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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The stress of daily life has given rise to a new phenomenon ─ sleep texting. People with this condition send text messages while asleep to their friends and family ─ completely ___(50)___ that they are doing it.

Sleep specialist Dr David Cunnington, of Melbourne Sleep Disorder Centre in Australia, said patients had reported ___(51)___ of sleep texting ─ and he has advised people to leave their ___(52)___ outside the bedroom.

He said: “We have had patients who have reported sending text messages to their friends and family while asleep. It is one of those things that happens, but it is very ___(53)___, and certainly not a common trend.”

___(54)___, there are no studies into sleep texting — but a ___(55)___ phenomenon, sleep emailing, was studied in 2008.

Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman, 44, who would ___(56)___ emails while sound asleep. She had no recollection(记忆) of sending the emails when awake.

Dr Cunnington said cases of sleep emailing were more common, and were likely to have a more ___(57)___ effect on the lives of sufferers.

He said: “Emails can be sent to work colleagues and have much more serious ___(58)___, whereas text messages are more likely to be ___(59)___ sent to a friend or family member, so people aren't as likely to complain of a problem.”

Dr Cunnington described sleep texting as the ___(60)___ of people having too much to do during waking life. He explained: 'People are doing so much during a normal day that it can mean that they feel like they're "on call" even at night.

“___(61)___ it's so easy to receive emails constantly, and get notifications(通知) from smartphones(智能电话), it becomes more difficult for us to ___(62)___ our waking and sleeping lives.”

Dr Cunnington said people ___(63)___ to get a quality night's sleep must realize that the key point is that people need to ___(64)___ their sleep, and make an effort to switch off at night.

50.A. conscious        B. unaware         C. secure           D. grateful

51.A. missions         B. intervals          C. courses          D. incidents

52.A. mobile phones     B. personal computers  C. unfinished work    D. sleeping pills

53.A. true            B. common          C. obvious          D. rare

54.A. Fortunately       B. Adequately C. Unsurprisingly D. Unbelievably

55.A. similar          B. strange           C. present           D. unique

56.A. recall           B. overlook          C. compose         D. recover

57.A. generous        B. internal C. harmful D. positive

58.A. consequences     B. preparations       C. significance D. symptoms

59.A. accidentally       B. purposefully       C. unreasonably      D. unwillingly

60.A. temper          B. result            C. excuse              D. loss

61.A. Because         B. Although          C. Just as              D. So

62.A. combine         B. satisfy           C. describe          D. separate

63.A. appointing       B. struggling         C. carrying          D. affording

64.A. recognize        B. ignore C. restore D. respect


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 所有队员都赞成他的提议。(favour)

2. 别对她期望太高,她毕竟只是一个新手。(expect)

3. 这本书不仅有插图,还配有光盘,难怪孩子们如此喜欢。(no wonder)

4. 因为不良的饮食习惯,西方人比亚洲人更容易得心脏病。(likely)

5. 将IPAD运用于教学会带来许多好处,但它无法完全替代传统的学习方式。(replace)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric(结构) of the American city in three fundamental ways. It catalyzed(加速) physical expansion, it sorted out people and land uses, and it accelerated the inherent instability of urban life. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric tro lleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant form city centers than they were in the premodern era. In 1850, for example, the borders of Boston lay scarcely two miles from the old business district; by the turn of the century the radius extended ten miles. Now those who could afford it could live far removed from the old city center and still commute there for work, shopping, and entertainment. The new accessibility of land around the periphery(周围)of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas. Over the same period, another 550,000 were plotted outside the city limits but within the metropolitan area. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years – lots that could have housed five to six million people.

Of course, many were never occupied; there was always a huge surplus of subdivided, but vacant, land around Chicago and other cities. These excesses underscore a feature of residential expansion related to the growth of mass transportation: urban sprawl(建筑物无计划延伸) was essentially unplanned. It was carried out by thousands of small investors who paid little heed to coordinated land use or to future land users. Those who purchased and prepared land for residential purposes, particularly land near or outside city borders where transit lines and middle-class inhabitants were anticipated, did so to create demand as much as to respond to it. Chicago is a prime example of this process. Real estate subdivision (再划分小区)there proceeded much faster than population growth.

72.With which of the following subjects is the passage mainly concerned?

       A.Types of mass transportation.

       B.Instability of urban life.

       C.How supply and demand determine land use.

       D.The effect of mass transportation on urban expansion.

73.Why does the author mention both Boston and Chicago?

       A.To demonstrate positive and negative effects of growth.

       B.To exemplify cities with and without mass transportation.

       C.To show mass transportation changed many cities.

       D.To contrast their rate of growth.

74.According to the passage, what was one disadvantage of residential expansion?

       A.It was expensive.

       B.It happened too slowly.

       C.It was unplanned.

       D.It created a demand for public transportation.

75.The author mentions Chicago in the second paragraph as an example of a city,

       A.that is large.

       B.that is used as a model for land development.

       C.where the development of land exceeded population growth.

