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科目: 来源: 题型:

 We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, __________, in fact, there were

A. however            B. what         C. which             D. while


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Cathy is a tetraplegic.She has not been able to move her arms,legs or speak since suffering a stroke(中风)nearly fifteen years ago.Recently,she learned how to control a robotic arm using her thoughts.She now can use brain activity to serve herself a drink.

       The American woman is one of two people who took part in a research project known as BrainGate2.The researchers have spent years studying how to help people who are disabled regain movement in their arms and legs.

       John,who is a neuroscientist(神经科学家)and also was part of the project,said,“Our idea is to avoid that damaged nervous system and go directly from the brain to the outside world,so the brain signals can,not control muscle,but control machines or devices(设备)like a computer or a robotic arm.”

       The two disabled people had small sensors connected to the part of the brain that controls movement.The devices measured brain activity and sent that information to a computer.The computer has special software that turns the information into digital commands for operating other devices.The researchers used a highly developed robotic arm to recreate human actions.

The BrainGate team had its first success in 2006.A victim was able to use the brain—computer system to control a computer mouse.John says the latest development using robotic arms is a major victory.

A video of the latest experiment shows Cathy using the robotic arm to pick up a cup of coffee.She guides the cup toward her mouth,moves it forward and drinks through a straw.

       Lead researcher Leigh Hochberg said it was an unbelievable moment?

       The research team carded out almost 200 tests with two different robotic arms,which were able to pick up their target objects 43%to 66%of the time.

       The researchers are calling the information very promising.But they say it will take years to fully develop the technology for everyday use.

71.What can we know about Cathy from this passage?

       A.She is an expert about the stroke.

       B.She is a disabled woman who can't walk at all.

       C.She is a scientist and is also part of the project.

       D.She is a researcher taking part in the project.

72.How does the robotic arm work?


73.Why did Leigh Hochberg say it was an unbelievable moment?

       A.Because the latest experiment of using robotic arms has succeeded.

       B.Because the BrainGate team had its first Success in 2006.

       C.Because the two disabled people can move and speak.

       D.Because he was part of the project.

74.What can we infer from this passage?

       A.The technology had been put into use before 2006.

       B.It will be several months before the technology comes into daily use.

       C.Quite a few experiments have been carried out for the technology.

       D.The two robotic arms couldn't pick up their target objects.

75.What's the purpose of the research project?

       A.To help the disabled people to move and speak.

       B.To help the brain-computer system to control a computer mouse.

       C.To help the disabled people use brain activity to serve themselves a drink.

       D.To help the disabled people to get movement like their arms and legs again.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       American officials have sharply reduced their expecmtions for this year's corn and soybean crops.Farmers in the Midwest are struggling with record heat and the worst drought(干旱)in many years.

       The United States is the world's largest producer of com and soybeans.Last Friday the Agriculture Department predicted corn production would add up to 10.8 billion bushels this year.That was down 17%from a prediction made just a month ago.And it was down 13%from last year's level.The average yield(产量)per hectare could be the lowest in seventeen years.

       At the sarne time,the government predicted that soybean production would be 12% lower than last year.

       The price of corn has hit record levels.Corn is a major part of animal feed,so the price of meat,milk and eggs is also expected to climb.

The FAO says average food prices worldwide rose 6%in July.The American drought was a big reason.

       The situation has renewed the fight between food and fuel.About 40%of the nation's corn crop goes into making ethanol(乙醇).The production process leaves some of that in a form that can be fed to animals.Still,at least one-fourth of the American corn crop is now made into fuel.

       The United States requires that part of its corn crop be used in the production of biofuels(生物燃料).The use of ethanol has grown as government requirements have increased.But Jose,the head of the FAO called for“an immediate,temporary pause”of that requirement.He said more of the American corn production could then be used as food or to feed animals.

       The American livestock(家畜)industry is also urging Congress to stop the law that requires ethanol in gasoline.But corn farmer Alan Bennett says doing that would hurt his town.

       A 2005 law requires automobile fuel to contain ethanol.The growth of the ethanol industry and competition for corn has been helping parts of rural America that had been reducing for years.

66.What's the main idea of the passage?

       A.Average food prices rose all over the world.

       B.The decrease of crops in America restarted the fight between food and fuel.

       C.The argument between farmers and the American livestock industry came up.

       D.America produces most of the corn and soybeans in the world.

