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科目: 来源: 题型:

________, the professor began the lecture.

A. Seen that we had taken our seats

B. Having taken our seats

C. When we took our seats    

   D. If we took our seats



科目: 来源: 题型:

The _____(政府) decided to adopt his plan to improve the traffic of the main street.



科目: 来源: 题型:

If _______ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.

A. giving     B. having given   C. to give     D. given



科目: 来源: 题型:

Energetic efforts have been made to ______ government expenses to a desirable level.

  A. cut short     B. cut out      C. cut down     D. cut off



科目: 来源: 题型:

He wishes to make friends with ____ shares his hobbies and interests.

A. whoever     B. no matter who    C. whoever     D. anyone



科目: 来源: 题型:

________ there is enough sunshine and rain that the crops grow well?

  A.Where is it B.Is that where  C.Is it where D.Is it the place



科目: 来源: 题型:

The manage________ it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us,left the meeting room.?

A.who has made         B.having made?

C.made             D.making


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When you watch TV programmes about wild animals, it is amazing to see how an antelope can escape a lion’s attack. In the wilderness, everyone has a stunt (绝技). Even plants have their own ways of fighting off enemies.

Over millions of years of evolution, plants have developed a unique defense system. Chemicals are widely used for survival, By making their leaves, flowers, stems, roots and fruits distasteful or poisonous to predators (食肉动物), plants can fight back.

One such plant is the Gold Wattle tree. British botanist David Cameron has found that when an animal eats the tree’s leaves, the amount of poisonous tannin (丹宁酸) increases in the other leaves. “It’s like the damaged leaves telephoning the others telling them to fight together against the enemy,” he said.

The tree also sends defense messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle trees in the surrounding 45 meters will get the message and produce more tannin within 10 minutes. Now, if a predator eats too many of the trees’ leaves, it will die.

Every species of plant or tree specializes in the production of a particular set of chemicals. A herbivore (草食动物) that can safely eat the leaves of one tree may be poisoned by its neighbor.

In this way, plants have developed not only individual defense systems, but also shared it with others. This makes it impossible for a single predator to destroy even a small area of forest.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Golden Wattle tree is NOT correct?

  A.It fights off its enemies by producing poisonous chemicals.

  B.It has the ability to warn its neighboring plants of danger.

  C.It is only poisonous while it is being attacked.

  D.An animal that eats too many of its leaves may be poisoned to death.

2.It is impossible for a single predator to destroy even a small area of forest mainly because


  A.plants will become poisonous if they are attacked.

  B.plants have very good individual defense systems.

  C.plants can protect themselves and share their defense systems.

  D.plants can give out special smell to fight off their enemies.

3.What does David Cameron mean in paragraph 3?

  A.He means that leaves of Golden Wattle trees can speak to each other.

  B.He intends to emphasize that the defense system of Golden Wattle is quick and effective.

  C.He wants to indicate that the Golden Wattle leaves are very clever.

  D.He is explaining how the Golden Wattle trees warn each other when they are attacked.

4.According to the writer, the unique defence system of plants is the result of _______.

  A.millions of years of evolution.

  B.their outstanding poison producing system.

  C.the tough natural environment.

  D.large numbers of herbivores in the wilderness.

5.What would be the best title for the passage ?

  A.Stunts in the wilderness.  B.A unique plant.

  C.Poisonous plants. D.Plants fight back.




科目: 来源: 题型:

The shop assistant r____________ (推荐) this blue coat to me which proved a good match with my shirt.



科目: 来源: 题型:

When the teacher found the terrible writing of the naughty boy, he said angrily “Good    ! What on earth have you written?”

   A. God     B. heavens    C. heaven    D. hero


