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科目: 来源: 题型:


  (1)  祝贺她顺利通过考试,她的学习进步很大,为她骄傲;

  (2)  感谢她帮助你们学习英语;

  (3)  时间:星期六晚六点;

  (4)  地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;

  (5)  交通提示;在你所在的宾馆门口乘坐332路公共汽车可直达。





  参考词汇:欢送会 farewell part

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams.                            




科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Thanks to YouTube, any creative person with a special camera and a computer can create a video and share it on liner Millions of people around the world watch these videos on their computers. So the creator of popular videos can become famous very quickly. Some videos have been watched millions of times.

    YouTube viewers recently chose the best videos of last year.The Most Creative Award went to the song Here It Goes Again of the rock band.The video is very funny.It shows the band’s creativity, skillful balance and careful movements.Here It Goes Again has been viewed about fifteen million times。

   The Most Inspirational Award went to Juan Mann from Australia for his Free Hugs video.In this video,Juan stands in busy public places holding a sign that says he is giving free hugs.At first.strangers look at him with distrust and walk by.But soon,people stop to put their arms around him and give him a hug.Policemen try to stop his hug campaign.But many people help him to continue his free hugs。The video is a nice example of different kinds of human interaction.

  The Most Charming Award went to Dony Permedi for animated cartoon about a bird. It is called Kiwi! A Kiwi bird cannot fly.But in the video,the bird works hard to make his dream of flying through the clouds come true.To see these videos and the other winners,visit www.youtube.com/ytawards.You can decide which video you think is the best and take part in a very popular part of the Internet culture.

71.What's the purpose of the passage?(No more than l0 words)

72.What can you do by YouTube?(No more than 10 words)

73.What is the meaning of the underlined word “viewed” in Paragraph 2?(1 word)

74.Why don’t strangers give Juan free hugs at first?( No more than 8 words)

75.If you are granted(授予)an award for your video on Youtube,which award are you   interested in? And why?(No more than 25 words)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many people have been talking about the way in which the world will come to an end in 2012. Everybody wants to find out if December 21, 2012 is the last day of the earth. The rumor has already been spreading for a very long time. The Mayan’s predictions can account for the rumor. According to the rumor, the earth will experience dramatic changes in 2012 and the changes will be disastrous to all of the living creatures on earth .It is widely assumed that a Planet X will return to orbit  the solar system. The return of Planet of Planet X will have a destructive effect on the solar system as well as on some planets including the Neptune(海王星) , the Jupiter(木星) and the earth. Planet X will cross into their orbits. There’s a possibility that Jupiter will change into a little sun at this time, so folks will be well placed to see two suns in the sky in 2012.

  The solar flares(耀斑)that occur in a l1-year cycle will reach their highest point in 2012. The powerful solar flares will affect the magnetic field of the earth and cause disasters. On December 21,2012,the sun and the earth will line up in the same line at the equator(赤道)。The winter solstice(冬至)only occurs once every 25,800 years.The events in the universe are signals that the world will come to an end.As a result of the solar flares, lots of disasters will happen that will destroy the face of the whole earth.Scientists are making the guess primarily based on the Mayan Long Court Calendar.

  Many films have been made about the end of the world including End Game by Alex Jones and End Clock:Nostradamus 2012.The former provides insights about the way the world will become one state.After the world government is in place,it's going to be easy to exterminate 80%of the people in the world.The rest will continue to live with assistance from advanced technology.

  No one knows whether the world will end on December 21,2012,There is no clear answer until the day arrives.Just as the Mayans claims,it will not be the time for the world to end.Instead.it will be the dawn of a flesh start.

66.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.Information about end-of-the-world predictions.

  B.Different opinions about end-of-the-world predictions.

  C.Some doubts about end-of-the-world predictions.

  D.Destructive effects of the end of the world.

67.Which of the following things will NOT happen if the end of the world really happens?

  A.Humans will see two suns at the same time.

  B.The earth will look completely different.

  C.The earth and the moon will line up in the same line.

  D.The solar flares will become stronger than before.

68.The underlined word “exterminate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “    ”.

  A.save    B.kill    C.help   D.rule

69.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.In the film End Clock:Nostradamus 2012.the world will be ruled by one government.

  B.According to the text, the rumor of 2012 was from the Mayan’s predictions.

  C.People in 2012 may see two suns, of which one is Neptune of nowadays.

  D.In 2012.Planet X will break in the orbit of solar system for the first time.

70.What is the author’s attitude to the rumor that the world will end?

