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科目: 来源: 题型:

       My grandmother still has very         hearing although she is already eighty years old.

A. allergic                     B. acute                        C. sensitive                   D. sensible


科目: 来源: 题型:

       The Great Wall, one of the world’s seven wonders,        its way from west to east over the mountains, across the deserts and through the valleys.

       A. bends                       B. winds                       C. roars                        D. howls


科目: 来源: 题型:

    The 9th ASEM Summit, held in Laos in November 2012, was aimed at developing Asia-Europe cooperation to     world economic growth.

    A. demonstrate B. dominate C. proceed D. promote


科目: 来源: 题型:

假设你是新华中学的学生李华,最近你发现班上有部分同学抄袭他人的作业,针对这种现象,请你根据以下提示以“My opinion on copying others’homework”为题用英语写一篇短文:


















科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


[1]We are told breakfast is the most important meal of the day,and dinner the most enjoyable.It is an occasion to socialize and spend time with the family.But what about lunch?

[2]In today's fast-paced society,few people take time to enjoy this midday meal.Most of us just rush right through it.We grab a quick salad,or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers.Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner,we just          

[3]The development of technology hasn't done our eating habits much good either.We are constantly troubled by e-mail,social media,and 24-hour news.Eyen When we do sit down for lunch,we are more connected to our hand-held electronic devices than ourselves.

[4]Long working hours can cause all kinds of health problems,and many developed countries have put in place labor laws specifically regarding the lunch break.These regulations give employees the right to take a break during a long work shift,but it's up to them whether they do so or not.

[5]Frank Partnoy,a former Wall Street trader, says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch. This is because long lunch breaks can benefit both individuals and society.Writing in The Guardian,Partnoy says that one obvious reason to take a lunch break is to slow down and gain some perspective.A break from work allows us to think strategically and outside the box.It also puts our daily tasks into a broader context.If we sit down at a proper restaurant and chat leisurely with colleagues,we are more likely to slow down,something that hardly can be achieved in a noisy and over-packed fast food chain.

[6]Despite these benefits,some employees might still be unwilling to take time off for lunchPartnoy's suggestion? Make skipping lunch difficult:Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal.

76.What's the purpose of the text?


77.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 2 with proper words.


78.Many developed countries have issued labor laws in order to      .


79.List three benefits of taking long lunch breaks.




80.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Agricultural experts met in Ethiopia last week to discuss ways to help sub-Saharan Africa become a major producer of wheat.The area traditionally produced little wheat,while North Africa was the grain basket.

Wheat production fell sharply in sub-Saharan countries during the 1980s.In the 1960s,attempts were made to grow wheat in sub-Saharan Africa.including South Africa and Zimbabwe.But those countries found it was less costly to import wheat from Europe and the United States.Another problem is that Africa's wheat farms were often far from population centers.There also were transportation issues.And some lowlands were not a good place to grow wheat.

Hans Joachim Braun.one of the experts,says now is a good time to increase wheat production.In the last four years we have seen three major price hikes,where the wheat price and other staple process(主食加工)exploded.And that puts a big,big bill on countries which are depending on wheat imports,and Africa is the biggest wheat importer.

He also says demand for wheat in sub-Saharan Africa is growing faster than for any other crop.With higher income people would like to have more diversified food.But that is possible not the most important one.The most important one is that there is a tremendous migration of in particular male labor to the cities.And wheat products are convenient food because you can easily buy it.It's easy to process and you also can store it for a few days,which is different from some of the maize and rice products.

There are three possible challenges for growing more wheat in Africa:climate change,disease and pests,like insects.Mr.Braun says rising temperatures should not have a major effect on wheat.In fact,he says,it could help wheat grow in areas with high rainfall totals.As for fighting disease and pests,experts suggest growing more resistant crops.In addition,railroads and roads would have to be improved so large amounts of wheat could be moved to large markets.

71.The sharp fall of wheat production during the 1980s is caused by the following except that   

A.to import wheat from Europe and the United States is economic

B.Africa's wheat farms were often far from population centers

C.some lowlands were not suitable to grow wheat

D.farmers there didn't attempt to grow wheat

72.What does the word“hikes”in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.big changes     B.large increases  C.long trips        D.big bills

73.Wheat price exploding indicates   

A.sub-Saharan countries need to increase wheat production badly

B.sub-Saharan countries have to issue more money

C.sub-Saharan countries should grow more Corn

D.importing much wheat is urgent

74.Higher demand for wheat in sub-Saharan Africa mainly results from   

A.the large number of hungry people there

B.the diversified need of higher income people

C.male labor crowding into the cities

D.the higher wheat price

75.According to Mr.Braun the main challenges for growing more wheat in Africa are

A.climate change and disease

B.risistant crops and climate change

C.rising temperatures and disease and pests

D.disease and pests and inconvenient transportation


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Going to school from 8 a.m.until 5 p. m.may sound terrible,but Sydney Shaw,a seventh grader at the Alain Locke Charter Academy on Chicago's West Side,has come to like it—as well as the extra 20 or so days that she's in class every year.“I'm sure every kid at this school says bad things about the schedule sometimes,”says Sydney,who was at school on Columbus Day.when most Chicago schools had a holiday.“But we all know it's for our benefit.”

