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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Considering all that she had _______, she was really an amazingly cheerful woman.

  A. gone for        B. gone through     C. gone in for            D. gone about


科目: 来源: 题型:

 How long do you think ____ the car factory launches a new model?

A. will it be until    B. will it be when       C. it will be before            D. it will be that


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Having lived in China for 8 years, Helen has a good ______ of both English and Chinese.

    A.program      B.guidance         C.command             D. ability


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I’m losing my eyesight, I’m afraid.

—To finish this book, you ______ in front of your computer too long.

  A. work        B. are working       C. have been working     D. worked


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Much to the disappointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit ________ crime they did in ________World War II.

  A. the; the       B. 不填; the          C. 不填; 不填          D. the; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Frank, I’ve learned your plan. Could I make some suggestions?


A. Just say   B. Go right ahead   C. With pleasure     D. Take it easy


科目: 来源: 题型:

   请品读以下三条关于perseverance (坚持不懈) 的名言 (quote),选择一条谈谈你对此的理解;并结合一个具体事例,说明perseverance的重要性。

  A. When the world says, "Give up", Hope whispers," Try it one more time."

  B. You can't go through life quitting everything. If you are going to achieve anything, you've got to stick with


  C. Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.


1. 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称。

2. 词数为100-120左右。


科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

   2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


As a boy grown up in India, I had longed to traveling abroad. I used to listen to the stories my father told me about her stay in Canada and trips to Europe in 1970s. My big moment finally come in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe, where my father was to attend for a meeting. The service during the flight to Frankfurt was such nice that even today I can still remember them. The flight was really smooth and thorough enjoyable, even for someone as me, who is otherwise scared of flying.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 A. Make sure you match the job description

 B. Be conscious of good interview manners

 C. Put your interviewer at ease

 D. Plan before you pursue

 E. Dress to make a good first impression

 F. Do be sincere


    Attending an interview with the intent to impress the hiring manager is dangerous if you go about it in the wrong way. Below are some things you can do to maximize your chances of getting the job.

61. __________   

    True, sometimes interviewers aren’t prepared themselves, but that doesn’t mean they’ll forgive you for the same mistake. Developing and following a plan at the beginning of a job search has a significant impact on its success. Research the job thoroughly. Think about how your previous experience qualifies you and how it compares to the work on offer. Set "process goals" to keep you on track toward your larger career goals. "Process goals" aren’t big-picture objectives. They’re "roll up your sleeves and make it happen" objectives.

62. __________   

    You can’t think of any personal weaknesses, you’ve overcome all your weaknesses, or you say you haven’t given it a lot of thought. Mistakes? Not you. No one progresses in a career without making mistakes and learning from them. Trained interviewers will be looking to see if you readily acknowledge and admit your weaknesses and can describe mistakes you’ve made and what you learned from them. Never give a measured response that sugarcoats reality to a tough interview question about your past.

63. __________   

    If you were a 6-foot, 5-inch, 250-pound Frenchman with strong arms and a bushy beard, would you apply for the part of Little Orphan Annie on Broadway? How ridiculous that image is. If you don’t have an accurate understanding of what the job is all about, your opinion of how well-matched you are will be based on an inaccurate foundation. For example, sales professionals are expected to possess excellent communication skills, time management and organization skills. Make sure you have a full job description from the employer so you can match your skills to the job’s requirements.

64. __________   

    The best way to ensure a good first impression is to dress smart. What is appropriate depends on the particular employer and job but, generally speaking, it is better to dress formally while remaining comfortable. If you are unsure what to wear, you should always go with the most conservative, professional option. What you are wearing tells employers a lot about how serious you are about getting the job. The more confident and polished you appear, the more likely you are to leave the interviewer with a positive impression of you.

65. __________   

    Learn as much as you can about how the interview will be conducted. Employers are looking for the candidate with the best knowledge and experience, but rarely do they hire for work skills at the expense of social skills. If you lack self-awareness, it shows. And it doesn’t look good. Be on time for your interview. Be aware of your body language. Even in the critical small talk before the interview, make eye contact with your interviewer to convey confidence when you’re speaking, smile when it’s appropriate, and look alert.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  In golf, we talk about handicaps. The lower the handicap, the better the golfer. A golfer with a handicap of 12 tends to play better than one with a handicap of 20.

