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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


________1. Fang Yuan spent his childhood mostly with hr parents’ performance of Beijing Opera, where she learned a lot about the opera, the costume and the face painting. She wants to know more about theatre and performance, and she wants to enjoy her leisure to the fully by making a visit to an art exhibition.

________2. Wang Lu is an art student, majoring in oil paintings. He is interested in oil paintings with comparison between inner world and nature. Having got some achievements in the art, he wants to know more about abstract(抽象的)paintings.

________3. Zhao Xin, s student from an art university, is always reading books and appreciating paintings from European Renaissance. He has written some essays about them, but he is not satisfied with what he has done. He wants to do some research on those rarely-seen paintings from some European country of that time.

________4. Ye Ling is talented and clever at needlework, though she is still a student at present. Besides, she is fond of collecting everything. And she has made a large collection of postage stamps, paintings and swords(剑). As long as she hears there is any exhibition of collections, she will surely go to have a look.

________5. Miao Qi, as one of the promising art students, is interested in every style of Chinese art at present. In order to know more about it, he is planning to pay a visit to a show of artists’ works with varieties of styles.

A.     Back on art

Traditional swaddling brace(襁褓带)collections from minority groups of Guizhou Province are still ondisplay. Donated by private collector Ma Zhengrong, the swaddling brace are used by women to carry infants on their backs. With delicate design and fine embroidery(刺绣), it reflects the wisdom of mothers and carious local artistic flavours of minority groups.

B.      Light from the past

The Italian Art Exhibition continues with more than 80 masterpieces, dating back to the late 13th century. Among them are 11 paintings that have never before been exhibited from the Florentine Bardini Collection.

C.     Joint show

A grand show of more than 50 professional artists is ongoing. Participating artists include Ban Xuejian, ChenGuang, Guo Lizhong and others. With various styles, their works open a window to the contemporary Chinese art scene.

D.     Oil paintings

Beijing painter Hong Ling’s oil paintings are distinguished for their comparison between the inner world and nature, abstract and realistic presentation, freehand and fine brushwork. Graduated from the oil school of the Capital Normal University and now a professor in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Hong, 50, has made outstanding progress throughout his career.

E.      Grand scene

A one-painting exhibition is underway with Shen Jingdong’s New Grand ceremony of National Day. With his period of creation lasting a whole year, Shen communicates history from his own comprehension and angle. Different from Dong Xiwen’s famous work of the same name, Shen’s work portrays the moment with well-spaced colour and background, leading viewers to the memories of the past.

F.      Reality and illusion(幻想)

A multimedia art exhibition entitled Happy Days is ongoing. Including Zhang Hui, Wang Mao, Wang Chenand Wang Renke, the group try to present the combining elements of theatre and performance with contemporary art. Through their collective works of painting, photography, and video, the show builds a world somewhere between reality and illusion.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1.Tony has problems with his English grammar but his p         is very good .       

                                                                                                                       1._    ___

2.The terrible hurricane has r___________ in many thousands of deaths.              2._    ___

3.The mosquitoes in your room have been killed, so you should be able to sleep c     .

                                                                                                                       3._    ___

4.Tom lives next door to me, so we are not only classmates, but also n         .             

                                                                                                                       4._    ___

5.The money will be d         equally among them. That means that they will get the

same amount.                                                                                                         

                                                                                                                5._    ___

6.At school, we study several s        , such a Chinese ,English, science and art.                                                      6._    ___

7.Having little in common, my sisters always end up q          whenever they meet.                                                 7._    ___

8.The country is now trying hard to turn itself into a m________ and powerful one.                                               8._    ___

9.The climbers will make another a          to reach the top of Himalaya tomorrow.                                          74._    ___

10.Although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was r        to.                                                 75._    ___


科目: 来源: 题型:





       Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention, please?                               1.______

All flights this morning have put off, because our air is                                         2.______

covered with thick fog. As there is no windy, the weatherman                               3.______

is unable to tell when the fog will clear up. We cannot do                                      4.______

anything but waiting. Please keep in order and take good care                               5.______

of your baggage. Passengers, please don’t leave for the waiting                             6.______

room. As soon as the weather turns favorable, and we shall announce                    7.______

flights. For passengers stayed at the airport, lunch is free. It will                           8.______

be served in the dining hall in the second floor from eleven o’clock                        9.______

to one o’clock. By the way, there is no planes to arrive within an hour.                          10.______

Thank you.


科目: 来源: 题型:




1.  助于英语写作能力的提高





2.  语水平有限,难以准确表达思想

3.  …   

There is an argument on whether it is good to keep an English diary or not.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Have you had enough to eat?

—_________. I can’t eat any more.

A.No, thanks.      B.You’re right.     C.Yes, thank you.       D.That’s all right


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I guess you’re ___________ teacher.

—No. But I am interested in ________ education of young children.

A.a; the B.the; 不填  C.不填;the D.a; an


科目: 来源: 题型:

-What exercise do you do each day?

-_________ a cold shower every morning.

A.I’ve   B.I’ve got    C.I have       D.I have got


科目: 来源: 题型:

-You haven’t lost your ticket, have you?

-I hope _________.

A.not to have       B.to have not       C.so     D.not


科目: 来源: 题型:

For many weeks we had been _______ horses and oxen _______ heat, thirst and starvation.


A.accustomed to see, suffered                        B.accustomed to seeing, suffered

C.accustomed to see, suffering                       D.accustomed to seeing, suffering


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is thought _______ 60 million people on the Net, connected up to over 15 million computers.

A.to be        B.there could be          C.to have     D.there to be

