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科目: 来源: 题型:

在学习、生活和工作中,与人合作是非常重要的,请根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇题为“Cooperating with others”英语演讲稿。
1、为何与人合作 •在忙碌、现代化的社会中,要有效地完成工作,我们必须学会与人合作。




·与喜欢的人合作 心情愉快,一起分享工作的快乐和痛苦。

·与不喜欢的人合作 比较困难,但只要更多地关注我们的工作,而不是合作者本人,时间长了,会发现他是一个很好相处的人。

3、怎样做一个好的合作者 请发表自己的观点(至少两点看法)。
    1. 对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥,使行文连贯。

2. 词数120左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇:合作 cooperate   合作者partner

Good afternoon, everyone!
    The topic of my speech today is “Cooperating with others”.                               






Thank you for your listening!


科目: 来源: 题型:


Mrs Brown , as well as her two daughters                        the people who don’t have much money .


He                                  on my new hairstyle.


Dr Yuan grows                        super hybrid rice.


Charlie Chaplin eats the leather shoes                      .


People in poor area have been looking forward to                       poverty.


                              means very little to him.


科目: 来源: 题型:


76. It was         (令人惊讶的) to everyone that the court had made such a decision.

77. The library was very quiet except that two girls are         (耳语)

78. He was ill and t      could not come.

79. The young girl is s        to bring up a family alone.

80. The students were greatly i      by the headmaster’s speech.

81. When he read the book a second time , he found it e      .

82. Our products are e    to southeast Asia to gain more profit.

83. Jack is in trouble , he needs our        (支持)

84. I had an         (争论)with my neighbour about a tree in his garden.

85. I can’t deal with the problem alone , so I r       not accepting his help.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A huge shire horse in Australia has been declared the biggest horse in the world by its owner , beating the current Guinness World Record(吉尼斯记录) by several inches .

The huge five-year-old , from Pakenham , S. E Australia , measures an amazing 20.1 hands , or 2.057m tall . He weighs over 1.3 tons ( 1,300kg) — about the same as a small car — and is still growing . His owner , horse trainer Jane Greenman , 47 , says the only time the horse runs is when there is food on offer . “ He eats an unbelievable amount . I would hate to run a team of eight horses his size—it would send you broke . ” she says .

The massive horse , whose name is Noddy , was born in Australia with its parents imported from England . Noddy’s grandfather , Ladbrooke Edward (UK) was the world’s tallest horse during the 1980’s .But Jane had no idea that the horse she raised from the age of six months would grow this big . Noddy immediately began to rocket and soon overtook both his parents in size .

Although she says that she is not interested in the Guiness Book of World Records , nevertheless Jane has carried out her own research and is sure that Noddy comes top . “ The nearest is a horse in Texas , at 20 hands ,” says Jane . “ Noddy is already an inch taller than that . The frightening thing is he still hasn’t finished—shire horses aren’t fully grown until they’re about six or seven .”

Jane has said that Noddy could be sold overseas , possibly even fetching a record price to match his height . She is unwilling to sell , but to fund the high cost of keeping him she needs to put him to work . “ He needs a job . It’s very hard to find jobs for such a big horse in Australia . I wish he could stay here but I’ve tried everywhere , ” she says regretfully . “ I just want people to enjoy this beautiful animal as much as I do .”

71. How old is the horse now ?

A. Six months old .        B. Two years old .      

C. Five years old .         D. Six years old .

72. The underlined word “ rocket ” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”.

A. run fast         B. eat a lot        C. grow fast         D. get strong

73. Which of the following is a big problem for the horse’s owner ?

A. She doesn’t know how to apply for the Guinness World Record .

B. She has to feed eight big horses at the same time .

C. Another horse in Texas is growing even faster than hers .

D. There is not enough money to cover(支付) the cost of raising the horse .

74. It can be inferred from the passage that        .

A. Noddy won’t grow any taller

B. Noddy’s growth can be genetically(基因) explained

C. many people are willing to buy Noddy

D. no job will be available for Noddy at all

75. What would be the best title for this passage ?

A. New world record for the biggest horse

B. Jane Greenman becomes famous for her horse

C. Large size means no job for a big horse

D. Jane Greenman , an excellent horse trainer


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Recently , a study on thousands of fat men and women showed that more than one in three were perfected healthy or had only slight health problems . Scientists have pointed that it may be better to stay fat than go on diet after diet.

Many people think that one has to be thin to keep fit . However , fat people are no more likely to die at any given time than those of ideal weight . Indeed , they are less likely to be killed by heart disease . They are also in better health than those who have fought a constant battle with their weight by repeatedly dieting.

Researchers say there is more to good health than how much a person weighs , and that many people who are overweight are fine as they are . Repeated dieting can do more harm than good to their health . So , rather than try to lose the extra pounds , they should simply concentrate on not putting on any more weight .

The advice comes from the researchers at Toronto’s York University who surveyed the health of more than 6000 fat men and women for an average of 16 years . They accepted medical and physical tests and their results were compared with those of thousands of people of normal weight. It clearly showed that being slim wasn’t always better , according to the journal Applied Physiology , Nutrition and Metabolism.

