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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare’s World

Welcome to the world-famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and where he grew up. The property (房产) remained in the ownership of Shakespeare’s family until 1806.The House has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world for over 250 years.

◆Enter through the Visitors’ Centre and see the highly-praised exhibition Shakespeare’s World, a lively and full introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare.

◆Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up.

◆Discover examples of furniture and needlework from Shakespeare’s period.

◆Enjoy the traditional English garden, planted with trees and flowers mentioned in the poet’s works.

◆The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car parks shown on the map; nearest is Windsor Street (3 minutes’ walk).

◆The House may present difficulties but the Visitors’ Centre, its exhibition, and the garden are accessible (可进入的) to wheelchair users.

◆The Shakespeare Coffee House(opposite the Birthplace).

60. How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?

A.£9.80.          B.£12.00.          C.£14.20.          D.£16.40.

61. Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?

  A. Behind the exhibition hall.              B. Opposite the Visitors’ Centre.

  C. At Windsor Street.                    D. Near the Coffee House.

62. A wheelchair user may need help to enter ____________.

  A. the House        B. the garden        C. the Visitors’ Centre  D. the exhibition hall


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The engineer Camillo Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908. At his factory in Ivrea, he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter. Today the company’s head office is still in Ivrea, near Turin, but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.

By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year. Some went to customers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries.

Camillo’s son, Adriano, started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss. He introduced a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialists. The company developed new and better typewriters and then calculators (计算器). In 1959 it produced the ELLA computer system. This was the first mainframe (主机) computer designed and made in Italy.

After Adriano died in 1960, the company had a period of financial problems. Other companies, especially the Japanese, made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company.

In 1978, Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss. Olivetti increased its marketing and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment. Soon it became one of the world’s leading companies in information technology and communications. There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group ---one for personal computers, one for other office equipment, one for systems and service, and two for telecommunications.

56. From the text we learn that__________.

A. by 1930 Olivetti produced 13,000 typewriters a year

B. Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s

C. some of Olivetti’s 700 staff regularly visited customers in Italy

D. Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning

57. What was probably the direct result of Olivetti’s falling behind in electronic technology?

A. Adriano’s death.                      B. A period of financial problem

C. Its faster progress.                 D. Its agreements with other companies

58. What do we know about Olivetti ?

A. It produced the best typewriter in the word.

B. It designed the world’s first mainframe computer.

C. It exported more typewriters than other computers.

D. It has five independent companies with its head office in Ivrea.

59. The best title for the text would be___________.

A. The Origin of Olivetti                      B. The Success of Olivetti

C. The History of Olivetti                           D. The Production of Olivetti


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I have learnt a lot about Chinese life and culture while teaching in China and found them very interesting.

First, family life is quite  36 in China from that in the USA. In the USA, many young people  37 home after they finish their education and start working. However, in China, it is  38 for people to live with their parents until they get married.  39 , many of my Chinese friends told me that their 40 lived with them and helped take care of them when they were children. It seems that Americans think independence is more important  41 the Chinese think family relationships are more important.

Bargaining is another  42 that I have tried to learn. In the USA, prices are  43 and you can’t ask for a lower price. However in some small Chinese stores and tourist places, you are  44 to bargain. My Chinese friends taught me to ask for 40 percent or 50 percent  45 the original price. If the salesperson doesn’t agree to my price, I should  46 to leave and he might let me come back and sell me the item. It is a skill that you have to  47 if you live in China.

Tipping hasn’t been easier to  48 . In the USA, many people in the service  49 want to get  50 money for serving customers. Tipping is not a part of Chinese culture.  51 I tried to tip a taxi driver. He looked a little  52 and refused to take the money.

In dinners, perhaps what surprises an American visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their  53 . Actually, this is a  54 of true friendship and politeness. My Chinese friend told me if I didn’t want to eat it, I should just  55 the food in the plate.

36.A.unique         B.different         C.private          D.harmonious

37.A.come         B.build            C.leave           D.abandon

38.A.regular        B.true            C.common         D.usual

39.A.Also          B.However         C.Therefore        D.Although

40.A.parents        B.relatives         C.babysitters       D. grandparents

41.A.while         B.since           C.when           D.as

42.A.way          B.custom          C.method          D.habit

43.A.made         B.agreed          C.charged         D.set

44.A.expected       B.taught           C.suggested        D.required

45.A.up           B.away           C.off             D.on

46.A.promise        B.pretend          C.decide          D.hope

47.A.tolerate        B.understand       C.practise         D.consider

48.A.adjust to       B.turn to          C.refer to          D.stick to

49.A.area          B.department       C.branch          D.industry

50.A.easy          B.extra            C.pocket          D.prize

51.A.Often         B.Once           C.Sometimes       D.Before

52.A.excited        B.satisfied         C.frightened        D.confused

53.A.own          B.children         C.neighbors        D.guests 

54.A.signal         B.mark           C.sign            D.feature

55.A.leave          B.remain          C.put             D.taste


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — David, I've looked through your plan.Could I make some suggestions ?


A.It's my pleasure       B. Go right ahead          C. With pleasure            D. Take it easy


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Only ticket-holders were permitted _________ the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou, so many of his fans were turned away.

A. entering                 B. enter                        C. entered                     D. to enter


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It’s a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal ________ .

A. serves                    B. served                      C. is served                  D. to be served


科目: 来源: 题型:

 really don’t know _______ I had my money stolen.

A. when was it that                   B. that it was when

C. where it was that                  D. it was where that


科目: 来源: 题型:

Lisa was punished by her mother because she went out to play     her homework unfinished.

A. with                       B. before                      C. after                        D. of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If only I _______ more confidence in the English speech contest held last week!

A. would have          B.have had                 C. had had                 D. have


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Traditionally, Chinese people _________ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings.

A. cut out                   B. cut off                     C. cut up                      D. cut down

