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科目: 来源: 题型:

I sent a big bunch of flowers to the nurse as an    of thanks for her taking good care of my grandpa in the nursing home.

A.attitude B.impression C.appreciation      D.expression


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 正确对待考试;

2. 适当运动,作息有规律;

3. 睡前洗个热水澡,喝杯牛奶有助于快速入睡。

  4. 你个人的想法。



科目: 来源: 题型:

This evening I quarreled with Mom about the small                   76.__________

matter. After supper, Mom asked me go to see Grandma           77. __________

with her. But I told her that I wouldn’t because                        78. __________

I promised to go to a movie about one of our texts                           79. __________

with Wang Hua and Jia Ping. Hearing of this, Mom got                     80. __________

angry. She spoke that I didn’t love or respect Grandma.                   81. __________

I explained I shouldn’t break out my promise and that               82. __________

I could go to see Grandma sometime late. Mom said I                     83. __________

only cared of myself. And I said she didn’t understand                     84. __________

me. None of us wanted to give in, so we had a quarrel.                    85. __________



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do-especially in tight job market. Bob Crossly, a human resource expert, notices this in the job applications that come across his desk every day. “It’s amazing how many candidates cross themselves out,” he says.

“Resumes(简历)arrive with faults. Some candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I cross out the candidate,” Crossly concludes. “If they can’t take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?”

Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely! Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, the professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselves how the details we are working on fit into the larger picture. If they don’t, we should drop them and move to something else.”

Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off course 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinate(坐标)of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustment as necessary.” Knowing where to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake.

Too often we believe what accounts for others’ success is some special secret or a lucky break. But rarely is success so mysterious. Again and again we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.

72. According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected because _______.

A. they failed to present resumes that are free of mistakes 

B. they failed to give a detailed description of their background

C. they cross out their names from the applicants list themselves

D. their handwriting on the resume was hard to recognize

73. The third paragraph is intended to state that _______.

A. trees are as important as forest 

B. we should pay much attention to details 

C. we shouldn’t go too far in details to lose our goals

D. perfectionists are able to achieve perfect results

74. Which of the following is the author’s advice to the readers?

A. Careless applicants shouldn’t be trusted

B. Attention to details shouldn’t be overlooked

C. Don’t forget details before we move to something else

D. Be aware of the details of a task before undertaking it

75. The example of Apollo II moon launch is given to show that _______.

A. minor mistakes can be ignored 

B. failure is the mother of success

C. adjustments are the key to successful completion of any work

D. keeping one’s goal in mind helps decide which details can be overlooked


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

By 1990, according to a World Wildlife Fund report, only about 4,500 tigers survived throughout the world — half of them in India. Mr. Foresters, who followed and counted tiger footprints, estimated that in May 1992 only about 1,800 tigers existed in India. Project Tiger supported by W. W. F. was immediately launched. Nine tiger reserves were created, with armed guards protecting them.

The project provided opportunities for researchers from India and abroad to study tigers in the reserves and gather previously unavailable information about their habits. Studies show that a male tiger may control a hunting territory of between 10 and 20 sq. kms, depending on its age, size and strength.

The territory of a male includes the smaller territories of three or four tigresses. A tiger marks the boundaries of its territory by spraying urine(尿)and other bodily liquids on bushes. But it tries to avoid territorial fights, being guided by the distinctive body smell of other tigers. Tigers fight to death only when a tigress is defending her young, or when a tiger is guarding a tigress from the attentions of other males.

The popular image of the tiger is that of a merciless and unconquerable hunter. But studies show that it catches only one of 20 victims it tries to attack.

Fears have recently developed that Project Tiger has been too successful. It has enabled the tiger population to double but India’s human population has also grown out of control. Currently it is 750 million and likely to be 900 million by the end of the century. The land problem is becoming serious and many rural people feel bitter about the fact that some rich forests are reserved for tigers. A growing number of attacks by tigers on man has added to the hostility.(敌意)

