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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In America,where labor costs are so high, do-it-yourself is a way of life.Many people 36 their own car,build their own garages,even rebuild their own 37 .Soon they may also be writing their own books.In Hollywood there is a company 38 publishes(出版) Children’s books 39 the help of computers.Although other book 40 also publish that way,this particular company is very 41 .It “personalizes”(使个性化)the book by having the computer make the reader the leading character in the story.Here is 42 they do it.Let us say your child 43 Jenny.She lives on Oak Drive in St. Louis,has a dog named Spot,a cat named Tabby,and three playmates 44 names are Betty,Sandy ,and Jody.The computer uses this 45 to fill out a story that has 46 been prepared and illustrated(发行).The story is then printed(印刷) with standard equipment 47 a hard-cover book.A child who 48 such a book might say,”This book is about me”;the company therefore calls 49 the Me-book Publishing Company”.

   Children like the Me-books because they like to see their own names in print and 50 of their friends and their pets. 51 more important ,”personalization” has been 52 to be important tool(工具) in  __53 enthusiasm(热情) for reading.So Me-books are helping  54 to learn how to read,  55 appealing to(吸引) that natural desire to see his own name in print.

36.A.drive        B.buy        C.repair           D.notice

37.A.houses        B.buses         C.TV sets         D.computers

38.A.where    B.不填         C.that       D.what

39.A.under       B.with        C.in           D.by

40.A.stores        B.libraries       C.sellers      D.companies

41.A.common       B.important      C.unusual     D.ordinary

42.A.how        B.why        C.what      D.where

43.A.names     B.to be named   C.naming      D.is named

44.A.who        B.who’s       C.whose    D.that

45.A.news        B.information     C.condition       D.direction

46.A.already       B.really       C.carefully     D.fully

47.A.as         B.that       C.like       D.such

48.A.gives        B.borrows      C.looks for   D.receives

49.A.them        B.itself       C.yourself   D.it

50.A.that        B.what       C.which    D.those

51.A.But        B.And        C.So       D.Therefore

52.A.founded      B.invented      C.found    D.heard of

53.A.developing     B.working      C.seeing      D.improving

54.A.a boy        B.a girl       C.a student   D.a child

55.A.by         B.for        C.with     D.about


科目: 来源: 题型:

When I entered home,I found all the windows______and something______.

  A.open;stolen    B.opening;stealing   C.opened;stolen   D.open;stealing


科目: 来源: 题型:

The boy is too stubborn,who is able to______him to follow my advice?

  A.suggest       B.advise           C.prefer         D.persuade


科目: 来源: 题型:

My sister was determined that her daughter ____abroad when she grows up.

  A.goes         B.go              C.would go      D.went


科目: 来源: 题型:

On____cold morning in___October of 2010,we all saw the first heavy snow.

  A.不填;不填   B.不填;the       C.a;the          D.a an


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Mom,I saw some red new mountain bikes in that shop today.

---- Why not buy______?

A.one     B.it       C.that      D.the one


科目: 来源: 题型:

To my surprise,no attention was paid______the text in my class.

  A.to read       B.in reading       C.reading        D.to reading


科目: 来源: 题型:

Though the old lady lives in a (an)______house,she doesn’t feel______at all.

  A.lonely;lonely  B.alone;lonely     C.alone;alone     D.lonely;alone


科目: 来源: 题型:

Actually,the students can______ very well without looking up the words in the dictionary.

  A.get on        B.get over        C.get in         D.get down


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Please tell Tom about the meeting tomorrow.

---- We ______him yesterday.It is a little late ,in my opinion.

A.ought to tell         B.would have told 

C.should have told        D.must have told