Finding ways to give kids more classroom time,through longer hours,a longer school year,or both,is getting more attention.“If you want to look at schools where the achievement gap is narrowing.they're saying they couldn't do it without the added time,”says Jennifer Davis.“Even when you get good teachers into schools,you also need more time.”

According to studies.low-income students fall back more than two months in their reading skills over summer vacations.“It's over the summer months that poor kids fall behind,”says Karl Alexander,a sociologist.“If you have parents who themselves didn't succeed at school and aren't highly educated,kids aren't going to get those skills at home.”

Schools are asked to take a full year to plan how to best use the extra time—a process involving teachers,principals,students and parents.They are given outside support to help them base their plans on the best available analyses of student needs.It's still early,but officials are already seeing stronger test scores and a narrowing achievement gap.

But some critics are worried.“We risk producing something that's very expensive and time-consuming.and that will give educators a lot of trouble,”says Frederick Hess.“Before we spend all that extra money,I'd much rather see if we can figure out how to get 50 percent more instructional time out of the current school day.”

66.From the first paragraph,we learn that      

A.the longer schedule is harmful to kid's health

B.all Chicago students had a holiday on Columbus Day

C.Sydney Shaw supports the added time

D.few kids are bored with the lack of holidays

67.Low-income students fall behind in summer because      

A.no good teachers are willing to teach them

B.they can't get help from their parents

C.their parents are unwilling to hire private teachers

D.they themselves have no desire to learn

68.They are in favor of adding school hours except      

A.Sydney Shaw              B.Jennifer Davis

C.Frederick Hess              D.Karl Alexander

69.Some people are worried about adding school hours mainly because      

A.it will have a bad effect on the kids’futures

B.the current school day has been too busy

C.no one supports the idea

D.it will be costly and time-consuming

70.The text is mainly about      

A.whether a longer school day will help narrow the achievement gap

B.how students have benefited from additional school hours

C.why the achievement gap among students needs to be narrowed

D.what causes the achievement gap among students


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hundreds of great books are published in America every year.And every year,editors,critics and many readers try to choose a list of favorites.

A few books showed up on list after list of the best fiction from this year.One of them was Ann Patchett's“State of Wonder”.Publishers Weekly described the novel as one“readers will hate to see end”The story centers on a drug researcher from Minnesota named Maria Singh.She travels to Brazil to investigate the death of a co-worker.Her search takes her deep into the Amazon area and danger.But.she also goes deep into her own soul for a close look at who she is.what she has lost in her life and how she wants the future to look.Ann Patchett lives in Tennessee.She told Publishers Weekly magazine that the state is leafy.She visited that area while doing research for the novel.

Chad Harbach's name was also all over the critics’best lists this year for his first book,“The Art of Fielding.”The New Yorker magazine praised the novel for the easy way it joins a love of baseball with a love of literature.The book is about a college baseball star.He suffers a mental crisis and begins to fail on the playing field as a result.But the book is about much more than the sport of baseball.It also is a story of love, loss,friendship and growing up.Chad Harbach says his own upbringing influenced the book.

“The Marriage Plot”also got a 10t of attention this year.It is the third book from Pulitzer Prize winner Jeffrey Eugenides.He spent almost ten years writing it.“The Marriage Plot” is also a story about becoming an adult.It follows the lives of three students in their final year of college and beyond.Leonard struggles with manic depression,Mitchell,with religious belief and Madeleine struggles with her feelings for both men.

61.The underlined words“readers will hate to see end”mean        

A.Readers love“State of Wonder”very much.

B.Readers don't like reading“State of Wonder”.

C.Readers don't like Ann Patchen's writing style.

D.Readers don't want to read the end of“State of Wonder”.

62.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Maria Singh's co-worker died of serious illness.

B.The story focuses on a scientific research.

C.During the research Maria thinks a lot about her own thoughts and feelings.

D.The subject of Maria Singh's study was supported by Publishers Weekly.