  A.Optimistic.    B.Sad.    C.Unconcerned.D.Scared.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  If you were to come up with a list of organizations whose failures had done the most damage to the American economy in recent years,you would probably have to start with the Wall Street firms that brought us the financial.From there,you might move on to the automakers in Detroit.

 But I would suggest that the list should also include a less obvious nominee:public education.

 At its top level,the American system of higher education may be the best in the world.Yet in terms of its core mission-turning teenagers into educated college graduates—much of the system is failing.

 The United States does a good job enrolling(招生)teenagers in college,but only half of the students who enroll end up with a bachelor’s degree.

So identifying the causes of the college dropout crisis m the world's largest economy matters enormously, and a new book called Crossing the Finish Line tries to do precisely that.Its authors are economists William Bowen and Michael.McPherson,and a doctoral candidate Matthew Chigoes.The first problem they diagnose is something they call tender-matching。It refers to students who choose not to attend the best college they can get into.They instead go to a less selective one,perhaps one that is closer to home or less expensive.About half of the low—income students with a grade-point average of at least3.5 in high school and an SAT score of at least 1,200 do not attend the best college they could have。 “I was really astonished by the degree to which well—qualified students from poor families under-matched,” said Mr.Bowen.

In fact,well-off students attend the colleges that do the best job of producing graduates.Meanwhile,lower-income students-even when they are better qualified--often go to colleges that excel(擅长)in producing drop-outs.”It's really a waste,”Mr.Bowen said,”and a big problem for the country.”As the authors point out, the only way to lift the college graduation rate significantly is to lift it among poor and working—class students. Instead,it appears to have fallen。

What can be done? Money is clearly part of the answer.

61.Which of the following would people first think of as a factor responsible for the American financial crisis according to the passage?

A.The government     B.Public education

C.The Detroit automakers. D.The Wall Street firms

62.What is a big problem with American higher education?

A.It is hard to enroll enough students into college.

B.Many colleges are experiencing low rate of graduation.

C.Many college students stay away from classes.

D.It is nard for many colleges to get financial and from the government.

63.The title of the Book Crossing the Finish Line probably means    .

A.running to the end of the line  B.going to college

C.finishing college education   D.working hard in college

64.Why do some students under-match?

A.Because they have financial difficulty.

B.Because they face ambition crisis.

C.Because they lack confidence.

D.Because they can’t get guidance。

65.The passage is mainly about  

A.problems with secondary American education and possible solutions

B.America’s financial crisis, its cause and influence

C.low rate of American college graduation, its cause and its influence

D.relationship between American education and its economy


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 A new plan for getting children to and from school is being started by a local government in Eastern Eng1and. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads。

Until now the local government have only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school,or sometimes less if special reasons existed .Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead,as long as the arrangement will not lose money and children taking part will be attending their nearest school.

The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington School.The children live just within the three—mile limit and the local government have said in the past that they will not undertake to provide free transport to the school.But now they have agreed to offer a sum of money for a bus service from Milton to Impington and back,a plan which has the support of the school’s headmaster.

Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part. Final calculations have still to be carried out,but a government official has said the cost to parents should be less than£20 a term。

 They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make one more journey to pick up the Milton children.The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new plan.

56.What is the aim of the plan?

A.To prevent the students road accidents B.To relieve the traffic pressure

C.To save time for the parents and students. D.To help the parents save money.

57.How can the local government arrange the new bus service at a low cost? 

A.By letting the bus run in the morning only.

B.By limiting the number of the students.

C.By obtaining the support from the headmaster.

D.By linking the new bus service with the existing one.

58.The new bus service will be paid for by  

A.the parents    B.the local government

C.the bus company D.the local government mad the parents

59.Which of the following is possible if the plan is carried out?

A.The bus company will make much more money.

B.The children can choose whatever school they like.

C.The parents can get rid of their worries.

D.The students in Impington School can have free bus rides.

60.This passage is most probably    ·

A.a personal letter B.an advertisement

C.a headmaster’s report  D.a newspaper article


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  Newsmagazine of science devoted to the wonders and stories of modern science,written for the educated general reader.Published by Disney Magazine Publishing Co., Discover tells many of the same stories professionals read in Scientific American.A truly delightful family science magazine;each issue brings to light new and newsworthy topics to make dinner time conversation interesting.

  Cover Price:$59.88


  You Save:$39.93(67%)

  Issues:12 issues/12 months


    Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc.,Self is a handbook devoted to women's overall physical and mental health.Every issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”,in which wearable clothes are mixed and matched on non-models and the “Eat-right Road Map”,with tips on how to eat properly.

