 0  40734  40742  40748  40752  40758  40760  40764  40770  40772  40778  40784  40788  40790  40794  40800  40802  40808  40812  40814  40818  40820  40824  40826  40828  40829  40830  40832  40833  40834  40836  40838  40842  40844  40848  40850  40854  40860  40862  40868  40872  40874  40878  40884  40890  40892  40898  40902  40904  40910  40914  40920  40928  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture.

A. cold      B. blank      C. innocent      D. fresh



科目: 来源: 题型:

Lying in bed, we listened to the heavy rain ______ the window.

  A. hitting   B. knocking

  C. beating   D. striking



科目: 来源: 题型:

―What’s the matter? You look worried and restless.
    ―Oh, nothing really serious. As a matter of fact, I ______ of my graduation thesis. I have to hand it in soon.
  A. am just thinking     B. just thought
C. have just thought    D. was just thinking


科目: 来源: 题型:

They stopped ______ and ______ out to play when they ______ the bell ring or rest.

A. working; went; heard   B. work; to go; heard   

C. working; go; hearing   D. working; going; heard



科目: 来源: 题型:

The murderer was ______ prison and before long ______.

A.put in the;sentenced to death      B.sent to;sentenced to death

C.put into;sentenced death        D.put in;sentenced to die



科目: 来源: 题型:

Taking clothes off burnt area unless stuck to the burn.

=Taking clothing off burnt area unless _______ ________ stuck to the burn.

= Taking clothing off burnt area _______ it _______ _______ stuck to the burn.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What is in the drug that makes you sick or dead? For example, cocaine is harmful, but what makes it harmful?

I can’t tell you all about drugs, but I can  1 you think about them in this  2  way. Your body is a very complicated(复杂的) machine, 3  a lot of chemical machinery, all of which is finally turned  4  it all works together . Special chemicals, which we call drugs, can affect it in many different ways.

Some drugs are  5  when your body has a problem, as with disease-causing bacteria. Then someone may give you aspirin to keep your temperature from going too 6  or some penicillin(青霉素) 7 it stops the growth of some kinds of bacteria. 8  , all drugs are really poison, 9 if you take too much ,so you must always use them  10 .

Why do some people take drugs like cocaine? For a little while they seem to make you feel better, or happier .But 11 their effects have  12 ,your body has to pay an extra 13  to get back to normal. That makes you want to get  14  of the drug.

Drugs like cocaine have their special effects because they act as  15  for your nervous system. They cut off some of your nerve pathways and take away some of your senses and your  16 . They make you want always more. And just a little too much can even  17  nerves to your heart and stop its beating.

Many of us worry about the  18 around us and what pollution does to us .How about your internal(内在的) environment, and what goes on  19  you ? You control that all by yourself in what you put into your  20 . Most drugs are pollutants. You would not want pollutants in the air and water around you. Why would you want pollutants in your body?

1.A.make     B.cause    C.help     D.let

2.A.funny     B.different  C.simple    D.true

3.A.just     B.really    C.especially  D.sometimes

4.A.as if     B.even if   C.where    D.so that

5.A.powerful   B.helpful   C.painful   D.helpless

6.A.high     B.tall     C.much     D.hot

7.A.when     B.until    C.as      D.before

8.A.Besides    B.Thus     C.However   D.Naturally

9.A.at most    B.at least   C.at times   D.at first

10.A.carefully  B.easily    C.carelessly  D.a lot

11.A.where    B.before    C.after           D.until

12.A.worked    B.worn     C.appeared   D.lost

13.A.number    B.quantity   C.amount          D.price

14.A.some more  B.nothing   C.a little   D.a few

15.A.guards    B.medicine   C.chemicals  D.poisons

16.A.worries   B.happiness  C.freedom   D.pride

17.A.lead     B.block    C.offer    D.stick

18.A.places    B.nature    C.people    D.environment

19.A.inside    B.around    C.outside   D.next to

20.A.heart     B.head     C.body     D.mind



科目: 来源: 题型:

We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.

A、deal with B、depend on C、carry on D、go with



科目: 来源: 题型:

The Great Wall is ________ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.

A. so a well-known           B. a so well-known

C. such well-known           D. such a well-known



科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.
A. As        B. Since        C. Provided        D. While


