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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fucheng Garden Villas is situated along the North 4th Ring Road, just 2 kilometres east away from the Asian Games Village with easy traffic connection. It is 5 kilometres from the Beijing Lufthansa Centre.

Fucheng Garden Villas occupies an area of 34.7 hectares, over 80% of which is covered by trees and green, just like a garden in the city.

All the 108 villas were designed by American Company IDI, in American style, luxurious besides comfortable.

All materials of the construction and decoration as well as equipment are famous American products.

From now to July 31st, preferential(优惠) prices for sale and rent are offered. You can move into Fucheng Garden Villas on signing an agreement.

Bank will provide a 50% mortgage(抵押) for 5 years.

Overseas sales License: NO.124.

Developer: Beijing Hongda Read Estate Co.Ltd.

60 East, North 4th Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Tel: (8610)64967050 64967049

Fax: (8610)64933575

(From Wednesday, June 25, 1997 CHINA DAILY)

54. The advertiser is ______

A.Fucheng Garden Villas                  B.Beijing Hongda Road Estate Co. Lid

C.American Company----IDI               D.The Beijing Luftthansa

55.How many hectares is Fucheng Garden Villas covered by trees and greens?

A. 6.94        B.27.76    C.More than 27.76      D.80%

56.According to the advertisement, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.From June 25 to July 31,1997, you can buy or rent the Fucheng Garden Villas with a low price

B.You can’t move into Fucheng Garden Villas before signing agreement

C.If you haven’t got enough money at the moment, you can’t buy the Villas

D.Not only equipment but also all materials of the construction and the decoration are made in America


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The American baby boom after the war made unconvincing U.S. advice to poor countries that they limit their births. However, there has hardly been a year since 1957 in which birth rates did not fall in the United States and other rich countries, and in 1976 the fall was especially sharp. Both East Germany and West Germany have fewer births than they have deaths, and the United States is only temporarily able to avoid this condition because the children of the baby boom are now an exceptionally large group of married couples.

It is true that Americans do not typically plan their births to set an example for developing nations. We are more affected by women's liberation: once women see interesting and well-paid jobs as careers available, they are less willing to provide free labor for child raising. From costing nothing, children suddenly come to seem impossibly expensive. And to the high cost of children are added the uncertainties, introduced by divorce; couples are increasing to subject children to the terrible experience of marriage breakdown and themselves to the difficulty of raising a child alone.

These circumstances-women working outside the home and the instability of marriage, trend to spread with industrial society and they will affect more and more countries during the remainder of this century. Along with them goes social mobility, ambition to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the 19th century.

Food shortage will happen again when the reserves resulting from the good harvests of 1976 and 1977 have been consumed. Urbanization is likely to continue, with the cities of the developing nations struggling under the weight of twice their present populations by the year 2000. The presently rich countries are approaching a stable population largely because of the changed place of women, and they incidentally are setting an example of restraint to the rest of the world. Industrial society will spread to the poor countries, and ambition will exceed resources. All this will lead to a population in the 21st century that is smaller than that was feared   a few years ago. For those anxious to see world population brought under control, the news is encouraging.

49. During the years from 1957 to 1976, the birth rate of the United States _____.

A. increased                                  B. was reduced     

C. experiences both falls and rises      D. high divorce rate
50. What influences the birth rate most in the United States is _____.

A. highly paid jobs                     B. women's working for independence
C. expenses of child raising          D. high divorce rate

51. The sentence "From costing nothing, children suddenly come to seem impossibly expensive" implies that _____.

A. food and clothing for babies are becoming incredibly expensive

B. prices are going up dramatically all the time

C. to raise children, women have to give up interesting and well-paid jobs

D. social development has made child-raising inexpensive
52. A chief factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the 19th century is_____.

A. birth control                   B. women’s strong desire for working

C. the instability of marriage     D. the changed place of women
53. The population in 21st century, according to the writer _____.

A. will be smaller than a few year ago       B. will not be as small as people expect

C. will prove to be threat to the world   D. will not continue as serious a problem as expected


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Don’t go to Kauai. Go to any of the other Hawaiian Islands—Maui, Lanai, the Big Island—but leave Kauai for us. The weather on Kauai is so unpredictable that sometimes it rains all day—in fact, it’s the second –wettest spot on the earth. Yes, there are giant double rainbows all the time, and the sunlight through the clouds is magical. But if you are not interested in these, go somewhere else. You just can’t control the nature on Kauai, and who wants to surrender to the nature when you could be at a fine hotel, lying in a comfortable chair next to a swimming pool, with food served upon request?

   So what if Kauai produces surf champions the way Texas produces cowboys? Most of its 300 white-sand beaches are unmarked. Unless you connect with the local people, the hidden spots are hard to find. While Hanalei is the most beautiful town you’ve ever dreamed of, you can forget about discos and clubs. Worse, it doesn’t have one single four-star restaurant. What it does have is the original drive- through places where you pass by a rambutan tree (红毛丹树),and pick a piece of fruit.

Shopping in Kauai? Forget it—unless you are interested in shell necklaces and beautifully carved wood bowls. Kauai is not about pampering. It’s about going natural and finding the nature within you. It’s a do-it-yourself place that offers walking along the coast, driving and swimming in the Pacific Ocean, and lying on the beach.

Don’t go to Kauai unless you have a lot of time, because there’s only one road, which can be slightly dull. It winds through the beautiful scenery of waterfalls, rivers flowing into the ocean, and taro(芋头)fields. You have no choice but to look at everything, because the speed limit is 35 m.p.h.

If you’re not interested in color, don’t bother with Kauai, because that’s what you get—red roads, blue oceans, and a hundred different shades of green. It’s like diving on land. Many people on Kauai believe that this is Lemuria—a lost island in the Atlantic. Can you imagine? Those Hawaiians, surfers, New Agers, and people who love nature and beauty and want a different quality of life—what do they know, anyway? Forget about it—you’re not going to like it. Go somewhere else. Leave Kauai for us.