       D.with an excellent mass transportation system.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities.Of course,there have always been people who have locked for adventure—those who have climbed the highest mountains,traveled into unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans.Now,however,there are people who try to find an immediate thrill(毛骨悚然)from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.

       I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity.You jump from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot-air balloon)200 meters above the ground with an elastic(有弹性的)rope tied to your ankles.You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs(峭壁).

       Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists(心理学家)suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring(令人厌烦). Not very long ago,people‘s lives were constantly under threat.They had to go out and hunt for food,diseases could not easily be cured,and life was a continuous battle for survival.Life,according to many people,offers little excitement.They live and work safely and comfortably.The answer for some of these people is to try to find danger in activities such as bungee jumping.

5.Which of the following is the best title for this test?

       A.Bungee jumping;a dangerous sport         B.Bungee jumping;an exciting sport

       C.Dangerous sports;what and how?          D.Dangerous sports;what and why?


6.People take part in dangerous sports mainly because_________.

       A.they want to have a change in sports         B.there is not much work for them to do

       C.there is not much excitement in their lives     D.they are curious about such sports

7.It seemed that the writer of the text is _________.

       A.afraid of dangerous sports              B.against dangerous sports

       C.for dangerous sports                   D.neither for nor against dangerous sports


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. 选择适当的词语

A. evident           B. addition      C. voluntary           D. convenience      E. cooperating

F. competing        G. account      H. distinguished      I. particular       J. extent


Classified advertising is advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus ____(41)____ from display advertising. Such groupings as "Help Wanted", "Real Estate", "Lost and Found" are made, the rate charged being less than for display advertising.

Classified advertisements are a(n) ___(42)____ to the reader and a saving to the advertiser. The reader who is interested in a particular kind of advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The advertisers may, on this ___(43)___, use a very small advertisement that would be lost if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper.

 It is ___(44)___ that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to a page of classified advertisements to search for the ___(45)___ advertisement that will meet his needs. As the reader’s attention is ___(46)___, the advertiser does not need to rely to much ___(47)___ on display type to get the reader's attention. Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in the number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is ___(48)___ with others in the same group for the reader's attention. In many cases the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the ___(49)___ of headlines and pictures. In that way the classified advertisement has in reality become a display advertisement. This is particularly true of real estate advertising.


科目: 来源: 题型:

If better use is _____your spare time  you’ll make great progress.

Aspent     B taken    C made of    D used of


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____makes our school proud is _____ more than 80% of the students have been admitted to key universities.

A What    because  B  What   that   C That   what    D That   because


科目: 来源: 题型:

The play_____next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A produced   B being  produced C to be produced  D having been produced


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I was in Germany, one day at Christmas-time I went to a post office to send a letter. To my (16)______ I found people queuing some paces away from the person at the savings deposit window.

(17)_____so? Each did his business (18)_____ but the line never moved a step (19)_____. I was very (20)____, so I walked to the window to find out the cause. There was a notice on which was written “Thank you for your (21)_____for other's privacy”—a polite (22)_____to keep people away from nosing into other's (23)_____ (money matters are regarded as privacy in Western countries). I was deeply impressed by the (24)____ and stayed a while to watch: they were waiting so (25)____ at a distance that they seemed quite (26) _____to the practice. The (27)____ thing happened at a public telephone box. (28)_____ waiting for their turns always kept their distance—enough to be out of (29)____ . It's another typical example!

From then on I (30)____ to watch their ways of doing things, manners, treatment (31)____ towards others. And I found the Germans always mindful of other's privacy. They avoided putting others in an embarrassing(窘迫)situation. For instance, they never (32)____ about age, incomes or the place to buy such a coat, (33)_____would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore. Their laws (34)_____ reading diaries or opening letters without permission. That shows (35) ____matters are not allowed to be disturbed.

16.A.sorrow           B.anger            C.delight           D.surprise

17.A.Why                   B.How             C.What                 D.Where

18.A.in secret            B.with care        C.in turn               D.by turns

19.A.slower                B.nearer           C.farther               D.longer

20.A.curious              B.angry           C.interested            D.impatient

21.A.care                  B.respect           C.help                   D.search

22.A.voice                 B.phrase         C.warning              D.sentence

23.A.pockets             B.savings          C.needs              D.affairs

24.A.word                 B.sight             C.people             D.matters

25.A.honestly             B.anxiously        C.nervously            D.calmly

26.A.used                   B.familiar          C.uncomfortable     D.polite

27.A.interesting          B.strange           C.same                 D.different

28.A.They                   B.These           C.Those                 D.That

29.A.sight               B.hearing          C.touch                  D.question

30.A.went on              B.took care        C.paid attention       D.took charge

31.A moving                B.shown         C.facing             D.offered

32.A asked                   B.heard          C.worried                D.learned

33.A.so                     B.nor             C.not only              D.if

34.A.appreciate            B.stop             C.hate                    D.forbid

35.A.public                 B.personal         C.small                   D.important


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ---Why does the lake smell terrible?

--- Because large quantities of water______.

A  is being polluted     B have been polluted    C is polluted   D  has been polluted

