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科目: 来源: 题型:

In the busiest season the farmers are seen   their tractors   from morning till night.

  A.to have;working  B.have;work  C.have;working  D.had;worked



科目: 来源: 题型:

His b_____________ inspired all the teenagers of the country.



科目: 来源: 题型:

I wish I ___.
A. will tell him that            B. didn’t tell him that
C. told him not that          D. had not told him that



科目: 来源: 题型:

You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but ____, it is fairly good.

A. on the whole                B. generally speaking

C. above all                   D. on one hand



科目: 来源: 题型:

The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ______ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing        B. to see   

C. having seen    D. to have seen


科目: 来源: 题型:

—How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

—It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A. will         B. would         C. should        D. must



科目: 来源: 题型:

Like many people, I like red colour, and it is ________ of happiness.

A. symbol     B. signs       C. signal     D. symptom



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One of the political issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign finance reform. The people who are 1 for reform usually want the 2 to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their 3 can spend.

One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so much to 4 for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort 5 money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must 6 so many money raising events.

Another 7 is the fear that candidates will be owned or 8 by the “special interest groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the 9 .

On the 10 side are those who say that it doesn’t mean it’s really 11 just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is 12 if the government can limit anyone’s ability to get his or her message out to the people.

If one person or a group of people want to tell the 13 what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy 14 on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of 15 .

Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you don’t really have freedom of 16 or freedom of the press if you can’t get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control 17 discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to make 18 .

What do you think about this 19 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates 20 the most sense to you?

1.A.waiting  B.calling   C.standing   D.preparing

2.A.government        B.president  C.candidates  D.citizens

3.A.leaders  B.bosses    C.supporters  D.states

4.A.pay    B.compete   C.wait     D.work

5.A.raising  B.earning   C.giving    D.getting

6.A.notice  B.report    C.guard    D.attend

7.A.event   B.cost     C.reason    D.office

8.A.encouraged        B.forced    C.controlled  D.ordered

9.A.joke   B.purpose   C.case     D.example

10.A.other  B.same     C.another   D.different

11.A.worse  B.better    C.easier    D.harder

12.A.meaningless       B.unimportant C.unnecessary D.impossible

13.A.reporters        B.truth    C.story D.public

14.A.time   B.copies    C.rights    D.advertising

15.A.energy  B.effort    C.time     D.money

16.A.argument B.opinion   C.speech    D.election

17.A.common  B.political  C.general   D.special

18.A.profit  B.trouble   C.plans    D.decisions

19.A.quarrel B.problem   C.issue    D.affair

20.A.find   B.make     C.create    D.produce



科目: 来源: 题型:

Don’t trust such people ______ praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back.

A. who     B. whoever    C. that      D. as



科目: 来源: 题型:

—I had a good holiday at my uncle’s. 

—________ .

A. Oh, that’s very nice of you B. Congratulations

C. Oh, I’m glad to hear that  D. It’s a pleasure