68. The ultimate aim of Project Tiger is to             .

A. study the growth rate of tigers

B. promote the breeding of young tigers

C. protect tigers from being killed

D. analyze the behavioral patterns of tigers

69. Studies have shown that            .

A. a tigress never attacks until attacked

B. the tigress is not as fierce as the tiger

C. a tiger usually fights another tiger to defend its own territory

D. the tiger is not an efficient hunter as is commonly described

70. Some people are afraid that Project Tiger          .

A. has been carried too far

B. has failed to achieve its goal

C. hasn’t received enough attention

D. is not worth the money spent on it

71. The author seems          .

A. to be enthusiastic about Project Tiger

B. to have a matter — of — fact attitude towards Project Tiger

C. to have a hostile attitude towards Project Tiger

D. to be satisfied with Project Tiger


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever wondered what a Degree might be worth to you in your job or career? It means a lot. Americans with an Associate Degree average nearly $ 10,000 more in yearly earnings than those with just a High School Diploma.

Harcourt Learning Direct offers you a way to get a Specialized Associate Degree in 11 of today’s growing fields-without having to go to college full time.

With Harcourt, you study at home, in your spare time-so you don’t have to give up your present job while you train for a better one. Choose from exciting majors like Business Management, Accounting, Dressmaking & Design, Bookkeeping, Photography, Computer Science, Engineering, and more!

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64. What kind of people will probably answer this advertisement?

  A. College students preparing to work in some big companies.

  B. College students preparing to study for a degree.

  C. High school graduates preparing to have at home training.

  D. High school graduates preparing for college entrance examinations.

65. Which major is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

  A. Photography                     B. Physiology

  C. Accounting                      D. Bookkeeping

66. People can get a specialized Associate Degree by_________.

  A. doing full-time learning at school

  B. working in some big famous companies

C. studying in their spare time

D. study abroad for two years.

67. Harcourt training has NOT been used by ____________for its employees.

A. General Motors                   B. Harvard University

C. General Electric                  D. Mobil


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most people say “yes” much more readily than “no”.

A friend is moving house this weekend and would like some help, and you agree. But, what you really wanted was relaxing at home for a couple of quiet days. Or a roommate spends the whole weekend playing video games and wants to borrow your homework for “reference”.But, you’ve just finished it after working hard for a whole day.

Many people say “yes” to this kind of requests. They tend not to consider their own interests and feelings, and are often angry with themselves afterwards. Saying “no” requires courage and considerable practice. “Everyone wants to be liked.” Says Gabriele Steinki, a German psychologist. “Saying ‘no’ risks losing the affection of the person asking for the favor. Or even a job.” The result is that many people say “yes” just for keeping the peace. But experts say this is regrettable. Anyone should have the right to say “no”. In fact, rejecting a request can even help to stabilize a relationship because it expresses real affection. But, for people accustomed to agreeing every request, it’s very distressing to say “no”.

Most people believe that if they say “no”, they’ll lose the affection of the person. But the affection is important to them. This way of thinking can be replaced by this: “If he only likes me because I always do what suits him, then the price of this affection is too high in the long term.”

When people saying “no”, Steinki advises giving the reasons calmly until the person gets the message.

60. What does the second paragraph tell us?

A. In fact people are usually selfish.

B. Sometimes people say “yes” when they really want to say “no”.

C. It’s not suitable to ask others to help at weekends.

D. It’s disgusting to borrow homework for reference.

61. Many people don’t say “no” though they really want to because      .

A. they dare not offend the asker

B. they are afraid of braking the good relationship with the asker

C. they don’t care about their own feeling

D. they are good-tempered

62. The underlined word “distressing” can be replace by “____”.

A. comfortable    B. funny                C. unnecessary             D. uncomfortable

63. The best title for the passage would be ____.

A. You Need Courage to Say “No”

B. Saying “No” Is More Important Than Saying “Yes”

C. Saying “No” Would Bring Benefits

D. The Art of Saying “No”


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Compulsive (强迫的)shoppers may have a new psychological excuse to blame for their wild shopping. Psychologists at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand are studying the “shop-till-you-drop”habit as a behavioral disorder similar to compulsive eating. Compulsive shoppers frequently buy more than they can afford or more than they need, and it causes them distress.

“It becomes a problem when you are out of control,”psychology lecturer Neville Blampied said. “When you are feeling bad and blue, what do you do? Some people eat chocolate cake and ice cream. Some people take the credit card and go out to the shop.” Bank managers understand the problem because they have to deal with people who have to be persuaded to stop using their cards drawing money.

