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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


When we are little, we know nothing about the rights and responsibilities of adulthood.   71   Therefore, if we like a certain toy or if we want to eat a certain type of chocolate, we think that our parents will have to buy that for us. We don’t care that they possibly have not enough money for that. If they don’t carry out our wish, we’ll begin to cry.   72   Whenever we begin to cry, we’ll get what we want.

Still, little by little, we realize that our parents can’t offer us all that we want for certain reasons. We then also understand that parents have their rights. They have the right to scold us when we do something wrong or when they find out that we have lied to them.   73   They choose our clothes, the food we eat, the school we will study at, the hours when we should go out to play and the time we have to return home.

  74   They are the ones to be blamed later if we don’t receive proper education. That’s why when we beat a classmate at the kindergarten, parents are the ones to apologize for our deeds in front of the teacher and the classmate’s parents. And when we get ill, they are responsible for not taking good care of us and for dressing us inadequately.

The moment we become teenagers, we notice that we should be responsible for our behaviors in society. Now we have the right to be independent.   75   It is supposed that we are mature enough to solve our problems and to make people around trust us. For some of us, this is a difficult test to pass, but it is the best method to see if we are capable of taking our place in society.

A. However, it’s also time for us to give explanations when we do something wrong.

B. But at the same time they are responsible for many things that happen to us.

C. Moreover, they have the right to make choices for us when we are little.

D. As a matter of fact, parents have a lot of things to be concerned about.

E. This is a child’s important weapon to threaten his/her parents.    

F. We should believe we can do them by ourselves.

G. We think our parents should offer us all we need.                                                          


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those of the first kind are born idlers (游手好闲者), taking interest in nothing. It seems that they live just to pass time idly. They simply don’t know why they have to do so, nor will they bother to ask. The other kind of people are those who take things seriously and never wish to idle away their life. But only a part of the second group are eager enough to make success. All the others fail to make enough effort to realize their dreams.

Why things so happen to them? What are the reasons?

I later find out some people are determined. They are “igniters” that catch fire

of their own, giving light and heat. But that’s not the case with others. They may be fuels but not igniters. As pieces of wood or coal, they need a match or lighter to make them burn so that their energy can be released.

The majority of people need some igniters to light them. Thus an igniter becomes a must for those people to succeed. Unless a suitable igniter comes their way, they will always remain like cold unused firewood or coal.

Fortunately, such an igniter is not difficult to meet. One may find it in an instructive book, a film story, some advice of a good teacher, a pleasant journey, or an unexpected love.

Any of these, coming at the right time, can serve as an igniter to start one’s enthusiasm for learning or for a better career, to turn him from a passive state of waiting to an active state of pursuing, to lend him strength to go ahead bravely. In that case, what he has prepared for years will be quickly turned into fruitful reality.

Such an igniter may turn up of itself, but most likely we have to find it ourselves. Never let a chance slide away, for it is the key to our success.

68. Who take things seriously but may not be able to succeed in this passage?

A. Fuels.       B. Lighters.       C. Idlers.       D. Igniters.

69. What does the writer value most in order to succeed?

A. Great interest in everything.     

B. Storing a lot of energy.     

C. Great dreams about a bright future.

D. An igniter coming at the right time.  

70. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is _____ .

A. to describe two kinds of people

B. to try to make fun of idlers

C. to praise those who devote themselves to work

D. to encourage people to find chances to succeed                 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

LONDON — The novelist Hilary Mantel won the 2012 Man Booker Prize on Tuesday for Bring Up the Bodies, the second book in her trilogy about the life of Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister.

Set over the course of the year 1535, it tells of Anne Boleyn, Henry’s ill-fated second wife — the time when she was the most powerful and her rapid demise. The story is told through the eyes of Cromwell, who plotted her downfall.

  “You wait 20 years for a Booker Prize; two come along at once,” said Ms. Mantel upon accepting the award. She won the Booker in 2009, too, for the first book in the trilogy, Wolf Hall.