63.It can be inferred that        

A.Chad had mental problems in his childhood

B.Chad became famous for“The Art of Fielding”

C.more and more readers like Chad's book

D.“The Art of Fielding”is only about the story of baseball

64.The following statements about“The Marriage Plot”are true except that        

A.it took its author about 10 years to finish the book

B.it is about the lives of three college students

C.Mitchell in the story struggles with religious belief

D.its author's character is similar to Madeleine's

65.What is the passage mainly about?

A.People's reading preference                B.Three famous writers

C.The introduction of three books            D.The common features of interesting books


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My son Joey was born with badly twisted feet.The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally—but would never run very well.The first three years of his life were spent in treatment,casts and braces.By the time he was eight,you wouldn't know he had a problem when you saw him walk.

The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during play,and Joey would jump right in and run and play,too.We never told him that he probably wouldn't be able to run as well as the other children.So he didn't know.

In seventh grade he decided to go out for the cross—country team.Every day he trained with the team.He worked harder and ran more than any of the others—perhaps he sensed that the abilities that seemed to come naturally to so many others did not come naturally to him.Although the entire team runs,only the top seven runners have the potential to score points for the school.We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team.so he didn't know.

He continued to run four to five miles a day.every day—even the day he had a 103-degree fever.I was worried.so I went to look for him after school.I found him running all alone.The sweat ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever.Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running.We never told him he couldn't run four miles with a 103-degree fever.So he didn't know.

Two weeks later,the names of the team runners were called.Joey was number six on the list.Joey had made the team.He was in seventh grade—the other six team members were all eighth-graders.We never told him he shouldn't expect to make the team.We never told him he couldn't do it.We never told him he couldn't do it…so he didn't know.He just did it.

56.The boy didn't know       according to the second paragraph.

A.he was unlikely to run well

B.his mother wanted him to exercise more

C.most children ran around and played

D.the doctors didn't cure him completely

57.Joey trained hardest in the team probably because      

A.his coach urged him to do so

B.he was aware of his natural disability

C.all the others had run faster than him

D.his mother knew he would never make the team

58.What is the mother's attitude towards his son's running with a fever?

A.Excited and critical                    B.Annoyed and doubtful

C.Worried and supportive                 D.Disappointed and disapproving

59.What would be the best title for the text?

A.You can make it                         B.An inspiring mother

C.Never tell him                              D.A lucky boy

60.What is the structure of the passage?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day, some of the girls in our neighborhood started acting a bit strangely towards me.They 36 talking to me.After a day or so of this,I finally 37 what was going on.I'd said something to a(n) 38  girl the night before that she didn't like.I'd had a few  39 that night.and like everyone I sometimes say things that 40 severer than I mean them to.

Anyway, it seemed that the girl had told many of her friends,and now they were all 41 at me.They found a great 42 to think of all the other supposed“crimes”I'd committed over the past year. 43  they'd all really liked me before.suddenly they 44 I was a really bad guy.

This was a difficult problem.I 45 to get along well with these people and I liked them all.I didn't want them to 46 me because of something stupid I'd said when I was drunk.It didn't 47 much whether they or I was wrong.All I wanted was things to be 48 to normal again.

So I wrote the popular girl a note 49 saying:“I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.I didn't mean to”.And that was it.The problem was solved. 50 .the girls who were angry with me now liked me 51  than ever.They felt I'd done something 52 in admitting I was wrong and apologizing.

Learn how and when to 53 .Often, the pride and stubbornness you hold onto by refusing to back down isn't worth the 54 of a lasting argument.An apology can 55 for healing a difficult situation.And often.people will think better of you for it.

36.A.began      B.continued       C.avoided          D.regretted

37.A.found out    B.picked out      C.gave out         D.spoke out

38.A.special     B.popular        C.familiar          D.ordinary

39.A.quarrels    B.comments      C.problems         D.drinks

40.A.look       B.sound         C.feel             D.appear

41.A.surprised  B.angry          C.excited          D.amazed

42.A.right       B.opportunity     C.space           D.need

43.A.As        B.Since          C.As if            D.While

44.A.convinced  B.admitted        C.decided          D.promised

45.A.happened  B.used          C.prepared         D.agreed

46.A.forget      B.forgive         C.hate            D.respect

47.A.matter     B.change         C.care            D.explain

48.A.around     B.up            C.about           D.back

49.A.simply     B.generally       C.regularly       D.gently

50.A.At first     B.In fact         C.At least        D.As usual

51.A.rather      B.worse         C.less           D.better

52.A.doubtful    B.interesting      C.brave          D.shameful

53.A.cheer      B.forgive         C.worry         D.apologize

54.A.effort         B.price          C.result           D.cause

55.A.permit     B.fail           C.work           D.last

