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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Maybe you are an average student. ___71___ This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how.

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. ___72___ A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Make good use of your time in class. ___73___ Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes; review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. ___74___ If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

___75___ You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for relaxation.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. You probably think you will never be a top student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don't know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, "Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."

He found a taxi (出租车) and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel.

"Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office."

Choose the right answer

67. Dick flew to New York because ___.

A. he went there for a holiday                                   B. he had work there

C. he went there for sightseeing (观光)                     D. his home was there

68. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?

A. Because she didn't know his address yet         B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too

C. Because she might send him another telegram

D. Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York

69. Where did Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city.    B. In a hotel.   C. In a restaurant.              D. At his friend's house.

70. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager of his hotel.  B. The police office.  C. The taxi driver.            D. His wife.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Su Hua is studying at Cambridge, UK. She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security (安全). Her friend, Kate, found this article and sent it to her.


A lot of crime is against bicycles. About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never found. You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.

Basic Security

Do not leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places. Always lock your bicycle when you leave. Secure it to lampposts or trees. Take off smaller parts and take them with you, for example lights and saddles (车座).


Get a good lock. There are many different types in the shops. Buy one that has been tested against attack. Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop.


Security marking your bike can act as a deterrent to a thief. It can also help the police find your bicycle. It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number. This will provide a simple way to identify your bicycle.


There are a number of companies who will security mark your bicycle for you. They will then put your registration number and personal details on their computer database. Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.


Keep a record of the bicycle yourself: its make, model and registration number. You can even take a photograph of it. This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.

63. Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?

   A. Locks.         B. Marking.           C. Registration.             D. Basic Security.

64. The underlined phrase “act as a deterrent to a thief” means ______.

A. help you recognize your bike                   B. help the police find your bicycle

   C. stop someone stealing your bicycle              D. stop you worrying about your bike

65. The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle _______.

   A. in the bike shop and your computer                    B. in the police station and a security company

   C. in a security company and your university              D. by yourself and in a security company

66. The main purpose of this article is _________.

   A. to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen  B. to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe

   C. to give you advice on where to buy a good lock

D. to say why you shouldn’t keep your bicycle in a quiet place 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     All over the world people enjoy sports; sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

     Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when "their" player or team wins.

     Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for(参加) them. Football, for example, has spread(展开)around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! And think of people in cold countries. Think how many love to skate or ski (滑雪) in Japan, Norway or Canada.

      Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

      People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train(培养,训练) a person’s character(性格,品格).One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(胜不骄,败不馁).

59. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?

    A. Because they are healthy.                    B. Because they are happy.

    C. Because they want to live longer.         D. All the above.

60. Why do some people get excited when they watch a game? Because________.        

    A. their favourite team wins                  B. they win the game

    C. they get the good news                D. they can’t help themselves

61. Which of the sports has a long history?

    A. Water-skiing.        B. Basketball.        C. Volleyball.      D. Long jump.

62. Why do people from different countries often become friends after a game together?


    A. they train their character in the game                  B. they understand each other

    C. they are friendly to each other                   D. they help each other


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. I also think my work is important. There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career(职业).

    I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn‘t have much to offer. I just accepted that I wasn’t the type to have a career.

    I then found myself a job,  looking after two little girls. It wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week,she’d give me time off the next. But unfortunately, it didn’t often work out. I was getting extremely tired and fed up, because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.

    One Sunday,I was in the park with the children,and met Megan who used to go to school with me. I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children. I didn‘t think I would be accepted because I didn’t take many exams in school. She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course. I had to leave my job with the family,and got work helping out at a kindergarten.

    Now I’ve got a full-time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career,even if you aren’t top of  the class at school.

56. When staying with the two girls‘ family,the author ________.

   A. was paid for extra work                       B. often worked long hours

   C. got much help from her boss                D. took a day off every other week

57. Why did the author leave her first job?

   A. She found a full-time job.                      B. She was fed up with children.

   C. She decided to attend a part-time course.  

D. She needed a rest after working extra hours.

58. What has the author learned from her own experiences?

   A. Less successful students can still have a career.   B. Qualifications are necessary for a career.

   C. Hard work makes an excellent student.               D. One must choose the job she like.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Outside a big city, there was a prison. Every day, prisoners were asked to work hard. A prisoner picked up a 100-dollar bill 36 he was building a road outside the prison. He 37 it in at once. 38 , the person in charge of the prison didn’t believe that he was a(n) 39 man. He said to the prisoner, “Stop 40 ! This is your own money. You are trying to bribe(贿赂) me. What you want to get is a 41 sentence(刑期). People of your sort are not honest.”

The prisoner felt 42 hurt. He believed that no one in the world would 43 him any more. So he 44 from prison that night.

  During his escape from the prison, he 45 a lot of money. After he got enough money, he took a train to go to the border. The carriages were so 46 that he had to stand close to a 47 . At this moment, a quite beautiful girl walked into the washroom, and found that the latch(门插销) was broken when she closed the door. She stepped out and said to him, “Sir, could you 48 the door for me?”

  49 for a second, he 50 the pure eyes of the girl and nodded his head. The girl went into the washroom, and he guarded the door tightly like a 51 guard.

  At that moment, he suddenly changed his 52 . At the next stop he got off the train, and gave himself up to the police at the train station.

  Trust is the most 53 thing in this world. It cannot be 54, or gained by force. It comes deep from one’s soul. It can make one’s 55 full of hope and confidence.

36. A. once              B. before          C. while             D. since

37. A. returned            B. handed          C. broke             D. took

38. A. However           B. So             C. Besides           D. Instead

39. A. honest             B. patient          C. polite             D. perfect

40. A. working            B. saying           C. building           D. lying

41. A. increased           B. reduced         C. raised            D. slowed

42. A. similarly            B. hardly           C. badly             D. formally

43. A. care               B. like             C. praise             D. trust

44. A. escaped            B. broke           C. ran              D. left 

45. A. raised             B. saved           C. stole             D. won 

46. A. crowded           B. comfortable       C. noisy             D. dirty

47. A. dining room         B. washroom       C. kitchen           D. carriage 

48. A. protect             B. fix             C. watch            D. close 

49. A. Amused B. Excited C. Disappointed D. Surprised

50. A. looked through B. looked into C. looked up D. looked out

51. A. loyal              B. nervous         C. brave             D. friendly 

52. A. brain              B. method          C. way              D. mind 

53. A. valuable            B. reasonable        C. expensive          D. possible

54. A. received B. sent C.bought D. completed 

55. A. dream             B. heart           C. head             D. view


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What do you think of the good news?

  —Wonderful! It makes us _____.Most of us were _____about it.

A. excited; excited             B. exciting; exciting

C. excited; exciting           D. exciting; excited


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I have some trouble ______reading the letter. His handwriting is very bad.

A. in                       B. of                          C. with                             D. on


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The witness(目击者) said that the UFO ________east to west when he saw it .

A.travelled           B. had been traveling   C. was traveling                 D. was to travel


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mr.Green ____goes to the park for a walk with some friends after supper .

A. frequently       B. immediately       C.completely           D finally