Those who are overweight may be healthier as they may exercise more and eat better than thin people who try to hold back their appetites (食欲). And a stressed-out , stationary (久坐不动的) person of normal weight may be in worse shape than a fat person who exercises and keeps stress levels under control.

The Canadian researchers said that doctors should look at overall health rather than just use body mass index , a measure of weight compared to height , to judge whether a person needs to lose weight.

A previous study found that retired old people who were slightly overweight lived longer than those of normal weight .

Australian researchers said a bit of extra fat might give people the reserves needed to recover from illnesses . It is also possible that concern about the health of the overweight means that problems are found and treated earlier.

66. Which of the following is TRUE about the recent study?

   A. It surveyed both fat and slim people.

B. It involved thousands of fat men and women.

C. It carried out some mental and physical tests.

D. It proved that we should try to put on weight.

67. According to the text , overweight people are less likely to die from        

A. heart disease      B. repeatedly dieting     C. too much stress   D. high blood pressure

68. The advice from Canadian researchers is probably most encouraging for       .

A. those who are suffering from disease

B. those who are in good health

C. those who have retired for years

D. those who are going on diet

69. Why are some fat people healthier than slim people according to the researchers?

A. They try to hold back their appetites.

B. They take more exercise and eat better.

C. Their excess pounds are easy to lose.

D. Their body mass index is much lower.

70. What is the text mainly about?

A. There is a relationship between overweight and ill nesses.

B. Focusing on fitness change can help people live longer.

C. Being fat may be healthier than constantly trying to diet.

D. There is no need to pay attention to our weight.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Phoenix people awoke on Wednesday to a thick cover of dust on their cars , streets and just about everything else outside after a big sandstorm.

The storm on Tuesday evening grounded airplanes and led to traffic tie-ups . At the height of the storm , visibility(能见度)was reduced to zero . Sandstorms are not uncommon in Arizona and other desert areas , but the size of this one and the dust it raised were highly unusual. “The greatness of this event was really exceptional, ” said Ken Waters , a meteorologist (气象学家) of the Na-tional Weather Service in Phoenix.“People who have been living in Arizona for 30-35 years say this is the biggest one they’ve ever seen.”

“The storm was driven by 60-mile-an –hour winds that collected the sand into a rolling brown cloud and sent it moving across the city , briefly damaging the lights of downtown Phoenix as it passed through . The sandstorm ran about 150 miles before dissipating, and at its peak(最高点) might have grown to as large as 100 miles wide and more than one mile high . The more dust it picks up , the higher the cloud goes, ” Mr. Waters said.

Arizona’s continuing drought –some areas have had no rain for four months – only made conditions worse . The drought in southern Arizona is the fifth-most extreme in the past 50 years . “The sandstorm closed Phoenix International Airport for about 45 minutes starting around 8 p.m , when visibility was reduced to one –eighth of a mile.” said Julie Rodriguez , an airport spokeswoman . “ Two flight were canceled and sand was also blown into some buildings.”

“Several thousand homes lost power in the area after the winds blew down power lines . The winds turned over a truck on Interstate 8 near Casa Grande , but caused no serious injuries,” officials said.

61. What happened in Arizona on Tuesday evening?

A. People living there covered their houses with dust.

B. Many traffic accidents happened that night.

C. An unusual sandstorm hit Phoenix City.

D. Some airplanes fell down to the ground at night.

62. We can learn from the second paragraph that    .

A. there are few sandstorms in most part of Arizona State

B. people in Arizona haven’t seen sandstorms for 35 years

C. it is uncommon for desert areas to see sandstorms

D. the sandstorm on Tuesday affected people’s normal life

63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “dissipating ” in Paragraph 3 ?

A. Happening.    B. Moving .     C. Lessening .   D. Strengthening.

64. The big sandstorm caused the following EXCEPT   .

A. some areas in Arizona have had no rain for four months

B. Phoenix International Airport closed about 45 minutes.

C. homes got power off because power lines were blown down.

D. a truck was turned over by the winds with no one killed.

65. You can probably read this text in a(n)   .

A. tour handbook     B. business magazine  

C. newspaper report    D. advertisement board


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


If you have read Sylvia Plath’s poetry ,you wil probably wonder what it is about and why she wrote the way she did . Her work always has strong feelings .

Born in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Massachusetts , Plath became an author , whose writings students all over the world have tried to analyze(分析)and understand . Plath’s mother , Aurelia Schober Plath , was a first-generation American from Austria , and her father , Otto Emile Plath , was from Grabow , Germany . Plath had a very close relationship with her father . She wrote about her father in the poem “ Daddy ” , which later became one of her most famous pieces of work . And when her father died in 1940 , eight-year-old Plath said , “ I’ll never speak to God again .” Her poem shows her great love for her father .

