 0  39224  39232  39238  39242  39248  39250  39254  39260  39262  39268  39274  39278  39280  39284  39290  39292  39298  39302  39304  39308  39310  39314  39316  39318  39319  39320  39322  39323  39324  39326  39328  39332  39334  39338  39340  39344  39350  39352  39358  39362  39364  39368  39374  39380  39382  39388  39392  39394  39400  39404  39410  39418  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or ____.

A. neither     B. some       C. all         D. both



科目: 来源: 题型:

— Why didn’t you come to Mike’s birthday party yesterday?

— Well, I ____, but I forgot it.

A. should    B. must     C. should have      D. must have



科目: 来源: 题型:

__________the right decisions__________the future is probably the most important thing we’ll ever do in our lives.?



C.To make;concerned?




科目: 来源: 题型:

He worked till late last night, ___, early this morning .


  A. however B. or else C. what’s more D. or rather



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Career education is instruction intended to help young people identify, choose, and prepare for a career. Such instruction may focus on a person’s role in work, leisure, or family life. Career education differs from vocational education, which is designed to teach specific occupational skills.

Career education includes the formal and informal learning that occurs in the family, in the community, and in schools. In schools, career education consists of instructive activities included in many courses. These activities are designed to improve the attitudes, knowledge, and skills important for work roles. Career education helps students develop self-understanding and use it to plan their education and working life.

A complete career education program in school begins in kindergarten and continues at least through high school. Many colleges and universities also offer career education through their consulting programs. In kindergartens and elementary schools, youngsters learn about different types of work. In middle schools or junior high schools, children begin to explore the occupations and leisure activities that interest them most. In high school students get more specific information about occupations and life styles. They may be in classroom, small group, or individual sessions where they learn how to make career decisions. They also should obtain the skills they need for further study or for a job after graduation. Counselors provide information on such matters as how to locate and apply for jobs and how to be successful in interviews. Teachers and counselors use a variety of methods to provide career education, including films about occupations or industries. Children may invite parents or other adults to come to school and describe their jobs. A student may accompany a worker on the job. Cooperative education combines classroom study with practical work experience.

63. According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A. Career education is carried out in primary schools only

B. Career education is carried out in middle schools only

C. Career education is carried out in colleges only

D. Career education is carried out in the whole process of people’s education---from kindergarten to university.

64. It may be inferred from the passage that   .

A. not only teachers but also parents are responsible for youngsters’ career education

B. in high schools, students know more specific information about occupations

C. career education may be in classroom, small group, or individual sessions

D. teachers use a variety of methods to provide career education, including films

65. The underlined word “combine” in the last paragraph means “to   ” 
A. connect   B. force    C. provide    D. attempt




科目: 来源: 题型:

—How long ____ you ____ in Singapore?

—For just the weekend. I’ll be back next Monday morning.

A.have; stayed B. are; staying         C.did; stay D.do; stay



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much.

—If you buy three pairs, the price for each will ____ to three fifty.

A. come down   B. take down C. turn over  D. go over



科目: 来源: 题型:

The company is atarting a new advertising campaign to ______new custumers to its stores.

A.join     B. attract     C.stick    D.transfer



科目: 来源: 题型:

When I heard the hero’s report, I could not help ______.

A. to be moved B. being moved C. moving D. to move



科目: 来源: 题型:

He got _____ when he thought about helping people _____ to cholera.

  A inspiring / exposing         B inspired / exposing

  C inspiring / exposed         D inspired / exposed