  The Man Booker Prize is awarded annually to a novel written by a citizen of the United Kingdom, Ireland, or the Commonwealth. Much of literary London put on black ties and gathered for a formal dinner at the grand Guildhall to hear the winner announced; the BBC broadcast the announcement live.

  The prize has been won in the past years by some of the biggest names in fiction, including Iris Murdoch, J.M. Coetzee, Nadine Gordimer, Kingsley Amis and Salman Rushdie.

Sir Peter Stothard, chairman of this year’s Booker panel, said the judges had based their choices on “novels, not novelists; texts, not reputations.”

  He added, “It was the pure power of writing that settled most debates. We loved the shock of language shown in so many different ways and were excited by the vigor and vividly defined values in the books that we chose – and in the visible confidence of the novel’s place in forming our words and ideas.”

Other novels on the shortlist included The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twang Eng; Swimming Home by Deborah Levy; The Lighthouse by Alison Moore; Umbrella by Will Self; and Narcopolis by Jeet Thayil.  

64. The underlined word “demise” (in Para 2) probably means _____ .

A. progress   B. end    C. success    D. recovery

65. How many novels are mentioned in the passage?

A. 5      B. 6     C. 7       D. 8

66. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Peter Stothard thought the novels shaped people’s language in a way.

B. The judges attached importance to the language and the authors’ fame.

C. Hilary Mantel was the first to win the Man Booker Prize.

D. People were uninterested in the results of the prize.

67. The best title for the passage might be _____ .

A. Bring Up the Bodies    .

B. The Man Booker Prize

C. Hilary Mantel’s Novels Earn Her Fame

D. Hilary Mantel Wins a Second Booker Prize   


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The red crab (红蟹) lives on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean and has been found nowhere else in the world. But on its homeland it is a very significant species — some 120 million individuals cover the rain forest floor and play a major role in determining the structure of the ecosystem.

These large crabs are active during the day but prefer to stay in the shade and can die in the heat of direct sunlight. They feed on fallen leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, recycling nutrients and helping to determine the spread and composition of native plants.

Most of the year the red crabs live in the holes they dig throughout the forest. During the dry season they hide in these shelters to keep their body wet and remain there for two to three months. But when wet season returns in October or November they begin a legendary mass migration to their seaside breeding (繁殖)  grounds, moving in colorful wave that wash over all obstacles like roads (including special passages and some closed roads built for the red crab) and even seaside cliffs.

The annual migration is also closely tied to the lunar schedule. The crabs arrive at the coast and breed at such a time that the females can produce eggs and develop them in caves for a dozen or so days before carrying them into the sea exactly when high tide turns between the last quarter and new moon. During this period sea level on the beaches varies the least and offers an easier approach, which is so important that if the weather delays the migration crabs will put off laying eggs until the next lunar month.

Red crab eggs grow right away, and the young live in the sea for a month before returning to the coast, changing into air breathers, and slowly returning inland to begin the cycle once again.

60. The red crab is a very significant species on its homeland because _____ .

A. it’s gradually dying out    

B. it’s not found anywhere else

C. it’s well protected by the local people       

D. its huge population affects its native ecosystem

61. According to Paragraph 2, _____ influences the plants on Christmas Island.

A. the eating habits of the red crab   B. the heat of the direct sunlight

C. the homes of the red crab        D. the migration of the red crab

62. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. red crabs migrate by swimming in colorful ocean waves        

B. the islanders are friendly to the migrating crabs

C. red crabs live in the holes all the year round   

D. people have built special shelters for red crabs

63. What’s important for the red crab to reproduce their young?

A. The right caves.               B. The number of the crabs.

C. The movement of the moon.     D. The temperature of the tide.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Safety and Security Procedures

Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.

Your Vehicle

Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss.


Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in well-lit and heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash.

Guest Room Security

For additional security use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk.

Safety Boxes

Don’t leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for your use. Hotel is not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.


