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科目: 来源: 题型:

The victim would have had a chance to survive if he ________ to hospital in time.

A.were taken   B.had taken   C.had been taken   D.would be taken



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“The more you learn, the more you earn,” said the pop singer Cyndi Lauper as she accepted her high school diploma(证书) , at the age of 35 ! Although Cyndi made it without a high school degree, most people don't. In the USA today, about 75% of jobs need some education or technical training further than high school. The lowest wage earners in the USA are those without high school degrees; college graduates(毕业生) outearn those without a college education. People with master's degrees(硕士学位)outearn those with only a bachelor (学士学位); and the highest incomes of all are earned by people with advanced professional or academic degrees. These generalizations explain why most of young Americans go to college. However, despite the averages, more diplomas don't always mean more money. Many skilled blue-collar workers, salespeople business executives, and entrepreneurs outearn college professors and scientific researchers. And great athletes and entertainers outearn everyone else!

1. According to the passage, ______. 

     A. high school diploma and high school degree are the same thing

     B. people can't get both high school diploma and degree

     C. people must get both high school diploma and degree

     D. people can get both high school diploma and degree or either

2. Why do most American young people go to college?

   A. Because their parents force them to go to college.

   B. Because they can't get a job if they don't go to college.

   C. Because the situation of the society make them go to college.

   D. Because they like studying.

3. What may the word “outearn” mean?

   A. Earning more money.      B. Earning less money.

   C. Earning no money.        D. Working better.




科目: 来源: 题型:

The couple have decided to    buying a car until their economic condition becomes much better.

  A.hold off  B.hold on   C.hold up   D.hold back



科目: 来源: 题型:

Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so.

A.forbid    B.allow    C.follow    D.ask



科目: 来源: 题型:

I wanted to catch   early train,but couldn’t get   ride to the station

A an;the  B不填;the  C an;不填D the;a



科目: 来源: 题型:

  —Have you handed in your schoolwork yet??

—Yes,I have.I guess it    now.?

A.has graded       B.is graded?    C.is being graded  D.is grading



科目: 来源: 题型:

The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported ________ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.

A. breaking  B. having broken  C. to have broken  D. to break



科目: 来源: 题型:

It is often ________that an American starts a speech with a joke, while a Japanese has an apology to make.

A.say    B.said

C.saying  D.to say



科目: 来源: 题型:

It’s one of the world’s largest chains of golf shops, ______ in the heart of Shanghai.

A. locate  B. located C. locating    D. to locate



科目: 来源: 题型:

My parents will move back into town in a year _______.

A. later       B. after       C. or so       D. about


