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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time two brothers who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict(对抗). It was the first serious one in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed.

Then the long cooperation fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a knock on John’ door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter’s toolbox. “I’m looking for a few days’ work,” he said. “Could I help you?”

“Yes,” said the older brother. “I do have a job for you. Look across the creek(河沟) at that farm. That’s my neighbor, in fact, it’s my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow(草地) between us and he took his bulldozer(推土机) to the levee(堤) and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I’ll go him one better. I want you to build me a fence—an 8-foot fence —so I won’t need to see his place anymore. Cool him down, anyhow.”

The carpenter said, “I think I understand the situation. I’ll be able to do a job that pleases you.”

The older brother had to go to town for supplies, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.

The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing.

About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer’s eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped.

There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge— a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work— and his younger brother was coming across, his hand outstretched.

“You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I’ve said and done.”

The brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other’s hand. They turned to see the carpenter lift his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I’ve a lot of other projects for you,” said the older brother.

“I’d love to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but, I have so many more bridges to build.”

1. What was life like for the two brothers before the conflict?

A.They lived a poor, miserable life.

B.They were friendly neighbors, helping each other.

C.They never spoke to each other.

D.They lived together as one family.

2. Which of the following best describes the carpenter?

A. He was skilled but dishonest.

B. He was hardworking but unskilled.

C. He was clever, hardworking, but cold hearted.

D. He was clever, helpful and skilled.

3. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. A Fine Piece of Work

B. A Clever Carpenter

C. A Conflict between Two Brothers

D. Two Brothers

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The younger brother used his bulldozer to dig a creek.

B.After the conflict John was angry with his younger brother.

C.At first the carpenter planned to build an 8-foot fence as John asked him to.

D.The two brother made peace at last.



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Are you worried about her safety?

—Just ________.She isn't alone.

A.entirely         B.gradually

C.generally         D.slightly



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Surely his telephone number is in this book.

—Yes, but_____, I have to look through the whole book very carefully.

A. finding it     B. to find it

C. for finding it    D. by finding it



科目: 来源: 题型:

That gas pipeline project, ___in July 2002 and ___ in 2005, will be China’s longest gas pipeline in history.

  A. starting, completing B. started, to be completed

C. to start, completed  D. starting, completed



科目: 来源: 题型:

It’s hard for him playing against me. I’ve got nothing to play for, but for him, he needs to win so ________.

A. far       B. well        C. little       D. badly



科目: 来源: 题型:

How did Jack _______ your idea?

A. react with      B. react to     C. react on    D. react by



科目: 来源: 题型:

They need twenty more workers ______ their group to do the job..

  A. except   B. but

  C. beside   D. besides



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Have you nearly finished?

—       , we have just begun.

A. Above all         B. After all   C. On the contrary    D. On the other hand



科目: 来源: 题型:

She brought with her three friends, none of _____ I had ever met before.

A. them   B. who   C. whom   D. these



科目: 来源: 题型:

On yesterday interview, he didn’t make a(n)   at all; what’s the matter with him?

A. apology    B. appearance    C. difference   D. change


