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科目: 来源: 题型:

           you like it or not, you'll have to give up smoking.

A. If              B. Whether

C. How           D. Why


科目: 来源: 题型:

 This painting is splendid, but ________ we actually need it is a different matter.

A. that     B. what

C. whether    D. how


科目: 来源: 题型:


16. You will understand my kindness _______ _______ (最终).

17. What he said was quite ________ _________ _______ ________ ________ (与他做的不一样).

18. You are not allowed _______ ________ ________ ________ (在这里踢足球).

19. The boy is _______ the hole ________ ________ (正往洞里灌沙子).

20. When the war ______ ______ (爆发), he was working in the navy.


科目: 来源: 题型:


根据A句句义,完成B 句,使句义相同或相近。

11. A: Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets which go round the sun.

   B: Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets _____ ______the sun.

12. A: They multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen.

   B: They multiplied and the first oceans and seas were _______ _______oxygen.

13. A: Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the sea.

   B: Others, ________ ________called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the sea.

14. A: Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space.

   B: Last month I was ______ ________ that I had a chance to make a trip into space.

15. A: We visited the moon in our spaceship.

   B: We visited the moon _______ ________.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. What would happen if there were no __________ (大气层).

2. A bomb was _________ (爆炸) at a gas station this morning and five persons were killed.

3. The government is encouraging the ____________ (发展) of small businesses.

4. Fruit juices can be ________ (有害) to children’s teeth.

5. Because of the ________ (到场) of the famous football star, everyone cheered up.

6. Without o________ animals can’t live.

7. The disease is s__________ quickly, so we must do what we can to stop it.

8. They were d___________ at the result of the game, so they looked unhappy.

9. I didn’t want to tell him the secret but he f_______ me to do so.

10. At first she didn’t like English but g__________ she is interested in it.


科目: 来源: 题型:



中国航天 (China Spaceflight)



时  间


地  点




注意:1. 词数100左右;

        2. 要点齐全,符合英语口语特点;

           3. 广播稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

        4. 参考词汇:背景 background  航天员 astronaut  过程 process

Dear teachers and schoolmates,

May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. ______________________________________________________________________________

That’s all. Thanks for your attention.


科目: 来源: 题型:


I live in a city, but I prefer to spending my summer       66. ________ 

holiday in the countryside this year. Though the city life        67. ________

is modern, there is some problems. For example, the air                 68. ________

has been polluted, which is harm to people’s health. The          69. ________

city is noisy and crowded, while I can not enjoy a quiet          70. ________

life in the countryside. Besides, I could climb mountains          71. ________

and swim in the river which the water is really clean.               72. ________

All these things will benefit me a lot. After all, I can                73. ________

make some new local friends and learn less about nature.        74. ________

I’m looking forward the coming of my summer holiday.      75. ________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We certainly know that our universe exists, but this knowledge alone has not satisfied human’s long search for further understanding. Our curiosity has led us to question our place in this universe and even the place of the universe itself. Throughout (贯穿) time we have asked ourselves these questions: How did our universe begin? How old is our universe? How did matter come to exist? Obviously, these are not simple questions. Throughout our brief history on this planet much time and effort has been spent looking for some clue (线索). Yet, after all this energy has been used up, much of what we know is still only speculation (推测).

However, we have come a long way from the beginnings of the study of cosmology and the origins of the universe. Through the understandings of modern science, we have been able to provide firm theories for some of the answers that we once called speculation. True to the nature of science, most of these answers have only led to more interesting and complex (复杂的) questions. 

 It will be impossible to deal with all of the questions about the creation of everything that we know as reality in this short passage, but an attempt will be made to deal with certain basic questions of our being. It will be important to keep in mind that all of this information is often being questioned and reevaluated (再评估) in order to understand the universe more clearly. For our purposes, through an examination of what is known about the Big Bang itself and the age of the universe, we believe that we can begin to answer several of these key questions.

63. We can infer from the first paragraph that ________.

A. human beings needn’t have tried to know about the universe

B. human beings have no ability to know about the universe at all

C. Curiosity has helped human beings to know the universe well

D. It is difficult for human beings to know the universe very well

64. According to the passage, ________ helps people answer some complex questions.

A. curiosity        B. science        C. speculation        D. history

65. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. We will find the answers to all the questions about the universe soon.

B. Much work needs to be done to know more about the universe.

C. Some of the speculations about the universe have proved true.

D. The Big Bang is a very important theory to know about the universe.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Ask a lot of people what the purpose of a telescope is, and chances are they will say something like, "to make distant objects look bigger." I'm a guest speaker at local schools, and I always get that answer or something close to it when I ask that question.

Is the basic role of a telescope really to make things look bigger? Take this test. Step outside on a clear night from a brightly lit room. See anything? Probably not. But it gets better after a few minutes, doesn't it? In fact, after a while, you'll wonder why you didn't see all those stars before. What made it better? Did you change the magnification (放大率), or make the outside size of anything change? Of course not. What you did change, was the amount of light your eyes gathered. So, the basic role of a telescope is to gather light.

The more light a telescope gathers, the more powerful it is. And remember, telescope apertures (光圈) are circles, and the areas of circles increase with the square of the radius (范围), so moving up in aperture (光圈), even a little can have big results. Although the size of a 7X50 binoculars (双眼望远镜) looks about the same as a 7X35's, the 7X50 binoculars gather over twice the light of the 7X35 binoculars do. So, you should buy the biggest telescope you can get.  

60. The test is mentioned in the second paragraph to show ________.

A. the basic role of a telescope is to make distant objects look bigger

B. eyes need a period of time to get over the darkness

C. the basic role of a telescope is to gather light

D. the similarity between people's eyes and telescopes

61. What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?

A. The bigger the telescope you buy is, the better.

B. The power of a telescope depends on the square of the radius.

C. The difference between a 7X50 binoculars and a 7X35 binoculars.

D. If necessary one had better choose a bigger telescope.

62. The text probably appears in ________.

A. a product introduction   B. a science report

C. an advertisement       D. a notice


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England. His parents’ house was in North London, but during the Second World War Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans. At eleven Stephen went to St. Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father’s old college. Stephen wanted to do math, although his father would have preferred medicine. Math was not available at University College, so he did physics instead.  

Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology (宇宙论). After gaining his Ph.D. (哲学博士) he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973, Stephen came to the Department of Applied Math and Theoretical Physics (理论物理), and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of math.

Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which rule the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results show it was necessary to unify (统一) General Relativity with Quantum Theory (量子论). One result of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should give off radiation and disappear in the end.

56. Which of the following is NOT suitable for describing Stephen Hawking?

A. He once studied at the same college that his father studied at.

B. At one time he did research in Cosmology in Oxford.  

C. He preferred math to medicine at college.

D. He contributed to the unification of General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory.

57. The underlined word “available” in the first paragraph probably means “________”.

A. able to be had    B. allowed to study    C. easy to understand   D. limited to learn

58. Why did Stephen Hawking’s parents move to Oxford from North London?

A. Because they liked it better than North London.

B. Because there was a world-famous university there.

C. Because they were tired of living in North London.

D. Because it was safer to give birth to a bay in Oxford.

59. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Einstein and Stephen Hawking

B. Big Bang, a great theory 

C. Stephen Hawking, a great British scientist

D. The unification of two theories

