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科目: 来源: 题型:

It is a long time     they separated, but it won’t be long     they meet again.

A. since; before B. after; when C. since; when D. after; before


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Parents          much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

A. attach                      B. pay                          C. link                          D. apply


科目: 来源: 题型:

Since we decide by design or accident to bring children into the world,     comes the duty to care for them.

A. with that         B. with which        C. where           D. which


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —Have you heard the sad story about Mary? It’s being spread widely.

—Yeah. It          me to the heart.

A. touched                    B. valued                      C. covered                    D. attacked


科目: 来源: 题型:

假如你是高二(1)班同学李梅, 最近你发现学校里的浪费现象特别严重。如教室里的长明灯, 水龙头里的长流水, 食堂里乱倒的饭菜, 以及垃圾桶里乱扔的物品等等。你对这些很不安, 特向校长信箱写一封信, 反映这些情况, 并建议校长呼吁同学们提倡节约, 反对浪费。    参考生词:  美德: virtue     提倡: promote    

要求:1、根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文通顺连贯。  2、词数:120词左右。


Dear Headmaster,

I am a student in Class One Grade Two. My name is Li Mei.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Humans are social beings. We enjoy being understood and accepted. Unfortunately, Western culture values individual achievement more than personal relationships. We're better at finding career success than at connecting with other people. As a result, our relationships often suffer. Here are tips for better relationships with everyone.

Everyone wants to share the newest story, the great idea they have and their thoughts and advice. When talking to someone, hear him/her out without judgment or interruption. Focus on what's being said and do your best to understand.

All relationships require trust. Having no trust means worrying about what others are doing, thinking and saying when you're not around. It means monitoring and controlling someone instead of enjoying them.

You probably feel let down at the time when you fail to tell others what you want and then blame them for not reading your mind. So when you want something -- or want to share something -- be honest about it. Expressing your desires might feel uncomfortable, but it gives the other person a fighting chance to give you what you really want.

We're always looking to gain something from other people: positive emotions, knowledge, gifts. This is fine:  humans are selfish by nature. The problem is, you can't just take and take in relationships. If you don't give back something of equal or greater value, there's no reason for other people to stay around you. In today's world, it's always about "me, me, me." This is why our relationships with friends, family are weak. You can't connect with other people if you're thinking about yourself all the time.

The best way to build better relationships with everyone is through positive actions.


Building better relationships

The (76) ____ of



Western culture value individual achievement (77) ____ than personal relationships.

(78 ) ____ of

building better


Learn to listen and (79) ____.

When talking to someone, hear him/her out.

Trust other  people.

When you are not round, never (80) ____ about what others are doing, thinking and saying.

Be honest about (81) ____ you want.

When you want something, (82) ____ your desire frankly.

Be a giver.

If you want the people to stay around you, give back something equal or more (83) ____.

(84) ____

The best way to build better relationships with everyone is to act (85) ____.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  More than four out of five people admit to telling little white lies at least once a day and the preferred way of “being economical with the truth” is to use technology such as cell phones, texts and e-mails, a survey last Thursday said.

The research by UK Pollsters 72 Point found that “techno-treachery(高科技说谎)” was widespread with nearly 75 percent of people saying gadgets made it easier to fib(撒小谎).

Just over half of respondents(被调查者) said using gadgets made them feel less guilty when telling a lie than doing it face to face.

The workplace was a favorite location for fibbing with 67 percent of the 1,487 respondents admitting they had lied at work.

The top lie was pretending to be ill (43 percent) followed by saying work had been completed when it hadn’t (23 percent). Worryingly for bosses 18 percent said they lied to hide a big mistake.

But, employers were not the only ones on the receiving end of dishonest statements. Just over 40 percent of the respondents said they had lied to their families or partners.

Key topics to lie about were: buying new clothes or the cost of them (37 percent), how good someone looked in something (35 percent), how much they had eaten (35 percent) and drunk (31 percent) and how much they weighed (32 percent).

72. The underlined phrase “being economical with the truth” probably means ________.

A. telling lies    B. making apologies    C. feeling guilty     D. admitting mistakes

73. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. employers sometimes lie to their employees, too

B. 75% of people have ever lied to someone

C. without gadgets, people may feel more pressure when telling white lies

D. more people lie to their family than to their bosses

74. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cell phones make people more likely to lie.

B. Some people might lie to their bosses when they are not doing their work well.

C. 40% of employers admit that they have lied to their families or partners.

D. Nearly 1500 people were questioned in the survey.

75. The main idea of the passage is that ________.

A. people are getting more likely to lie

B. gadgets are seen as the best way to tell white lies

C. most people tell white lies at the workplace

D. 18% of people lie to their bosses


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Among various programs, TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television.And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one is different in style(风格).But no two shows are more opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.

Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “rubbish talk”.The contents on his show are as surprising as can be.For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level.Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people’s lives.

Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its top.But Oprah goes in the opposite direction.The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality(质量) of life.Contents are from teaching your children lessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.

Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society.Jerry ends every show with a “final word”.He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the show.Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.

Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone.The show’s main viewers are middleclass Americans.Most of these people have the time, money, and ability to deal with life’s tough problems.Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of a connection with the young adults of society.These are 18-to-21-year-olds whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex, money and drug.They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the show’s exploitation.

68.Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are _____.

    A.more interesting. B.unusually popular. C.more detailed. D.more formal.

69.Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows____.

    A.remain interested in them. B.are ready to face up to them.

