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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.   36  . He did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy. but rather when he was   37 and ill.

My father was   38 a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness   39 all that away. Now he can no longer walk. and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is   40 . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters, we started   41 about life, and I told them about one of my   42 . I said that we must always give things up   43 we grow----our youth. our beauty, our friends-but it always 44 that after we give something up. We gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father   45   up. He said,”But, Peter. I gave up   46 ! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say.  47 . he answered his own question:”I   48 the love of my family. ” I looked at my sisters, and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.

I was also   49 by his words. After that , when I began to fell irritated (愤怒的)at someone. I   50 remember his words and become   51 . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others. then I should be   52 . to give up my small irritations. In this   53 , I learned the power of acceptance from my father.

Sometimes I   54  what other things I could learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one   55 .

36. A. Afterwards B. Therefore  C. However  D. Meanwhile

37. A. tired B. weak  C. poor  D. slow

38. A. already  B. still  C. only  D. once

39. A. took  B. threw  C. sent D. put

40. A. impossible  B. difficult   C. stressful   D. hopeless

41. A. worrying B. caring  C. talking D. asking

42. A. decisions B. experience C. ambitions D. beliefs

43. A. as B. since C. before D. till

44. A. suggests B. promises C. seems D. requires

45. A. spoke B. turned C. summed  D. opened

46. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

47. A. surprisingly B. Immediately C. Naturally D. Certainly

48. A. had B. accepted C. gained D. enjoyed

49. A. touched B. astonished C. attracted D. warned

50. A. should B. could C. would D. might

51. A. quiet B. calm C. relaxed D. happy

52. A. ready B. likely C. free D. able

53. A. case B. form C. method D. way

54. A. doubt B. wonder C. know D. guess

55. A. award B. gift C. lesson D. word


科目: 来源: 题型:

     more energy to my study instead of being crazy about Internet games, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.

     A.If I devoted          B.Had I devoted        C.Would I be devoted    D.Should I be devoted


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- I don't know ____ makes her different from others.

    ---Confidence, I think.

     A.how is it that        B.how it is that       C.what is it that     D.what it is that


科目: 来源: 题型:

By no means      true that all native speakers of English know their own language very      well.

    A.is that                B.that is                  C.is it                   D.it is


科目: 来源: 题型:

Chinadaily. com. cn is the largest English portal site in China,         news, business      information and learning materials.

      A.to provide           B.providing               C.provided              D.which provide


科目: 来源: 题型:

If he continues to ignore his disease, one day he’ll come to the point        he can’t walk by himself.

       A.that                        B.when                      C.where                    D.what


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success is life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-sholic kids who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek to same kind of approval from friends when asked if they want to go in the backscat of the car.

The implication(含义) of saying “You are the prettiest girl in class,” or talking about the goals she succeed but not her overall effort, is that you love her only when she looks the best, some she highest, achieves the most. And this carries over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carrol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of overpraise on 400fifth graders while she was at Columbia University. She found that kids praised for “trying hard” did better on testes and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”.

“Praising attributes(品质) or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that quality, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges, ” says Dweck, now at Stanford University, “They figure they’s better quit while they’re ahead.”

61. The underlined words “Praise-sholic kids” refers to kids who are ______.

  A. tired of being praised       B. worthy of being praised

  C. very proud of being praised    D. extremely fond of being praised

62. The author quoted(引用) Dr. Dweck’s words in the last paragraph in order to make the article


A. better-known   B. better-organized  C. more percussive  D. more interesting

63. We can infer from the passage that _____.

  A. praise for efforts should be more encouraged

  B. praise for results works better than praise for efforts

  C. praising a child’s achievements benefits his or her success in life

  D. praising a child’s abilities encourage him or her to take on challenges


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The position of children in American family and society is no longer what is used to be. The 36 family in colonial(殖民时期的) North America was mainly concerned with survival and 37 that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, children were 38 in terms of their productivity(生产能力), and they played the role of producer quite early. 39 they fulfilled this role, their position in the family was one of subordination(附属).

With the 40 of the society, the position of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex and technological society 41 the United Stated has become, each 42 must fulfill a number of personal and occupational 43 and be in contact with many other member. 44 , viewing children as necessary members of society means that they are 45 more as people in their own right than as those of subordination. This acceplance of children as 46 participants in the family is reflected in various laws 47 the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs.

This new 48 of children and the frequent contact between the members of society has also 49 an increasing interest in child-raising techniques. People today spend much time 50 the proper way to  51 children.

Nowadays, the socialization of the child in the United States is a 52 transaction(事务) between parent and child 53 a one-way, parent-to-child training 54 . As a consequence, socializing children and 55 with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems.

36. A. poor      B. ordinary     C. happy       D. wealthy

37. A. except     B. for        C. beyond       D. through

38. A. supported    B. received     C. encouraged     D. valued

39. A. Until      B. After      C. Although      D. When

40. A. movement   B. achievement    C. development     D. requirement

41. A. that      B. where      C. when        D. what

42. A. parent     B. member      C. family       D. relative

43. A. purposes    B. promises     C. roles        D. tasks

44. A. Besides     B. However     C. Instead       D. Therefore

45. A. admired     B. regarded     C. made        D. respected

46. A. willing     B. equal       C. similar       D. common

47. A. enjoying     B. preventing    C. considering      D. protecting

48. A. view      B. faith       C. world        D. study

49. A. led in      B. brought in     C. resulted in      D. taken in

50. A. seeking     B. making      C. fighting       D. working

51. A. nurse      B. praise      C. understand      D. raise

52. A. one-sided    B. many-sided    C. round-way      D. two-way

53. A. more than    B. rather than     C. better than      D. less than

54. A. manner     B. method      C. program       D. guide

55. A. talking      B. living       C. playing        D. discussing


科目: 来源: 题型:


假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Morgan要求你们明天下午去听一个美国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Miss Morgan请假。

内容要点:* 表示歉意 * 理由:去机场接从法国回来的舅舅   * 询问:是否有录音,以便补听讲座

注意:1.词数:100字左右 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯



科目: 来源: 题型:


Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m very much glad to hear that your international shopping center will build non-smoking supermarket. In my opinion, it is a good idea to do so, for it can not only help the smokers to smoke less, and it can also do good to other customers’ health. Since you had given up selling cigarettes, the customers don’t like smoking are sure to support you. In addition, smoke in the shopping center may cause fire, which is very dangerous to both your possession and the safety of the customers. In a word, the non-smoking supermarket will not effect your business. To the contrary, it will help you attract more customers who want to keep health.

Best wishes!