It means that for a golf course that normally takes a professional 72 strokes (击球) over 18 holes to play, a 12-handicap golfer would complete his full game with a score of 84 strokes.

When it comes to creative thinking, is there such a handicap system? Can we describe a person as a 12-handicap in his creative thinking ability?

Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no such system yet for creative thinking. But we all suffer from a handicap when it comes to creative thinking. Some of us are better players at such an activity, with ideas flowing freely. Some of us are average or green hands at such thinking, failing often and feeling very frustrated.

But don’t fear. Creative thinkers can be like golfers striving to reduce their handicaps. It takes learning and practice, and re-learning and re-practice until you become better at it.

How do you learn to be a creative thinker? Just like the game of golf, you need to have an interest. Is your interest purely social, business or personal? Do you have a desire to improve?

Most golfers challenge themselves to reduce their handicaps for personal satisfaction and enjoyment, so do you have this burning desire to be a better creative thinker?

Next comes the learning process. Some golfers are self-taught. They learn from watching golf tournaments live or on TV. They watch videotapes of golf professionals. They read golf books.

To self-teach yourself in creative thinking, you can buy books on the subject or borrow books from community and university libraries. Some creative books list a bibliography (书目) of other useful reference books on the same subject. If you are resourceful, you can visit as many schools, colleges, universities, or community libraries as possible.

You need to think about what you read. Study the different creative thinking processes and methods, and experiment with them on your own or among friends. Practice makes you remember better. Practice also makes perfect, as the saying goes.

Many golfers take up lessons from teaching professionals rather than learning from friends who might not teach correctly. If you can, sign up for creative-thinking lessons offered by famous companies.

Don’t just attend the creative-thinking courses. Be a committed student, always following up on what you have learned and exploring more. Although I train teams in creativity and innovation, I am still reading widely on the subject, reflecting on my company’s methods, improving on the teaching of methods, and experimenting with and adapting to new techniques.

The greatest handicap is yourself, your own mind. If you have been brought up to believe that you are not creative and you keep telling yourself or people that you are not creative, then you are not helping yourself. A golfer who has a negative self-image is also ruining himself and his game.

Cancel the negative self-image from your mind. Each time the negative thought flashes in your mind, replace it with a positive self-image, such as "I have the capacity to be very creative. I can be a creative thinker." Then affirm (肯定) this new image daily, several times a day. It might help if you write down such affirmative statements and paste them in places to remind you several times each day.

Focus on this creative image of yourself daily. Twice a day if possible, even if it is only 10 minutes each time. Focus and imagine yourself being creative in your studies, work, meetings, at home, and in different situations.

Then train yourself to succeed as you have imagined. It means actually thinking and experimenting with different creative techniques on practical cases. It also means reading to enrich your mind daily, even if it is but half an hour a day.

  Keep on learning, practicing, reviewing, re-learning and re-practicing, and I am confident that you can bring down your creative thinking handicap.

55. Creative thinking is different from golf in that ______.

A. creative thinkers suffer from no handicap

B. there is no handicap system for creative thinking

C. creative thinkers have to deal with more obstacles

D. creative thinking has nothing to do with personal satisfaction

56. The underlined word "handicap" (Para. 4) can best be replaced by ______.

A. uncertainty      B. disadvantage       C. inconvenience      D. discomfort

57. According to the passage, ______ is the greatest barrier for creative thinking.

A. lack of self-confidence

B. lack of the interest in exploring more

C. not attending the creative thinking course

D. having no interest in reading books on creativity

58. To cancel the negative self-image from your mind, you have to ______.

A. borrow books every day

B. attend courses on creativity

C. assure yourself that you are creative

D. experiment with different techniques on practical cases

59. What kind of writing technique is employed by the author to make his point clear?

A. Comparison.     B. Definition.        C. Description.       D. Explanation.

60. The article is written to ______.

A. provide information                B. share a story

C. express feelings D. encourage people

