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科目: 来源: 题型:

 I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was _____easy.

  A. nothing but                  B. something but           C. anything but             D. all but


科目: 来源: 题型:

 These natural parks are very important for preserving animals, which would _____ risk dying out.

A. merely                         B. rather                       C. otherwise                 D. moreover


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Several estate agencies (房地产公司) in the city are closing down.

— That’s because housing business itself _____ since one year ago.

A. is declining B. declined C. had declined D. has been declining


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Very ___ about toys, Tony was not to be pleased, though I tried to show him one by one.

A. responsible                   B. particular                  C. special                     D. curious


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If you want to write a good English composition, you can’t _____ significant and necessary points.

A. come across         B. make for                  C. leave out                  D. put forward


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Sina Microblog provides a good _____ for those who want to express their opinions and exchange their ideas with others.

  A. platform               B. anecdote                   C. performance             D. album


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is exactly _____ he often fails in the exam ____ makes his parents worried about him.

A. what; that B. that; which C. that; that D. what; what


科目: 来源: 题型:

 At _____ dawn, I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, where we enjoyed _____ splendid sight of the sunrise.

A. /; a                             B. /; the                        C. the; a                       D. a; /


科目: 来源: 题型:

  假设你是李华。最近你校开展了“有烦恼向谁诉说”地网上活动, 调查结果见下表. 请用英语给你的网友Tom 写一封信, 客观地反应调查结果,并谈谈你的想法。













注意:1. 行文连贯;

      2. 词数120 左右;

      3. 信的开头与结尾以及提示句已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom:

   I’m writing to tell you about the e-mail survey we did in our school---Who you go to when you’re in trouble._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

  In my opinion ,_________________ _______________________________________________________  


Yours sincerely,



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Don’t complain in the NBA

The NBA has a new rule this season. It’s called “zero tolerance”. NBA referees(裁判)are not letting players complain too long or too loudly about a referee’s call(裁判的判决). A player who does can be given a technical foul(犯规). Two technical fouls, and the player is out of the game.

The players don’t like the new rule and want the NBA to change it. They think it’s only natural to get angry during a close, hard-fought game if a call goes against you.

But I like the “zero tolerance” rule and wish other sports would follow the NBA’s example. Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if football, soccer and tennis players stopped arguing the calls and just played the game?

The biggest reason I like the new rule is that it sets a good example to younger players. When kids see stars such as Rasheed Wallace of the Detroit Pistons shouting at the referees and arguing every call, they think it’s part of the game. But shouting at referees and arguing calls should never be part of any kid’s games. Kids should be taught to forget about the referees’ calls and pay attention to improving their skills and play their best.

All players need to learn that you control only one thing in a game, and that’s your own performance. You can’t control what the other players or trainers do. And you certainly can’t control the calls the referees make.

Finally, everyone from NBA all-stars to 8-year-olds should remember that being a basketball referee is a hard job. The referee has to make dozens of sudden calls. No hesitation. No second chances. Not even the best referee gets every call right.

Maybe if the players, trainers and fans who shout at the referees had to wear a whistle and call a few games, there wouldn’t be as many complaints about the “zero tolerance” rule.

Title: The NBA’s zero-tolerance

