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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Will all those__________the proposal raise their hands?

A. in relation to           B. in need of

C. in honour of           D. in favour of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —What’s your opinion?

—I consider it__________wrong.

A. full                 B. right

C. altogether           D. all together


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Though we are very busy these days,we have to__________this urgent work for the time being.

A. undertake           B. agree

C. undergo            D. charge


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He was in poor health,so the doctor__________him to smoke.

A. hoped            B. demanded

C. forbade           D. prevented


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The new chairman was quite familiar with the__________for conducting a meeting.

A. procedure           B. problem

C. question            D. people


科目: 来源: 题型:

 After questioning the man for six hours,the police__________the information they wanted.                                             

A. seized             B. recovered

C. appealed           D. obtained


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 这两位专家对这一计划的观点不同——一个支持;一个反对。

These two experts __________________ towards the plan—one is for it;one is against it. (differ)

2. 他想尽各种可能的方法达到他的目标。

He tried every possible means to __________________. (attain)

3. 当我们需要她时,玛丽答应帮助我们。

Mary __________________ when we needed her. (undertake)

4. 我反对再把这事拖延下去。

I __________________ letting the matter stand over any longer. (object)

5. 人们对多年的内战很失望。

The people __________________ by many years of civil war. (cast)

6. 当她收到她被清华大学录取的消息时,她的努力得到了好结果。

__________________ when she received the news that she was admitted by Tsinghua University. (pay)

7. 我们的老师禁止我们在这条河里游泳。

Our teacher __________________ in the river. (forbid)

8. 我已经告诉她我们的计划,她表示支持。

I have told her about our plan,and she __________________ it. (favour)

9. 那时消息传来,中国成功复制/克隆了牛。

__________________ China cloned the cow successfully. (come)

10. 工作多年之后,他积累了丰富的经验。

After doing the work for many years, he __________________. (accumulate)


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. The figures that they chose are __________(任意的).

2. Though their personalities __________(不同),they got along as friends.

3. We could__________(从事) the work for the time being.

4. She wanted to cut down the hedge,but her neighbour __________(反对).

5. The novel took a year to write __________(总共),from start to finish.

6. I must insist on your giving me a__________(简单的) answer.

7. You’ve had a great __________(突破)to get better understanding of it.

8. His__________(保守的)views made him unpopular.

9. This same method is used for error__________(修正)in DVD technology.

10. _________(商业的)television is an effective medium for advertising.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 孩子们停止打扰他们的父亲。

The children stopped _____________. (bother)

2. 你已经付出了这么多努力,一定会通过考试的。

You’ve done so much work that _____________ the exam. (bound)

3. 在那些场合下,她禁不住笑了。

She _____________ on those occasions. ( resist)

4. 首先给我留下深刻印象的是墙上有大量图表。

The first thing _____________ was the numerous charts that covered the walls. (strike)

5. 只要在晚饭前做完作业,你就可以留下。

You may stay _____________ before supper. (condition)

6. 他从来没有像那一次那么勇敢。

_____________ been braver than in that case. (time)

7. 这种改变不可能在一天之内发生。

Such a change _____________ in one day. (bring)

8. 这一歌剧是根据一对年轻夫妻的真实经历改编的。

The opera _____________ a young couple’s real experience. (base)


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Our mother was always very_________and she encouraged us to make friends with others.

A. reasonable            B. rough

C. unique               D. ridiculous

