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科目: 来源: 题型:

Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of computers _______ to ten Hope Schools in South China.

  A.were sent           B.was sent        

  C.have sent          D.had been sent



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Who is ________the patient?

—Maybe his sister.

A.taking care      B.looking for

C.joining in      D.attending on



科目: 来源: 题型:

How much________she looked without her glasses!

A.well      B.good       C.best      D.better



科目: 来源: 题型:

—What did your parents think about your decision?

—They always let me do _____ I think I should.

A. when   B. that   C. how   D. what



科目: 来源: 题型:

The plant is dead. I _________it more water.

A. will give            B. would have given

C. must give           D. should have given



科目: 来源: 题型:

This colour TV is very expensive, but not ________ .

A. so better   B. as better  C. so well   D. as good



科目: 来源: 题型:

The fact remains ________ the number of homeless people is rising daily.

A.that  B.which C.what D.as



科目: 来源: 题型:

—Would you go swimming with us?


  —I___, but I must finish my homework first.


  A. would love B. would love to C. would love it D. would love so




科目: 来源: 题型:

A mathematician in Maryland has _______ mathematical tools to help police find criminals.( )

A. come up with    B. kept with up   C. caught up with  D. ended up with



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Life has changed in Mexico City.Streets normally filled with people are empty.One of the most popular professional soccer teams recently played a game in an empty stadium that can seat more than100,000 people.It's swine (猪)flu that has made life in Mexico City grind to a halt (慢慢停了下来).

Seemingly out of nowhere, swine flu has caused confirmed deaths in 12 countries as of April 30.It has sent a wave of alarm around the world.Governments are trying to find ways to prevent further out-breaks.The World Health Organization has raised its swine flu global threat level to five out of six.

People may be familiar with bird flu, but they know little about swine flu.Swine flu is a contagious(传染性) respiratory(呼吸的)disease in pigs.It is caused by a type-A influenza virus. Humans can also catch swine flu.The virus causes regular outbreaks in pigs, but people usually do not catch it.However, there have been cases of the virus spreading to people, and then from one person to another.

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the common flu.They include fever, lethargy (无精打采), lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea(恶心), and vomiting (呕吐).The high proportion of young adults among the deaths is one of several mysteries about this virus.Most of the dead had lung damage.What caused it is not yet known.

The virus spreads the same way the common flu does.When an infected person coughs or sneezes around another person, the latter is put at risk.People can get the disease by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.

There are medicines to treat swine flu.Doctors suggest using anti - viral drugs.They keep the virus from reproducing inside the body.

And there are vaccines for it now, several everyday steps can also help prevent the spread of the virus: washing hands frequently; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; and avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on it.

People may worry that they will get swine flu from eating or preparing pork.In fact, you cannot catch the virus from pork products if they have been properly prepared and cooked.Cooking food at temperatures of 71℃ kills the virus.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.It mainly tells us how swine flu broke out in Mexico City.

  B.It presents the reader with some information concerning swine flu.

  C.It tells us the differences between swine flu and bird flu.

D.It mainly tells readers the dangers caused by swine flu.

2.The following tips can protect us from swine flu EXCEPT _________.

  A.keeping us away from other people

  B.washing hands frequently

  C.avoiding close contact with sick people

  D.avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on them

3.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?

  A.Mexico City is really a place of horror now.

  B.People in Mexico City like staying at home.

  C.People in Mexico City don't like soccer.

  D.Swine flu has seriously affected people's life in Mexico City.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.At present there still aren't effective vaccines for swine flu.

  B.Swine flu is preventable,controllable and curable.

  C.From now on, people can't eat pork if they want to be safe.

  D.All of the dead killed by swine flu had lung damage.


