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科目: 来源: 题型:


提示: 1.作为高中生,应劳逸结合;



注意:1. 词数 100左右;


      3. 外出郊游 outing  高中生 senior high school student

   Summer vacation is coming, and an outing has been popular among senior high school students.







科目: 来源: 题型:








Body language is means of unspoken communication, which people use to express his feelings. Body language is different based on each culture. For example, not all cultures greet each other by the same way. Shake hands is the most popular way to greet each other while people meet. However, in some western country people exchange greetings by kissing. Some people prefer to stand quite closely while others would like keep more physical distance from each other. Since there are so much differences between people in body language, so we have to learn something to avoid misunderstanding.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第一节  单词拼写  根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

71. France is f          for its wine.

72. How can we d          our homeland if we don’t have an army?

73. Before visiting him, I called him up in a          .

74. No hunting is allowed in the p          .

75. He leaned over and w          something in his ear.

76. How did he           (反应) to the sudden change?

77. The drawers           (滑动)in and out easily.

78. Which country do you           (代表)?

79. He is           (摇摆) his legs on the chair.

80. His style is           (模仿)after Shakespeare.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?

Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen's work.    66    What they look for is your presence--- to talk, to cry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express his worries and fears, but don't let them focus on those fears.

Help them get organized.    67    Together, you and your teen can work out a time-table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy.

Give them a nutritious diet. It's important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best.    68    If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

       69   Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

Show a positive attitude.   70   Your panic, anxiety and blame contribute to your teen’s pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.

A. A parent's attitude will influence their teen's feelings.

B. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.

C. They will only make the situation worse.

D. Encourage your teen to relax.

E. The best thing is simply to listen.

F. Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.

G. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Galaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that the woman asked the man for the direction. He told her that he did not know. Galaxy decided to help them. She had learned the sign language when she served as a volunteer in the deaf and mute(聋哑)school. Then she showed the woman the direction and left her email address to them in case they needed her help later.

    She received an email from that man the next day. Kazrim was his name. Galaxy replied his mail sincerely. They both started chatting online soon after and began seeing each other. Although they only communicated with the sign language, it never bothered her.

    Galaxy was fond of him gradually. Obviously, Kazrim was the same too. He presented Galaxy with a bunch of sunflowers and asked her sincerely, “Are you willing to be my girlfriend?” Galaxy was pleasantly surprised. She requested him to give her some time to persuade her parents.

    As she had expected, her parents were very angry after they had learned of their love story. Galaxy explained, “Kazrim is an excellent and a very optimistic person. He has a very positive attitude towards life and work. He cares for others always. He is 100% better than the normal. Moreover, the mute is still a human. He should possess a perfect and wonderful love. ”

    Her parents asked to see him, then. The very worried Galaxy took Kazrim home a few days later. When they were on the train, Kazrim told her, ‘‘I’m going to tell your parents I’ll be looking after you well with all my life!” Galaxy was deeply moved.

    As soon as they had entered the house, Galaxy introduced him to her parents. She said, ‘‘This is Kazrim.” Just right after her speech, an unbelievable thing happened. Kazrim threw the gift away and held her in his arms tightly.

    He said, “YOU CAN TALK?” It was the same question that Galaxy wanted to ask, too.

    The four people were shocked all of a sudden. As a matter of fact, Kazrim always believed that Galaxy was a mute and he still fell in love with her deeply.

63. How did Galaxy and Kazrim get to know each other?

    A. They met each other by chance.

    B. They were introduced to each other.

    C. They once studied at the same university.

    D. They both served in a special needs school.

64. How did Galaxy probably communicate with Kazrim before she took him home?

A. Writing words on paper.                  B. Using the sign language.

    C. Judging from his expression.             D. Speaking her native language.

65. What can we learn about the two young people from the passage?

    A. They fell in love at the first sight.

    B. They cheated each other to win love.

    C. They mistook each other for being mutes.

    D. They ignored the anger of Galaxy’s parents.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Chinese were the real inventor of printing. Centuries ago they carved messages on stone and then sprinkled () sooty(粉末状的) dust over the stone carving. When they put a small piece of paper over the stone and rubbed the paper, the sooty lines were reproduced on it. Some of these first printed papers have been preserved; the oldest ones known to exist are more than one thousand years old.

