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科目: 来源: 题型:

— Your mother is very strict with you.

—Yes, so _______ and so __________.

A. is she; is my father      B. she is; my father is

C. is she; my father is    D. she is; is my father



科目: 来源: 题型:

The police officer told his men to pay more attention to the man who _______ at the entrance of the hall with a package under his arm.
  A. has stood       B. stood        C. has been standing      D. was standing


科目: 来源: 题型:

“How long do you suppose it is _______ he left for Japan?” “No more than half a month.”

A. when           B. before

C. after           D. since



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When he wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain turned to Hannibal. The relationship between Hannibal and Twain began in November 1839, when Twain’s father decided to leave the village in Florida and move east about 35 miles to the somewhat larger and more prosperous Hannibal, on the banks of the Mississippi River. Twain marked his fourth birthday about a week after the family settled there. He showed little promise of becoming a long-term resident. However, because his health was so poor that his parents probably feared he would not survive childhood.

During the family’s first few years in Hannibal, Twain was too young to understand fully the changes going on around him. About the time the family moved into their new home. Twain’s health improved a lot. Instead of having to lead a quiet indoor life, he could roam the streets of Hannibal. Climb the surrounding hills, explore the area’s caves and splash about in local swimming holes. He reveled in his newfound freedom, spending nearly all his free time playing outdoors with the other boys in town and soon becoming a leader.

Twain’s carefree days did not last long, on March 24, 1847, his father died. For the next six years, his brother Henry, and his sister Pamela lived with their mother in the family home. Twain began taking odd jobs after school to bring in extra money. Within a year of his father’s death, he quit school and became an apprentice (学徒) printer, and when his brother Orion bought the Hannibal Journal in 1851, Twain went to work for him as a printer and editorial assistant. The stories he wrote for Orion’s paper, his first publications, taught him that he much preferred writing to typesetting. Thus, when he decided to leave Hannibal in May 1853, he already had an idea of his future career.

1. Why did little Mark Twain move and live in Hannibal?

A. Because he wanted to live in a larger and more prosperous city.

B. Because his father brought him there.

C. Because he wanted to wrote his novels there.

D. Because he wanted to become a long-term resident of Hannibal.

2. When did Mark Twain become healthy?

A. As soon as he arrived in Hannibal.

B. At the time when his family moved into their old home.

C. After his father died.

D. At the time when his family moved into their new home.

3. The last paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A. the happy childhood of Mark Twain

B. how Mark Twain became a famous writer

C. how Mark Twain to earn money to support his family

D. why Mark decided to leave Hannibal



科目: 来源: 题型:

________ alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry.
A.Leaving   B.Having left   C.To be left    D.Left



科目: 来源: 题型:

The story is interesting. It is ______ worth______.

A. well;read    B. very;to read   C. well;reading     D. very;reading


科目: 来源: 题型:

10. If you leave the club, you will not be_____back in .

A. received    B. admitted    C. turned   D. moved



科目: 来源: 题型:

It was some time ______ we realized the truth.

A. until     B. since     C. before     D. that



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?

  —But I ________ told anything about it.【北京市师大二附中2011届高三第三次模拟考试】【动词时态】

A. wasn't    B. am not    C. haven't been   D. won’t be



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Eat,drink can be merry.That’s what the spring Festival is a11 about.But there are millions of people,too,who love to 1et happiness go up in smoke. 

  Offering cigarettes to guests is a traditional Chinese way of showing respect to them.A cup of tea and cigarettes are perhaps the most common way of welcoming a guest in China,especially during festive occasions.

  No wonder,40 percent of the people surveyed recently said they would smoke at least twice the usual number of cigarettes during the spring Festival because of all those gatherings and parties. Only 20 percent of the respondents said they would refuse a cigarette when offered one.Why can't the others do the same? Because they could be seen as being rude,said more than half of the respondent. Fifteen percent feared they could be taken as“ someone who cannot get along well with others”.The Think-tank Research Center for Health Development and sohu.com.survey.shows 6l

percent Chinese think offering a cigarette is useful for socializing,and 52 percent have offered cigarettes to others. the study surveyed 3,800 people,64 percent of were men.  .  ,

One-third of those surveyed were smokers,out of which 57 percent said they couldn’t give up smoking because of the offering-and accepting culture.“People have accepted offering cigarettes as an effective way of making friends,” research center director Wu Yiqun said.

China has more than 350 million smokers,catering to the tobacco market that is worth 500 billion yuan.“The survey shows we sti11 have a 1ot of work to do” Wu said.It is time to let people know that offering a cigarette is a bad habit and it should be given up immediately.”

1.The passage is written with the purpose of______>

A.telling us a custom about the Chinese Spring Festival

B.Introducing a way to make friends with Chinese

C.Stopping smoking

D.telling us that offering cigarettes is a bad habit

2.The third paragraph mainly tells us_______.

A. the fact that smokers are greatly increasing during the festival

B. the reason why refusing cigarettes is acceptable

C.the fact that many people have to smoke more cigarettes during the festival

D. it is rude to attend parties without smoking cigarettes

3.Which of the following may NOT be the reason that makes many people fail to refuse the offered cigarette?

A. It’s impolite to refuse.    B Smoking is harmful to non-smokers。

C.They want to be friendly.    D.It’s a kind of social habit.

4.The writer mentions the 500 billion yuan tobacco market because____>

A.the tobacco market is not developing smoothly

B. the writer thinks that smoking wastes a lot of money

C.smoking is helpful to the tobacco market

D. the tobacco market attracts too many smokers

5.We can infer from the passage that_______.

A. people will be free to smoke

B. only a few smokers still have the habit of offering cigarettes

C.offering cigarettes is the most effective way for socializing

D.some non—smokers wi1l even accept the offered cigarettes