In 1995 , Plath graduated from Smith College with highest honors , and obtained a scholarship to Newnham College , Cambridge . It was there that she met the poet Ted Hughes and married him on June 16 , 1956 . It is said that she “ met her match ”. Plath and Hughes experienced a happy life as fully as possible for a while . Plath described Hughes as a “ singer , story-teller , lion and world-wanderer(流浪者)” with a “ voice like the thunder of God .”

Their daughter Frieda was born on April l st 1960 , and their son Nicholas was born in January , 1962. Plath’s poem “ Morning Song ” expresses her feelings as her son was born . She wrote , “ Love set you going like a fat gold watch … ” She compared her baby son to “ a fat gold watch ” , which shows her deep love and great imagination . Beginning in October , 1962 , Plath experienced a great burst of creativity and wrote most of the poems on which her reputation now rests . In 1963 , Plath dead from carbon monoxide poisoning(一氧化碳中毒). In 1982 , she became the first poet to win a Pulitzer after passing away for The Collected Poems .

56. We can learn from the text that        .

A. Plath’s poetry is famous all over the world

B. Plath didn’t like her father very much

C. Plath lived in Germany when she was youn

D. Plath’s mother was born in America

57. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 ?

A. Hughes was also an excellent poet .

B. Hughes always competed with Platch .

C. Hughes was not a good husband .

D. Hughes didn’t like to be a poet .

58. What can we learn about Plath’s poetry ?

A. It has nothing to do with her life .

B. It shows her life in the country side .

C. It is full of feelings and imagination .

D. Its language is simple and common .

59. According to the text , Sylvia Plath died        .

A. in her twenties       B. in her thirties       C. in her forties     D. in her fifties

60. What’s the main purpose of the text ?

A. To tell how Sylvia Plath became a poet .

B. To describe the features of Sylvia Plath’s poetry .

C. To explain why Sylvia Plath won a Pulitzer Prize .

D. To introduce Sylvia Plath and her poetry .


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she knocked into a tall boy from the fifth grade running in the opposite direction.

36 ”the boy shouted.Then, with a silly smile on his face, the boy  37 his right leg and walked the way Amy limped(跛行)when she walked.

Amy closed her eyes. “ 38 him!” She told herself as she headed for her classroom.

But at the end of the day, Amy was still thinking about the tall boy’s  39 way. It wasn’t as if he were the only one. It seemed that ever since Amy started the third grade, someone laughed at her 40 . Kids made fun of her about her  41 or her limping. Amy was  42 it. Sometimes, even in a classroom full of other students, the teasing(嘲笑)made her feel  43 alone.

Back home at the dinner table that evening, Amy was  44 . Her mother knew that things were not going well at  45 . That’s why she was happy to have some exciting news to  46 with her daughter.

“There is a Christmas  47 contest on the radio station,” Amy’s Mom announced.“ 48 a letter to Santa, and you might win a prize. I think  49 at the table with blonde(白肤金发的)curly hair should enter.”

A  50 took hold of Amy when the idea first came to her. Out came pencil and paper, and Amy went to work on her letter. “Dear Santa Claus,” she began.

While Amy worked at her letter, the rest of the family tried to  51 what she might ask from Santa.Amy’s sister, Jamie, and Amy’s Mom both thought a three-foot Barbie doll would  52 Amy’s wish list. Amy’s Dad guessed a picture book. But Amy wasn’t  53 to tell her secret Christmas wish just then. Here is Amy’s letter to Santa, which she wrote that night:

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Amy. I am nine years old.I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me   54 the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy(脑瘫). I just want one  55 when no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.

36.A.Go ahead       B.Watch it        C.Make it        D.Mind you

37.A.lived up to      B.got down to     C.took hold of     D.stared at

38.A.Blame         B.Beat          C.Scold         D.Ignore

39.A.funny         B.angry         C.silly          D.unfriendly

40.A.more than one day                B.every other day

    C.every single day                  D.on particular day

41.A.speaking       B.listening        C.reading        D.writing

42.A.tired of        B.free from       C.angry with      D.satisfied with

43.A.surprisedly     B.all            C.exactly        D.even

44.A.calm          B.eager          C.quiet          D.pleased

45.A.school         B.home         C.dinner         D.play

46.A.work         B.connect        C.share         D.talk

47.A.singing        B.speech        C.dancing        D.wish

48.A.To write       B.Written        C.Write         D.Having written

49.A.everyone       B.someone       C.nobody        D.anyone

50.A.sadness        B.smile          C.coldness       D.cry

51.A.guess         B.recognize       C.read          D.consider

52.A.form          B.make          C.top           D.reach

53.A.contented      B.surprised       C.lucky         D.ready

54.A.in front of      B.in spite of      C.in place of      D.because of

55.A.friend         B.day           C.classmate      D.way


科目: 来源: 题型:

          to the station on time made everyone worried last week .

  A. Him not getting    B. Not his getting     C. His not getting    D. Not getting


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was the teacher who made        clear        we were going to have the next exam.

  A. us ; that     B. it ; when    C. it ; how     D. that ; it