45. After reading the text, we come to know that it is              .

A.a piece of shocking news

B.an exciting story

C.an interesting introduction

D.a moving advertisement

46. It can be learned from the text that              .

A. Kauai is an island near the Hawaiian Islands

B. Kauai is another name of the Hawaiian Islands

C. Kauai is one of the Hawaiian Islands

D. Kauai doesn’t belong to the Hawaiian Islands

47. In the writer’s opinion, Kauai            .

A. is not worth visiting at all         B. is well worth visiting

C. is not a beautiful island           D. is a dangerous island

48. Who would like to visit Kauai?           

A.Those who love nature.

B.Those who love city life.

C.Those who love the comfort in a fine hotel.

D.Those who love going shopping.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 On April 8, 1995, five tourists set off from Minneapolis Airport. They were very excited, for it was their first trip to Mexico.

  After five hours, they landed in Acapulco, a tourist city in Mexico. It was very hot, but they walked happily to the Customs . The official examined their passports carefully, finding there was no visa on it. They were told that it was a must for them to enter the country. They explained to the official that they had got in touch with the Mexican Consulate (领事馆) in Chicago and was told no visa was needed, but the official still did not let them pass.

  So they began to call the US Consulate in Acapulco, but did not get the problem done. After they had worked for three hours, they were told to leave for the USA at once.

  They arrived in Detroit that same night after six hours' trip. To their joy, they were shown into a room where a lady official in the airport asked them to tell her their story from the very beginning. And then she suggested they go back to Mimmeapolis Airport to get their money back. But the five tourists still wanted to go to Mexico instead. Then she had to tell them to stay in a nearby hotel for a night and call to see her the next morning.

  They were so tired that they slept very well and woke up late Sunday morning. To their surprise, they saw snow and ice outside. They called the airport but nobody was there. In the afternoon they decided to go to the airport to see Mary again. Finally they caught her and had a long talk with her. She tried the best to manage their plane tickets but they had to get the visas before 12:00 Monday morning.

  They took a taxi and went to look for Mexican Consulate according to the address given by Mary. But the gate was shut. So they drove to a small town near Canada and took some pictures there. They got up early on Monday morning and went there again for visas. After waiting for an hour or so, the official turned up and they got what they wanted by paying $ 17 each. They drove happily to the airport, knowing that their holiday really started now.

41. When did the five people start traveling from Minneapolis?

A. On Friday      B.On Saturday       C.On Sunday        D.On Monday

42.Where is Minneapolis according to this passage?

A. In the USA     B.In Canada         C.In Mexico        D.In Russia

43. What does the word Visa mean in Chinese?

A.护照           B.检疫            C.签证             D.机票

44. Where do you think the official named Mary works?

A.In Minneapolis Airport               B.In the US Consulate

C.At the Customs in Acapulco           D.In Detroit Airport


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Several years ago ,while attending a communication course ,I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to list   21   in our past that we felt  22    of ,regretted ,or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.

       This seemed like a very  23    process ,but there’s always some 24    soul in the crowd who will volunteer .The instructor then   25   that we find ways to   26   people ,or take some action to right any wrongdoings . I was seriously wondering how this could ever  27    my communication.

       Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story : “Making my 28   ,I remembered an incident from high school .I grew up in a small town .There was a Sheriff  29   of us kids liked .One night ,my two buddies (friends )and I decided to play a  30    on him .After drinking a few beers ,we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town ,and wrote on the tank in bright red paint :Sheriff Brown is an s. o. b. The next day ,almost the whole town saw our glorious 31    .Within two hours ,Sheriff Brown had us in his office .My friends told the truth but I lied .No one   32   found out.”

       “Nearly 20years later ,Sheriff Brown’s name  33   on my list .I didn’t even know if he was still   34   .Last weekend ,I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed .I tried his number .After a few   35   ,I heard ‘Hello?’ I said ,’Sheriff Brown?’ Paused . ‘Yes,’ ‘Well ,this is Jimmy Calkins .And I want you to know that I did it .’ Paused. ‘I knew it!’ he yelled back .We had a good laugh and a   36   discussion. His closing words were: ‘Jimmy ,I always felt bad for you   37   your buddies got it off their chest ,but you were carrying it   38   all these years .I want to thank you for calling me ,for your sake .”

       Jimmy inspired me to   39   all 101 items on my list within two years ,and I always remember what I learned from the course : it’s never too late to   40   the past wrongdoings.

35.A.words                 B.repeats                C.rings                   D.calls

36.A.cold                    B.plain                    C.nervous               D.lively

37.A.in case               B.so long as            C.unless                 D.because

38.A.around                B.out                     C.on                      D.away

39.A.build up               B.make up              C.clear up               D.give up

40.A.regret                  B.right                    C.write                   D.punish


科目: 来源: 题型:

. Henry can’t attend the party ____ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing for the speech at the party ____ at Marie’s house tomorrow.

A.held; being held                                 B.held; to be held 

C.being held; to be held                         D.being held; held


科目: 来源: 题型:

The president, together with other government officials, ___ to the nuclear station ____ there was an accident 20 minutes ago.

 A.have come; which      B.come; in which   C.has come;where  D.coming; in which


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Will you go shopping now?

   —Not until I ____ my experiment.

 A.have finished     B.will finish          C.finished          D.had finished


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The suit is nice but expensive,  I can't _____________ it.

A. buy                    B. pay for                          C. sell                 D. afford


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Is that 110? A thief is in my house…

—Ok, help is ____.

A.in the way       B.in its way         C.on the way       D.by the way