Printing with carved stone blocks was the only kind of printing known for centuries. Then, about eight hundred years ago, a Chinese printer, Bi Sheng, had a clever idea. Instead of carving a whole message on a single big block of wood or stone, he formed separate Chinese words or characters out of bits of clay(粘土). By fitting the clay pieces together in rows in a box, he could print just as before. But when he finished, he could keep all the separate pieces of clay and use them again.

Bi Sheng’s movable type was a great step forward, but his method was not generally adopted. Movable type did not come into use in Europe until it was invented there centuries later. The Europeans had been totally ignorant(无知的) of the printing traditions of the Chinese.

60. The oldest pieces of printed paper in existence date back_____.

A. 800 years.                                                          B. more than 1000 years

C. more than 2000 years                       D. 500 years

61. These pieces of clay were _____.

A. easily lost                                                         B. less used

C. reusable                                                              D. thrown away after use

62. Europeans adopted printing after they _____.

A. realized stone carving was not good enough

B. had learned about it from the Chinese

C. had copied Chinese printing

D. had invented it themselves


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.

Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA. One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of heavy snow, the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.

It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea. The “birth of basketball” is said to be on December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from the basketball games of today. It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs. Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special “basketballs” through nets.

Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the Games in Berlin.

56. Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?

A. Teach P.E in school.            B. Write some books.

C. Work at a hospital. D. Take part in the Olympic Games.

57. In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?

A. Summer.        B. Winter.     C. Spring.       D. Autumn.

58. Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?

A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.

B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.

C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.

D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.

59. At the time of Dr Naismith’s death, which of the following was true?

A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.

B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.

C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.

D. Basketball was still played using footballs. 



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. So, I really 36 whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy 37 to earn money to pay the high schooling for me. They don't act in the  38 ways that I read in books or I see on TV, and sending flowers to each other on Valentine's Day is even  39 .

  One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I asked her if there was  40 between them. She paused her work and raised her head with 41 . Then she bowed her head and 42 sewing the quilt. I was very  43 because I thought I had hurt her. But after a few minutes she said, “Look at this thread. Sometimes it  44 ,but most of the time it disappears in the quilt. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can  45 be seen anywhere or anytime, but it's really there, and makes the quilt  46 ”. I listened carefully but I couldn't understand her  47 the next spring.

  My mother suddenly got sick seriously and had to stay in hospital for a one-month treatment. Every morning and dusk after she  48 from the hospital, my father 49 my mother walking slowly on the country road. There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and the sun gently glistened 50 the leaves. All of these  51 the most beautiful picture in the world.  52 their eyes, I know they love each other deeply. From this experience, I  53 that love was just a 54 in the quilt of our life. Love is    55  , making life strong and warm.

36. A. believe     B. hesitate       C. ignore    D. doubt    

37. A. keeping    B. willing    C. trying     D. learning

38. A. magic         B. romantic      C. formal    D. special

39. A. unsuitable       B. impolite       C. uneasy        D. impossible

40. A. difference      B. love         C. similarity      D. fight

41. A. surprise       B. anger        C. smile         D. calm

42. A. finished    B. forgot    C. continued     D. considered

43. A. excited     B. worried       C. shocked      D. disappointed

44. A. exists         B. works     C. appears       D. breaks   

45. A. hardly         B. easily        C. simply    D. usually

46. A. long-lasting B. long-dated C. long-suffering D. long-winded

47. A. after          B. before    C. until         D. since

48. A. returned       B. escaped       C. remained      D. heard

49. A. led        B. let           C. made        D. helped

50. A. from          B. through       C. across    D. throughout

51. A. made with      B. made into     C. made up      D. made of

52. A. Reading       B. Watching      C. Seeing    D. Checking

53. A. expected       B. realized        C. noticed       D. admitted

54. A. material    B. design    C. color         D. thread

55. A. everywhere B. inside     C. anywhere     D. outside


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Do you enjoy your present job?

----     . I just do it for a living.

A. Of course                          B. Not really

C. Not likely                          D. Not a little


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Which one of these two do you want?

----      . Either will do.

A. I don’t mind B. I’m sure

C. No problem D. Go ahead

