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科目: 来源: 题型:

Not knowing what happened, Mom was sad and angry when she saw Dad come home late, ________.

A. having drunk B. drunk     C. drinking   D. to be drunk



科目: 来源: 题型:

----Mary hasn’t come home yet.

----Well,where   on such a night?

A、must she have gone  B、would she have been  

C、could she have gone   D、ought she to have been



科目: 来源: 题型:

I usually don't like _______ work after a day's work.

A. extra      B. special    C. especial     D. Particular



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.

Fall, 1959, the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin. “Who”, I asked a senior, “is Mrs. McNamara, my 10th grade English teacher?” He just 1 and said something about my being in 2 . Soon, I understood what he meant. Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of 3 that she repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for 4 . The next day, when we came to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard 5 to the homework reading. We were 6 to write an in-class essay about one of the topics. The following day, she would 7 the corrected and graded essays and each person would be called 8 to stand in front of the class and to 9 his/her essay. The class were required to criticize (评论) that essay, 10 the grade of everyone in class would be reduced.

The first time that I 11 her read-write-criticize method, I had not 12 to do the homework and had written something without knowing what it meant. 13 the extreme embarrassment I suffered, standing before my classmates, 14 myself. No one laughed at me; no one would be 15 enough, or foolish enough, to do that in Mrs. McNamara’s class. The embarrassment came from 16 and along with it came a strong 17 not to let it happen again.

Mrs. McNamara kept all of our written work in files; it was easy to see the 18 in writing that had occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me. What Mrs. McNamara 19 me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself. And I 20 . Thank you, Mrs. McNamara.


1..A.nodded     B. laughed       C. apologized     D. shouted

2. A. trouble       B. sorrow       C. danger       D. anger

3. A. behaviour      B. evaluation    C. activity     D. thought

4. A. review     B. performance     C. practice     D. homework

5. A. added     B. related     C. contributed   D. compared

6. A. expected     B. persuaded    C. allowed       D. advised

7. A. collect       B. return      C. send        D. receive

8. A. on purpose    B. at first       C. by chance      D. in turn

9. A. talk through   B. hand over    C. read out     D. show off

10. A. so       B. and      C. but      D. or

11. A. tried      B. adopted     C. examined    D. experienced

12. A. undertaken    B. attempted      C. bothered      D. hesitated

13. A. Remember   B. Predict       C. Bear     D. Imagine

14. A. playing jokes on B. making a fool of C. setting a trap for   D.taking advantage of

15. A. brave      B. careless     C. proud        D. selfish

16. A. above      B. within       C. behind       D. below

17. A. tendency      B. preference     C. determination  D. sense

18. A. improvements  B. pains       C. difficulties      D. advantages

19. A. trusted     B. invited     C. forced      D. permitted

20. A. did       B. could        C. had      D. would



科目: 来源: 题型:

Some famous singers live on the _________ from their record sales.

 A. salary     B. value  C. bill  D. income



科目: 来源: 题型:

The couple have decided to    buying a car until their economic condition becomes much better.

  A.hold off  B.hold on C.hold up D.hold back


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest hospital?

--Sorry. I’m a stranger here.

-- _______.

A. Thanks a lot.  B. That’s a pity.  C. Thanks anyway.  D. I’m sorry to hear it.



科目: 来源: 题型:

When I was studying at Beijing University, I _____ take a walk along the lake  every evening.

   A. will             B. would           C. could              D. shall



科目: 来源: 题型:

— Carry your ____ with you, your money, jewelry, camera and so on.

  — OK. Thank you for reminding me.

  A. valuables            B. suitcases   C. gifts        D. bags



科目: 来源: 题型:

The factory produced many famous cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.
A. them         B. which        C. it         D. what