    C.remain cold to them. D.are willing to get away from them.

70.Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?

    A.A new type of robot.                B.Nation hatred(憎恨).

    C.Family income planning.              D.Street accident.

71.We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows_____.

    A.have become the only ones of its kind.

    B.exploit the weaknesses in human nature.

    C.appear at different times of the day.  

D.attract different people.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

American Watersports Tuesday-Saturday

       Located on the beach of the Sea Gardens Beach Resort, there are fun things to

rent for the whole family. They offer rentals for kayaks, jet skis, and even parasail!

Enjoy the water up-close or from a bird’s eye view! No matter what activity you’re

enjoying, be sure to protect yourself and your family from the sun’s powerful rays and

apply plenty of sun block!

15th Street Boat Company Monday-Saturday

15th Street Boat Company offers rental boats of all kinds. They’re sure to have what you are looking for, whether it’s a small boat for a quick and simple outing or an extravagant boat with comfortable seats with a stereo and high tech navigation. You can rent a boat for half a day or a couple of days, or even weeks at a time. If you want it, they’ve got it. It’s fun for everyone!

Coconut’s Watersports 9am-5pm Monday-Sunday

       Coconut’s Watersports is open 7 days a week and offers tons of water fun for the whole family. Jet Ski activities last 30 minutes or 1 hour and can make stops along the way. You must be at least 14 years of age to ride alone and can be as young as 3 to ride along with an adult. Everybody is required to wear a life jacket and a license is required to operate the Jet Ski. Bathing suits and shorts are recommended.

Jet Ski Tours of Miami 10am-7pm Thursday-Sunday

       Jet Ski Tours of Miami includes onsite parking, indoor restrooms, lockers, and life jackets for participants. You may choose a one or two tour and each Jet Ski can hold up to 3 people. You must be at least 18 years old in order to ride. As long as you are accompanied by an adult, there is no age limitation for any passenger. There is a restaurant nearby to eat at. The tour visits 6 different islands and passes by Bayside and Hard Rock. You may even catch sight of dolphins, turtles or a crab resting in these splendid Florida waters.

64. You should especially protect yourself from sun burnt while visiting______.

       A. Jet Ski Tours of Miami    B. Coconut’s Watersports

       C. 15th Street Boat Company  D. American Watersports

65. Which of the following can help you enjoy sailing a boat?

       A. Go to the Sea Gardens Beach Resort.

       B. Visit 15th Street Boat Company.

       C. Choose Jet Ski Tours of Miami.

       D. Visit Coconut’s Watersports.

66. What’s a must to ride alone in the Jet Ski activities?

       A. One must be at least 14 years old.

       B. One must wear bathing suits and shorts.

       C. One must apply plenty of sun block.

       D. One must be accompanied by parents.

67. What will you do to satisfy your son’s curiosity about sea animals?

       A. You would like to rent a boat to ride with him.

       B. You need a boat with comfortable seats with a stereo.

       C. You’d like to choose American Watersports.

       D. You prefer the tour to Bayside and Hard Rock.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mary Henrietta Kingsley (1862-1900) was a British explorer and writer who greatly influenced European ideas about Africa and its people. She was born in Islington, London, and her father was a doctor.

   The family moved to Cambridge in 1886, during which time her father prepared his plentiful collection of notes and translations for publication. However, it came to a sudden end with his death in February 1892. Her mother followed just six weeks later. After her parents’ death, Kingsley decided to travel to Africa to continue her father’s study of early religion and law and learn as much as possible about the nature of travel and exploration in the wild of Africa.

   Since 1894, Kingsley had taken two trips to the west coast of Africa. She reached parts of the "Great Forest" not yet seen by a European. She collected insect, shell, plant, reptile for the British Museum, as well as studying the culture and religion of the residents. In July 1895, Kingsley turned her attention downriver from Lambaréné. Shortly after reaching Lake Ncovi, Kingsley had her first encounter with the almost legendary African creature, the gorilla (大猩猩).Kingsley summed up her feelings for the gorilla in her book Travels in West Africa, "I have seen many wild animals in their native habitat, but never have I seen anything equal gorillas going through the bush; it is a graceful, powerful, perfect hand-trapeze performance." Curiously though, Kingsley did not find the gorilla attractive, "I have no hesitation in saying that the gorilla is the most horrible wild animal I have seen. I have seen specimens of the most important big game of Central Africa and I have run away from all of them; but although elephants, leopards and pythons (巨蟒) give you a feeling of alarm, they do not give that feeling of horrible disgust that an old gorilla gives on account of its ugly appearance."

60. Kingsley decided to travel to Africa because she _____.

    A. loved traveling and exploring new places

B. enjoyed the African nature and culture

C. wanted to complete her father’s study and learn more

    D. lived a hard life in Europe after her parents’ death

61. Why did the author mention about Kingsley’s family?

    A. Kingsley’s parents died when she was a child.

B. They moved from place to place when Kingsley was young.

C. What Kingsley’s father did had a great influence on her.

    D. Kingsley’s parents were famous doctors.

62. In her Travels in West Africa, Kingsley thought the gorilla was_________.

A. powerful     B. alarming C. attractive     D. horrible

63. We can infer from the passage that____________.

    A. Africa is an awful place for people to explore and travel to

B. Kingsley reached parts of the "Great Forest" before other Europeans

C. Kingsley got her first knowledge of Africa from her father

D. Kingsley set a good example to all European people


