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科目: 来源: 题型:

---Have you read the timetable ? 

---Yes . The train ____ at 10:12 p.m..

A. will start  B. is going to start  C. should start   D. starts


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Do you know __________ ?

A. he lives where              B. where he lives

C. where does he live           D. where is he living


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The message is very important, so it is supposed _______ as soon as possible.

A. to be sent     B. to send     C. being sent    D. sending


科目: 来源: 题型:

Visiting _______ Great Wall is ________ unforgettable experience to me.    
A. /; /   B. /; an C. the; an D. the; / 


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Do you surf the Internet a lot?

---- Well,_______, I’m too busy with work to surf the Net.

A. all right  B.I have no idea C. at last   D. to tell you the truth


科目: 来源: 题型:






3. 天气非常寒冷,以至于街上没有任何人。


4. 尽管天要下雨了,他今晚还是要按时出发去伦敦。




6. 我宁愿去看电影而不愿在家看电视。




8. 他认为北京的生活不比上海的生活更美好。



科目: 来源: 题型:






1. I don’t suppose anyone will come, won’t they?

2.They spent a relaxed evening in the country.

3.I sit on the stone when the dog walks round in a circle .

4.The table takes off too much room.

5.He has no room to live .

6.The old man is suffering a bad cold.

7.I return back to the paperwork in the office.

8.That’s that I want to say.

9.You can sit there you like .

10.He went to Beijing as well as.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Home can be a great place for children to study. It’s important to provide a workspace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.
●Location (位置)
72 Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at hand without having to clear everything away each night. For a child that likes being alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but keep it separate from things like games, music and other hobbies not related to studying.
●Keeping Things in Order
Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn’t using his workspace. Ownership is very important for self-respect. 73 The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom.
Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and get things done in the right way. 75 Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family.
A. Attitude Is Everything
B. Bring Organization into Your Home
C. Here are several ways to choose a location.
D. Building a Good Home Learning Environment.
E. Hold a can-do attitude and your child will follow your example.
F. Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for children.
G. A child who learns to organize his space will carry organization into every corner of his life


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Moving should be an exciting time — you’re off to a new home, maybe moving up to a larger home. But for many people, moving turns into a stressful experience. It doesn’t have to be that way. Some planning and a little research can make your next move the best one ever.

       Organization is the key to a successful move, so list your friends. Write down all the details(细节) that you need, especially things that might be lost during the move.

       Once you decide to move, start packing(包装) things immediately. You can find all the supplies you need, such as boxes, packing tape and more at truck rental outlets (租赁经销店) like Budget Truck Rental. The experts there can help you figure out how many and what types of boxes you’ll need.

       About a month before your moving date, reserve (预定) your moving truck. The company you choose makes a big difference. Budget Truck Rental has 30,000 trucks nationwide for you to choose.

       Take care of your mail. Stop by your local post office and write the new address where your mail should be sent. You’ll also want to change the address on any magazine subscriptions (订购) or other services you receive by mail.

       Make sure you have a group of friends to help you move. If you still have some boxes to pack, your friends can help you put the boxes into the truck while you finish up.

67. The passage is mainly written for those who ______.

A. help others move to a new home

B. offer rental services to others

C. prepare to move to a new home

D. like outside activities

68. How many suggestions does the passage offer for your move?

A. Three.               B. Four.              C. Five.                 D. Six.

69. According to the passage, which of the following is necessary before the moving?

A. Plan your move well in advance.

B. Make sure everything is clean.

C. Pay your friends enough money.

D. Buy lots of magazines on moving.

70. According to the passage, Budget Truck Rental is a company that ______.

A. offers some free services

B. sends your magazines to your home

C. provides jobs for the people who want to move

D. helps to make your move easier


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Keeping fish as pets is a popular hobby. Fish take up little room, are inexpensive to feed, and provide an interesting and colorful display in any room.

       A tank, or an aquarium (养鱼缸), must be chosen carefully. Many new aquarium owners buy too many fish for their tanks. Fish cannot be crowded. Two fish can live comfortably in each gallon of water, only ten fish can live in a five-gallon tank. Can you see why a goldfish would not live long in a tiny(很小的), round bowl?

       If too many fish are kept together, they will not have enough oxygen (氧气) or room to swim about freely. They will have more diseases. Also, some kinds of fish cannot be kept together. They will fight and may even kill one another. As your interest in fish grows, the number of fish you have may grow, too. Then you may want to invest in another tank.

       If you start with a ten-gallon aquarium, what kind of fish would be best? The two major groups of tropical (热带的) fish are those that lay eggs and those that give birth to live young. If you want to raise young fish, guppies (孔雀鱼) would be the best choice because they can produce many babies in a short time.

       You can buy fish and aquariums in most pet stores. Ask the owner to help you choose the right fish. You can also find many books about tropical fish in the library.

63. Keeping fish is a good hobby for the following reasons EXCEPT _____.

A. fish are not costly to feed

B. fish are nice to look at

C. fish reproduce babies quickly

D. fish need little space

64. The underlined part “invest in” (in Paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to _____.

A. buy                B. borrow     C. make      D. sell

65. If nine fish live in three gallons of water, the fish may _____.

A. breathe easily                 B. swim about freely

C. get ill                           D. not get enough to eat

66. What can we know from the passage?

A. Very few people are interested in keeping fish.

B. The size of your tank decides how many fish you can buy.

C. Guppies are a kind of fish that are good at laying eggs.

D. You can raise different kinds of fish together.