67.What does the writer want to indicate using so much data in Paragraph 2?

       A.The production of corn and soybeans in America reduces sharply.

       B.American officials predicted that corn production would reduce.

       C.America is the world's largest producer of corn and soybeans.

       D.Farmers in the Midwest of America are having a hard time.

68.Why did average food prices worldwide rise 6%in July?

       A.Because the price of corn crop has got to the top of history.

       B.Because much of the corn crop in the world goes into making ethanol.

       C.Because America is suffering the worst drought.

       D.Because most of the corn has been fed to animals.

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.Ethanol should be added to all gasoline according to the American law.

       B.Forty percent of the nation's com crop is now made into fuel

       C.America requires the use of ethanol be stopped temporarily.

       D.Most American corn has been used as food or to feed animals.

70.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

       A.The requirement of ethanol really hurts parts of rural America.

       B.There is some competition between the ethanol industry and rural America.

       C.The law that requires ethanol in gasoline will be passed before long.

       D.The farmers in America benefited greatly from the requirement of ethanol.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fernando and I were arguing about why I never took any real vacations.When he suggested we go off somewhere for three entire weeks,“You decide,”I said.

He chose a little fishing village off the coast and he planned out a schedule.Our trip was full of wormer and fun,but when we got there,the shabby hotel failed to satisfy us,so we left a day early for the beach.As we drove,we passed two orphanages(孤儿院).Christmas was only a few days away,and I felt that I should stop to do something for the children.

Then Femando came up with a plan to help the poor children we saw.We made a list of names,and then we went into town to buy new clothes,toys,and school supplies.For the rest of the day,we filled backpacks.We were excited about the celebration we had plantted for the next day,December 26,when we'd invite the families to the beach in front of the hotel and hand out the presents.

    Fernando and I were still in bed at around 9:00 the next morning when we heard a cracking sound.“What is that?”I asked.As if in response.water started pouring into our room.The children's backpacks we had arranged so neatly on the floor began floating around.The next thing I knew was that the roof was torn off.and Fernando and I were swept out.

       I thought I was going to die.

       Under the water, I forced myself to calm down and then I popped out.Suddenly I saw Fernando only four feet away.

       “What just happened?”I asked Fernando.

       “Tsunami(海啸)!”,he shouted to me.“Just be strong.Whatever it was,”he told me,“It's all over now.”But a few seconds later,another wave buried us.I tried to grab him as he reached out to me,but he fell back under the water,and I never saw him again.

61.What can we learn about the trip?

       A.Fernando often argued with the author about their trips.

       B.The author chose a little fishing village off the coast.

       C.They would stay in the orphanages for Christmas Day.

       D.Their trip was satisfying at the beginning.

62.The author and Femando left for the beach early because          

       A.they were afraid of being late

       B.the hotel disappointed them

       C.they wanted to be there ahead of others

       D.they wanted to do something for the children

63.When did the author go for the vacation?

       A.A few days before Christmas.                 B.Three weeks after Christmas.

       C.On Christmas Day.                                   D.At 9:00 on December 26.

64.From the passage we can learn that the author and his friend       

       A.bought a lot of gifts for their children

       B.intended to invite many friends to their house

       C.managed to finish their trip as planned

       D.tried to help each other in face of danger

65.What do you think the author would continue to write about?

       A.How his trip was ruined.                         B.When Fernando came back to him.

       C.How he survived.                                     D.Why the disaster happened.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       The Ostrich Pillow was created by a European designer,who wanted to find a creative way to provide people with the health and productivity benefits commonly associated with power napping(小憩).Power napping is as important as normal sleep.Only when you're done with a power nap,are you expected to actually work better.

When you wake up from a normal nap,it's completely OK to glance around the room,confirm that John Hodgman riding a unicorn(独角兽)was just an amazing dream,and then roll over to fall back asleep.

But the Ostrich Pillow is specifically designed for those shorter periods of rest-the power naps-and the creators say that their invention allows you to sleep anytime,anywhere by creating a“little private space within a public one,to relax and rest.”

Perhaps this says a lot about people's attitudes toward napping and the importance of taking a little nap during the busy workday.The advertisement for the Ostrich Pillow even claims that a 20-minute power nap can increase productivity by 37%.

Amazing!I can only dream of all the things I would get done at the office if I actually worked at 37%productivity.And to think,all I need is a quick nap as soon as I get to my desk!

