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科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was because of bad weather _______ the football match had to be put off.

A. which               B. what                 C. why               D. that


科目: 来源: 题型:

 More and more people have got to know the importance of the English study. _______, about six people in ten in this city are able to speak a little English.  

A. In other words      B. Believe it or not      C. What’s more      D. To be honest


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The money collected should be made good use_______ the people in earthquake-hit areas in Yunnan province.

A. of helping            B. to help        C. to helping           D. of to help


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Iraq has _______ too many wars since 1990s, making his people suffer a lot.

A. gone through       B. looked through      C. got through        D. passed through


科目: 来源: 题型:

If my brother doesn’t go camping, _______.

A. so will I    B. so do I    C. neither will I    D. neither do I


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Has ______ English changed over time?

--- “No”, he answered without ______ second thought.

  A. /; the   B. /; a    C. the; the   D. the; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

根据下面的提示,写一篇100词左右的题为 "Travel" 的短文。

1.      当工作累了时,你可以旅游。这样既可以领略大自然的美丽风光、呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友;

2.      旅游也会有烦恼,天气多变,有时可能被雨淋湿(be caught in the rain)。因此,你应该多了解天气情况,做好充分准备。

3.      你的建议。








科目: 来源: 题型:


86. Because he didn’t finish the work on time and was fired by company, he was very u _______about it.

87. I shouldn’t have eaten that big ice cream—I'm s__________(因…而痛苦)from a pain

   in my stomach now.

88. He _______ (忽略)the doctor's advice and continues smoking.

89. First he always said no to the plan, but later, supporters talked about the advantages of

   it all the time and f_______ he had to give in.

90. The small village was completely d __________by the earthquake. Everything was

   buried underground.

91. We are not satisfied with her__________ (态度)to the poor. She should say sorry to


92. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r_________ him immediately when

   I saw him in the crowd.

93. The poster of this movie says that the hero is b__________ on a brave solider in the

   Ming Dynasty.

94. He made repeated __________ (请求)for help but nobody noticed that.

95. Everybody, including the teacher found him reading a magazine when he suddenly

   __________ (爆发)out laughing during the class.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 In the early evening we always stop to (76)______ camp. We put up our tents and then we ate. After supper, Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed (77) ______. At midnight, the sky became clear and the stars grew (78)_______. It was quiet in the mountains that night--- there was almost no wind, only the (79)________ of our fire for company. As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled.

Then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan. Some of the (80) ______workers and doctors were trapped under the (81) ________. More buildings fell down. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the disaster would (82) _____.

It was the truth. Black people could not (83) _____ or choose their leaders. They could not get jobs they wanted. The parts of town in which they had to live were (84) ______ by white people. The places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Africa. No one could (85) ________ food there.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Knowing about yourself means not only that you find out what you’re good at and what you like, it also means discovering what you’re not good at and what you don’t like. Both help you to see your aim(目标)in life.

    Although most students would be unhappy if they found that they had failed a very difficult physics examination, they have in fact learned a lot about themselves. They know that they should not become engineers or physical scientists. So failing can help a student to live a much happier life if he or she draws something out of the failing. They may then decide on their aims and choose the kind of work they would be fit for and they would like to do.

    It is impossible to decide whether or not you like something until you have tried it. If you decide that you would like to play the piano, you need to take more than one lesson before you can know whether you are really interested in it or you are able to do well. It is not enough to want to be a great pianist. You also have to like the hard practice and long training before you become one. If you would enjoy being a great pianist but hate the work, forget it.

    It’s a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still young. And then you will be able to find out what your true interests are.

72. If you say you really know yourself,         .

      A. you know what you don’t like

      B. you know what you are good at

      C. you have no interest in your work

      D. you’ve got the whole picture of yourself

73. Failing can turn into something good       .

      A. if you have aim in life                                B. if your decision is fight

      C. if you lead a happier life                               D. if you learn something from it

74. The writer suggests         .

      A. failure is a better mirror

      B. Success is more helpful

      C. pianists often don’t like their job

      D. physics can help students live a better life

75. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

      A. Test ideas, compare and then decide.

      B. People always make decisions in a hurry.

      C. The more experiences, the better decision you will have.

      D. You have enough time before you come to a wise decision.