  Cover Price:$35.86

  Price:$15.00 ($2.5/issue)

  You Save:$20.86(58%)

  Issues:6 issues/12 months


    Instyle is a guide to the lives and lifestyles of the world’s famous people.The magazine covers the choices people make about their homes,their clothes and their free time activities.With photos and articles,it opens the door to these people’s homes,families,parties and weddings,offering ideas about beauty, fitness and in general,lifestyles.Publisher:The Time Inc. Magazine Company.

  Cover Price: $47.88


  You Save:$24.00(50%)

  Issues: 10issuues/12 months


   This magazine is designed for leaden in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business,design and education industries.Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc.,Wired often carries article on how technology changes people’s lives.

  Cover Price:$59.40


  You Save:$49.40(83%)

  Issues:10 issues/12 months

 51.Which of the following magazines is published monthly?

  A.Discover     B.Self    C.Instyle    D.Wired.

52.Which two magazines are published by the same publisher?

  A.Wired and Instyle    B.Discover and Instyle.

  C.Self and Discover    D.Self and Wired.

53.Which magazine offers the biggest price cut? 

A.Instyle.    B.Wired.  C.Discover    D.Self

54.The “Style Lab” in Self provides readers with articles which      。   

  A.offer advice to ordinary women on clothes.

  B.show hew a woman can become famous

  C.introduce places with the best food

  D.discuss ways of training models

55.Those who are interested in management and the use of high technology would probably choose      .  

  A.Instyle    B.Self    C.Wired      D.Discover


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I have a strong faith that families are not only relatives,but sometimes people who turn up and love you when no one else will.

  In May l987, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate l0 in Houston. My dad and I 31 a room with two double beds and a bathroom. It was too 32 for a 15-year-old girl and her father.Dad’s second marriage was 33 and my stepmother had 34 us both out of the house.Dad had no 35 what to do with me.And that was when my other family 36 .

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home37 their only daughter, Su,my best friend,asked them to. I 38 with them for the next seven years.

   Barbara washed my skirts just as she did Su’s. She 39 I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments,help with homework and nightly hugs.Barbara and Roland Beach attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders.40 I could tell,for the Beaches there was no 41 between Su and me;I was their daughter, too.

  When Su and I 42 college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barbara presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay for 23 years.

   The Beaches knew 43 about me when they took me in:They had heard the whole story from Su.When I was seven,my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to 44 his kids. Before the time I went to live with the Beaches I believed that life was entirely 45 and that love was shaky and untrustworthy,I believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

   46 the Beaches,I would have become a bitter, cynical(愤世嫉俗的)woman.They gave me a(n) 47 that allowed me to grow and change.They kept me from being paralyzed by my 48 and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.

  I 49 the family.For me,it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was 50 ,but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10.

31.A.lived       B.shared     C.possessed  D.bought

32.A.cheap      B.noisy      C.small      D.limited

33.A.in trouble   B.in sight    C.in place    D.in parts

34.A.struck      B.removed   C.kicked     D.knocked

35.A.plan        B.choice    C.chance     D.idea

36.A.look after    B.showed up C.turned over  D.came across

37.A.so          B.because   C.until        D.while

38.A.worked      B.traveled   C.lived       D.learned

39.A.worked  out  B.called up  C.watched out  D.made sure

40.A.As long as    B.As far as   C.As soon as   D.As much as

41.A.change       B.problem   C.conflict     D.difference

42.A.set off        B.1eft for    C.entered into  D.admitted into

43.A.all           B.little      C.something   D.nothing

44.A.supply        B.teach     C.encourage   D.raise

45.A.different       B.unfair     C.stressful     D.hopeful

46.A.Thanks to      B.In spite of  C.Except for   D.But for

47.A.home         B.house      C.ability      D.1esson

48.A.choice         B.failure     C.past        D.present

49.A.doubt about    B.care about   C.center on    D.believe in

50.A.born          B.accepted    C.educated    D.deserted


科目: 来源: 题型:

When we feel hungry, our body is      food or energy.

  A.calling for    B.calling at    C.calling out D.calling off


科目: 来源: 题型:

Lady Gaga has been struck    the head by a pole while performing a concert    ,New Zealand,which is part of a world tour.

  A.in; on    B.in; at    C.with;at  D.on;in


科目: 来源: 题型:

If we each    $5 a week we’ll be able to buy the vase in ten weeks,

  A.saves    B.will save    C.have been saved  D.save