Compulsive shopping was first discovered in 1915,although it was then known as oniomania. Few studies have been done on the problem.

An advertisement in a Christchurch paper, calling for people to take part in an experimental treatment program designed by Mr. Wilson, attracted 10 replies. But the problem, said Mr Wilson, is “clearly not rare ”.He thinks that compulsive shopping should be treated with drugs. “As psychologists we are interested in non-drug treatments for behavioral difficulties, ” Mr Wilson said.

Compulsive eaters or shoppers get a kick from their habit. “Both activities provide an immediate kind of kick and you feel a bit better, ” he said. “You have long-term problems, but human beings are extremely good at not seeing long-term problems and are very sensitive to short-term benefits,” he said.

The aim of the treatment was to help people find better ways of managing their emotions. The program, consisting of 10 one-hour weekly lessons and two follow-up treatments, is loosely based on teaching stress management.

“You often have to start to get people to correctly recognize their emotions. Not being able to know what you really feel weakens your ability to solve the problems connected with what’s making you feel that way, ” Mr. Wilson said.

56. What is this article mostly about?

A. Signs of compulsive shopping.     

B. Studies of compulsive shopping.

C. comparison of compulsive shopping and compulsive eating.

D. An experimental treatment program designed by Mr. Wilson.

57. The compulsive shoppers will go shopping when      .

A. they have lots of money                    B. they are taking drugs

C. they are feeling sad                        D. they win a prize

58. The underlined word“it”in the first paragraph most probably refers to      .

A. compulsive eating                         B. a new psychological excuse

C. the study done by Blampied           D. the behavior of wild shopping

59. Which of the following is considered important in treating compulsive shoppers?

A. Teaching them to manage their money better.  

B. Teaching them to understand their emotions.

C. Persuading them not to draw money from the bank.   

D. Treating them with right drugs.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your  36 was a million miles away? You probably felt  37 and made up your mind to pay attention and never daydream again. Most of us, from earliest school 38 , have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.

“ On the contrary, ” says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology, “ daydreaming is quite 39. Without it, the mind couldn’t get done all the 40 it has to do during a normal day. You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind.  41 , your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming then may be one 42 in which the unconscious and conscious 43 of mind have silent dialogue.”

Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of 44 or even considered them harmful. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental  45 . They did not have a better understanding of daydreams 46 the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinger says, “ We 47 now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we 48 our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our future. ” Daydreams are really a reflection(反映)on the things we 49 or the things we long for in life.

Daydreams are usually very simple and 50 , quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be 51 to understand. It’s easier to gain a 52 understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help one 53 the difficult situations in life and find out a possible way for dealing with them.

Daydreams cannot be predicted(预知). They move off in  54 directions, which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were, and are a main source of creative energy.

So next time you catch  55 daydreaming, don’t stop. Just pay attention to your dreams. They may be more important than you think.

36. A. business   B. feeling        C. mind     D. family

37. A. hurried     B. worried       C. lonely    D. sorry

38. A. days      B. ages            C. lessons    D. times

39. A. normal     B. ordinary           C. necessary   D. possible

40. A. controlling  B. imagining       C. thinking     D. working

41. A. Gradually    B. However       C. Actually   D. Of course

42. A. place      B. result         C. effect    D. way

43. A. states    B. example        C. shape    D. level

44. A. research   B. daydreams      C. dialogue   D. minds

45. A. weakness   B. power        C. illness      D. fault

46. A. at          B. until         C. after      D. before

47. A. suppose       B. conclude       C. know         D. think

48. A. learn    B. organize        C. expect    D. determine

49. A. think    B. want         C. wish      D. fear

50. A. direct    B. sudden           C. long     D. clear

51. A .slow      B. indirect        C. familiar     D. hard

52. A. happy    B. deep          C. simple    D. satisfying

53. A. experience  B. defeat         C. recognize   D. take

54. A. usual      B. strange        C. scientific   D. unexpected

55. A. anybody    B. yourself           C. one     D. somebody


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ________, the car stopped at once.

A. Seeing a boy lying on the ground  

B. On seeing a boy lying on the ground

C. The driver saw a boy lying on the ground 

D. The minute the driver saw a boy lying on the ground

