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科目: 来源: 题型:

It was said that the editors had decided to____this chapter to make the book shorter.

       A.bring out          B.let out              C.make out          D.leave out


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I must say goodbye to you.I feel very upset.

—Cheer up! It won't be three months     we meet again in Australia.

    A.before       B.since        C.after        D.when


科目: 来源: 题型:

—The girl is said to have     gift for teaching deaf children.

—She is something.I think it calls for__—patience and imagination.

    A.a:the        B.a; /          C.the; the      D./; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

I think Tom will____a good monitor, so I'm going to vote for him.

       A.get                   B.grow                C.make               D.remain


科目: 来源: 题型:

The movie has won many awards, but____say that they have a clear understanding of what the director wishes to express.

       A.many               B.few                  C.anybody           D.nobody


科目: 来源: 题型:

—You dislike her, don't you?

—____.I only just think she is a bit annoying.That's all.

    A.Yes, I do B.No, I don't

    C.Not exactly                   D.I couldn't agree more


科目: 来源: 题型:

Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

你所在的社区正在征集以下三个志愿者服务项目的具体活动方案:1)参与社区环保;2)陪伴空巢老人(the elderly in empty nest);3)组织读书活动。请你为其中的一个项目出谋划策。(文中请不要出现真实的社区名称、校名和人名。)


l         介绍为该项目设计的2个具体活动;

l         简单陈述活动的意义。


科目: 来源: 题型:

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.       大雪使学生们无法上学。(prevent)

2.       学会如何充分利用时间永不嫌晚。(too…to)

3.       我最终以合理的价格买到了那台心仪已久的电脑。(manage)

4.       他在一些不重要的事情上花费时间太多,这导致了整个计划的失败。(which)

5.       如果你真的想解决问题,你必须在情况变得更糟之前,立即采取行动处理它。(action)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


All of us communicate with one another non-verbally, as well as with words. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away, shift positions in a chair. These actions we assume are random and incidental. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensive as language.

Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its difference along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, with a future-tense verb, Americans often gesture with a forward movement.

There are regional idioms too. An expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, moral background, social class and personal style all influence your body language.

Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it’s a case of “not what he said but the way he said it.” Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has come up with this formula: total impact of a message = 7% verbal + 38% gestural + 55% facial.

Experts in kinesics – the study of communication through body movement – are not prepared to spell out a vocabulary or gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. Another example: When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority; or it can be something else entirely. The experts look for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.What idea does the author aim to convey in paragraph 2?

82.Besides moral background, __________ are the other three factors affecting people’s body language.

83.From Albert’s formula, we learn that the body language __________.

84.What can you conclude from the examples given in paragraph 5?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each

paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Classifications of liars

B. Everyone lies, more or less

C. Gender impacts ways of lying

D. Purposes of telling lies

E. Reason why men lie more

F. Women, more careful liars


It’s been said that “everybody lies sometimes.” And it’s true. Everyone does lie from time to time. Men lie; women lie. Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, and believe it or not, your mother might lie. A recent study showed that 91% of all people lie on a regular basis, and people tell at least 13 major lies a week.


The first thing one has to understand about lying is that there are at least five different types of liars: the model of absolute integrity, the real straight-shooter, the pragmatic fibber, a real Pinocchio and the compulsive liar, according to sociologist – anthropologist Dr. Gina Graham Scott.


Dr. Robert G. Newby, the professor of sociology at Central Michigan University, believes that men are more likely to tell lies than women. “Men are more concerned about how they present themselves in public, the impression they make on people and things like that,” he says. “Men are always trying to impress people in the work and want to make sure that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good.” Women, on the other hand, Dr. Newby believes, are more private people and their relationship tends to be more interpersonal, as opposed to having to put on a public face. Women are more vulnerable and they are not as likely to try to pull the wool over someone’s eyes like men.


Dr Ronn Elmore, Los Angeles-based relationship counselor, does not believe that lying is based on gender. “But I believe when women lie it tends to be verbal, plain old-fashioned lies with words. But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do. Either way, it’s a lie, male version or female version. It is the opposite of integrity.”


Vesta Callender, psychotherapist in New York City, also agrees that one’s gender does not play a role in lying, but men and women do lie differently. “Women concern more while lying. They plan better,” Callender notes. “They create a history around the lie, and they try to project into the future what might happen if the lie is detected. With a woman, a lie has a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s a real entanglement.” Callender believes that men “tend to lie for the moment or to get out of a situation. Men think less about how the lie can be detected.”