Safeguard your key. Please don’t leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.


Please report any suspicious activity or safety concerns to management.


Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. In the unlikely event of a fire, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of elevator.

56. We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. you needn’t report to the manager unless you’re sure something is wrong 

B. you’d better use the deadbolt and the secondary locks for safety

C. it is advised to travel to places where there are few people   

D. the hotel is not responsible for anything you lose    

57. If you feel doubtful about a stranger who knocks at the door, you should _____.

A. call the Front Desk to make sure

B. contact the local police for assistance

C. open the door to check the person’s ID Card       

D. let the person in after you have his/her name

58. What does the underlined part “In the unlikely event of a fire” probably mean?

A. In case a fire happens in a public building.

B. If a fire breaks out and it’s getting out of control.

C. In case a fire happens, though it is not very possible.

D. If a fire happens when some big events are taking place.

59. The suggestions are most probably from _____ .

A. a police officer        B. a tour guide

C. a hotel manager       .D. an experienced traveler     


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Ted spent seven years as a prisoner of war. There he discovered the power of

36 .

For more than half of that 37 he was in separation. He lived for ten months in total 38 . Those ten months was the longest of his life. When they 39 with wooden boards the windows of his little seven-by-seven foot cell, shutting out the light, he 40 if he was going to make it.

Ted spent hours a day exercising and thinking. But at times he felt he could do

41 but scream. Not wanting to give his 42 the satisfaction of knowing they’d

43 him, he placed clothing into his mouth to lessen the noise 44 he screamed at the top of his lungs.

One day Ted got down on the 45 and crawled under his bed. He found a hole that 46 air from the outside. As he 47 the hole, he saw a weak ray of light. Ted put his eye next to the wall and discovered a small crack in the building. It allowed him to glimpse 48 , though all he could see was a 49 piece of grass. But when he saw this, he felt a surge of joy, excitement and 50 that he hadn’t had in years. “It represented life, growth and 51 ,” he later said. It was the small hope that helped Ted 52 this nearly unbearable experience.

The human spirit is 53 . It seems to run forever 54 a faint hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else 55 —even the worst conditions.

36.   A. scream        B. support         C. hope             D. thought

37.   A. month         B. time            C. war             D. prison

38.   A. darkness       B. sadness         C. happiness         D. silence

39.   A. placed         B. strengthened      C. fixed             D. covered

40.   A. wondered      B. required         C. reminded          D. feared

41.   A. everything      B. anything         C. nothing           D. something

42.   A. friends        B. enemy          C. soldiers           D. army

43.   A. quitted        B. wounded        C. satisfied          D. broken

44.   A. as            B. though          C. after             D. since

45.   A. wall          B. board           C. floor             D. window

46.   A. took in        B. put out          C. gave off          D. let in

47.   A. left           B. entered          C. approached        D. passed

48.   A. above         B. inside           C. outside           D. below

49.   A. very          B. single           C. right             D. specific

50.   A. usefulness      B. gratefulness      C. isolation          D. depression

51.   A. freedom       B. choice C. courage D. perseverance

52.   A. through        B. over            C. by              D. out

53.   A. lucky         B. interesting        C. straight           D. strong

54.   A. from          B. on             C. over             D. against

55.   A. changes       B. happens         C. matters           D. relates


科目: 来源: 题型:

— OK, $5500, but that is my last offer.                             

— OK, _____ .

A. that’s all right B. it’s really a bargain 

C. that is my treat        D. that’s a deal  


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The mom rushed out in a hurry, _____ on the floor crying.

A. left her daughter lie             B. leaving her daughter lying        

C. left her daughter lying           D. leaving her daughter lay


科目: 来源: 题型:

 While watching Titanic, I was deeply impressed by the scene _____ Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.

   A. which         B. where        C. on which       D. in what


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Our government decided to give _____ to the environmentally-friendly businesses in many aspects.

   A. profit         B. advantage     C. preference      D. interest    

