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科目: 来源: 题型:

There is little water left, ______?

A. isn’t there   B. is there

C. isn’t it    D. is it



科目: 来源: 题型:

I know nothing about the young lady _____ she has just come back from the United States and got a doctor’s degree.

  A. except     B. except for   C. except that  D. besides



科目: 来源: 题型:

There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are under _______(建设).



科目: 来源: 题型:

There is ______________ what the weather will be like tomorrow.
A. no knowing      B. not known     C. not knowing     D. no known



科目: 来源: 题型:

___I promise him to buy that new dictionary, what do you think he’ll say?

  A.Until    B.Supposing C.Even if    D.By the time



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Women in Nazi Germany were to have a very special job. Hitler was very clear about this. This job was that they should be good mothers bringing up children at home while their husbands worked. Except for some special fields, Hitler saw no reason why a woman should work. Within months of Hitler coming to power, many female doctors, teachers and lawyers were sacked. By the start of the Second World War, very few German women were in fulltime work. From their earliest years, girls were taught that all good German women married at a young age to a proper German and that the wife’s job was to keep a good home for her working husband and to have children.
One of the earliest laws passed by Hitler once he came to power in 1933, was the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage. This law stated (声明) that all newly married couples would get a government loan (贷款) of 1000 marks. This loan was not to be simply paid back. The birth of one child meant that 25% of the loan did not have to be paid back. Two children meant that 50% of the loan didn’t need to be paid back. Four children meant that the entire loan was cleared.
What was more, as housewives and mothers, their lives were controlled. Women were not expected to wear make-up or trousers. Only flat shoes were expected to be worn. Women were discouraged from slimming as this was considered bad for child birth. 
1. The aim of the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage was to ________.
A. attract more young people to join the army willingly
B. make those married couples become rich quickly
C. encourage people to loan more from the government
D. encourage couples to have as many children as they could
2. The underlined word “sacked” in Paragraph one probably means “________”.
A. punished            B. fired            C. killed          D. raised
3. According to the passage, women in Nazi Germany ________.
A. could make up or wear beautiful clothes
B. were to have children and do housework
C. could receive a good education at school
D. were offered the equal rights as men
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A. The life of women in Nazi Germany    
B. The cruel rule of Hitler in Germany
C. The marriage policy in Nazi Germany   
D. Hitler — a powerful leader in Germany


科目: 来源: 题型:

---I'm so sorry that I broke your vase.

---Oh, really? ________. 

A. All right.B. It doesn't matter

C. It's right with meD. I don't care about it


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Do you think that the bridge over the river can be finished before the rain season comes?
 —Certainly,         it completed on time, the number of the workers has been increased by 20%.
 A.to get    B.getting   C.having got      D.get


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Do you know why the teacher asks for me?

— He wants you to ________ your absence last night.

A. account for     B. call for    C. reach for   D. send for



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Britain is a popular tourist place. But tours of the country have pros and cons.

   Good news?

   Free museum. No charge for outstanding collections of art and antiquities(古董).

Pop music. Britain is the only country to rival(与……匹敌) the U.S. on this score.

Black cabs. London taxi drivers know where they are going even if there are never enough of them at weekends or night.?

Choice of food. Visitors can find everything from Ethiopian(埃塞俄比亚的) to Swedish restaurants.?

   Fashion. Fashion junkies love deeply and respect highly brand names such as Vivienne Westood, Alexander McQueen; street styles are justly loved, too.?

   Bad news?

   Poor service. “It’s part of the image of the place. People can dine out on the rudeness they have experienced, ”says Professor Tony Seaton, of Luton University’s International  Tourism Research Center.?

   Poor public transport. Trains and buses are promised to defeat the keenest tourists, although the overcrowded London tube is inexplicably(无以言表地) popular.??

   Lack of languages . Speaking slowly and clearly may not get many foreign visitors very far, even in the tourist traps(圈套).?

   Rain. Still in the number one complaint(抱怨).?

   No air conditioning. Hot summers become as unbearable as the downpours.

   Overpriced hotels . The only European country with a higher rate of tax on hotel rooms is Denmark.?

    Licensing(许可) hours. Alcohol(酒) is in short after 11 p.m. even in “24?hour cities”.?

1.Which of the following about the transport in Britain is right??

A. The public transport is very good.?

B. There are enough taxis even at weekends or nights.?

C. The London taxi drivers have a strong sense of direction.??

D. You can hardly see overcrowded London tubes in the street.?

2.What do we learn about pop music in Britain and the U.S.through this passage?

A. Pop music in Britain is better than that in the U.S.??

B. Pop music in Britain is as good as that in the U.S.?

C. Pop music in Britain is quite different from that in the U.S.?

D. Pop music in Britain is not different from that in the U.S.?

3.When is alcohol not easy to get??

A. At 9:00 at night.?                   B. At 10:00 at night.?

C .At 10:30 at night.?                  D. At 12:00 at night.?


