

2. 丰富演出经验,有利于将来的音乐生涯;

3. 人各有梦,抓住机会实现梦想。


1. …… 2. …… 3. ……

注意: 1、行文应连贯流畅, 内容要充实完整;

               2、题目和开头语已经给出, 不计入总词数;


Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows?

At present there are more and more teen talent shows on the TV screen . Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? Some students think so.                            





科目: 来源: 题型:


1.washed    A.wondered          B.decided              C.treated               D.watched

2.sink         A.season               B.usual                 C.promise             D.pleasant

3.police       A.magazine           B.line                    C.hesitate              D.medicine

4.Dangerous A.any                   B.magic                C.behave               D.travel

5.violin       A.period              B.biology                C.idiom                    D.pioneer


科目: 来源: 题型:

–Would you mind letting me         your laptop for another two weeks.

A.borrow  B.keep        C.lend        D.bring


科目: 来源: 题型:

–I didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because I had left my pen at home.

-You        mine. I      it.

A.must have borrowed; wasn’t using             B.may have borrowed; didn’t use

C.could have borrowed; wasn’t using             D.should have borrowed; hadn’t used