In general,the Ostrich Pillow seems like a great idea.It's convenient.It's comfortable.It has a place for your hands.But the big question is whether people will actually wear it in public.

Nevertheless,I'm still hoping to get my hands on、one of these to give it a proper test drive.But,until then,if you need me,I'll be sleeping buried on my desk !

56.According to the passage,we can learn that     

       A.the Ostrich Pillow can help people sleep longer

       B.power napping can help people work better

       C.people from a normal nap usually dream about a unicorn

       D.John Hodgman invented the Ostrich Pillow

57.What does the writer think about the advertisement?

       A.He feels bored.     B.He doubts it.       C.He believes it.     D.He dislikes it.

58.Which of the following best describes.the Ostrich Pillow?

       A.Comfortable and cheap.                          B.Productive and relaxing.

       C.Convenient and comfortable.                     D.Special and attractive.

59.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

       A.The writer has got an Ostrich Pillow.

       B.The writer is willing to have a drive test.

       C.The writer will be sleeping on his desk without that.

       D.The writer expects to own an Ostrich Pillow.

60.What might be the author's purpose of writing the text?

       A.To introduce an invention for power snapping.

       B.To advertise a new invention——the Ostrich Pillow.

       C.To inform people the importance of power snapping.

       D.To tell people a better way of keeping power snapping.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


I was going on vacation to meet up with my family for a week of fun in Canada.Early in the morning,I got to the airport in Denver ready to 36 my work behind for a few days.Don't get me 37 .I enjoy my job of helping people with disabilities to 38 a plane,which is a special education system in our state,but this time it was my 39  !

I was waiting for my flight 40 with a good book to read,when an elderly lady was wheeled to our waiting area.I couldn't help but41 the trouble she was having  42 a packet of nuts with her arthritic(关节炎的)hands.No one else was willing to meet her gaze so I offered to help.

She was very 43 .It turned out that these nuts were her entire 44 .The attendants were nowhere to be seen when the 45 came to board the plane.The lady could walk but needed some assistance,so I 46 to help her and carry her bag.We had a long chat on the plane.As we were entering another country we needed to 47 some forms.I did it for her.

We landed and I needed to 48 planes.but I helped her get off the plane first.The wheelchair she ordered was  49  to be seen,so we slowly walked to the 50 .Her daughter was waiting there,looking rather 51

We only exchanged first names,and she was so grateful to have my assistance.I had to run to 52 my connection.But as I  53 the experience,I saw her as my airport angel,because she gave me a 54 to hope that in the future when I'm 55 and traveling,someone will take the time to help me.Pay it forward.

36.A.get           B.fall           C.leave           D.forget

37.A.wrong         B.happy         C.right            D.hard

38.A.land           B.locate         C.board           D.fly

39.A.flight          B.job           C.choice          D.vacation

40.A.silently          B.comfortably      C.carefully         D.happily

41.A.meet            B.ignore          C.notice           D.expect

42.A.opening        B.reaching        C.eating           D.finding

43.A.grateful        B.careful         C.useful           D.helpful

44.A.lunch          B.luggage        C.hope            D.breakfast

45.A.waitress        B.time           C.ticket           D.day

46.A.volunteered       B.came          C.tried            D.had

47.A.find out        B.turn out        C.pick out         D.fill out

48.A.take           B.deliver         C.change          D.start

49.A.hardly         B.nowhere       C.somewhere       D.never

50.A.passage        B.hotel          C.airport          D.customs

51.A.desperate        B.anxious        C.calm            D.honest

52.A.call           B.gain           C.build            D.catch

53.A.reminded of B.thought of        C.cared about D.sought for

54.A.hand          B.seat           C.chance          D.look

55.A.old           B.tired          C.sick            D.poor


科目: 来源: 题型:

Such a good opportunity,once       ,might never come again.

       A.lost                B.to lose             C.losing             D.loses


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is reported that very little use of these waste materials       in the past decades.

       A.was taken           B.was made          C.has been made      D.has been taken


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What terrible weather! I really don't agree with it!

    A.Me too                          B.It doesn't agree

    C.I can't agree more                    D.Nor do I


科目: 来源: 题型:

      the bones under the sand,the scientists concluded that they came from the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.

       A.Being inspected                                       B.Inspected

       C.Having inspected                                        D.To inspect

