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科目: 来源: 题型:




修改:在错的词下划一横线(  ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



Are you looking for something interested? Would you like to give a hand to other people in your spare time? Then joining us and be a volunteer! We have job for people of all ages. Anyone from students to old people can become ours members. You can help people in many ways. Some schools need volunteers to help take the care of children. Volunteers are needed in hospitals help the patients. Animal lovers can help save dogs and cats without homes.  There is nothing for everyone. “I often played computer games when I was freely before. Now I help old people learn to use computers,” said a volunteer aged 18. Unless everyone helps out a bit, we’ll all have better and warmer world to live in.



科目: 来源: 题型:


66.  We all hope those who are___________(遭受) from this disaster will be safe.

67.  I am glad to accept your kind __________(邀请)。

68.  We should have a positive __________(态度) towards life.

69.  We congratulated him __________(真诚地) on his success.

70.  Price and _________(质量) are the two chief considerations for most of consumers.

71.  The civilization of _________(古老的) Greece is famous in the world.

72.  He is quite __________(熟悉) with this country because he has been here for ten years.

73.  I burst into _________(笑声) when my brother walked in wearing his funny clothes.

74.  The plane caused a __________(革命) in our way of traveling.

75.  The only step between dream and __________(现实) is action!



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A.     Take full responsibility

B.     Slow down your pace

C.     Find an adviser

D.     Cherish (珍爱) people around you

E.      Find your deepest values

F.      Be willing to change

You need to change in order to grow. Changing your life is a continuous process. It never ends. The moment you stop changing you stop growing. Here are some tips that may help to change your life.



To change your life, you need time to think and reflect. If you are always busy, you won’t have the time to think about your life, let alone taking action to change it. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.



It’s your life; nobody can change it but you. If you aren’t willing to change , then nothing in this world can make you do so. To build the willingness to change, first you should realize that your life can be better than it is now. No matter how good your life is, it can always be improved. On the other hand, don’t feel hopeless if your life doesn’t seem good right now. You can always change your life for the better.



Don’t blame other people for the bad things that happen in your life. Don’t blame your family, friends, boss, or the economy. Whether your life goes up or down depends on you and you alone. Stephen Covey once said, “We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us.”



Deep down in your heart, there are some principles that you know is true. Take the time to find them. What do you think is the most valuable things in life? What principles do you think you must follow to live a fulfilling life? These are the values that you need to align yourself with. Find them and remind yourself constantly about them.



Not only can this person give you advice on what to do in certain situations, he can also warn you about possible pitfalls in your path. Without a mentor, most likely you will have to learn many lessons the hard way. Having a mentor will save you serious amount of time.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The world has changed and being intelligent isn’t normally equal to being a successful person. Look at the example of the blue whale: it has a huge brain, but it still doesn’t know how to avoid whalers or use its large size and weight to deal with those who try to use their body for profit. Scientists hold an opinion that the blue whale is just like some highly intelligent people who fail to succeed. Those highly intelligent people can’t succeed in life because they can’t communicate well with the world around them.

Intelligence is a word in life that makes you think you are better than others. Intelligence can blind these very people from how others view them. These people also think that the route to power and success results purely from intelligence and they sometimes live in a fantasy world that they create by their supposed brain power.

This is a distance that develops whether or not they realize it and sometimes, a person can be disliked simply because of his or her intelligence. This distance is sometimes so far apart that it gets to the position where they can’t listen to each other. One side thinks the other is stupid and the other thinks he/she is haughty(傲慢的). And most of the time it is the intelligent people who lose themselves in this situation. They become unpopular with most of the people around them. This affects them in whatever they do and sooner or later they will lose their confidence.

It doesn’t help that they get a culture shock --- especially when they leave college and realize success and richness don’t always and sometimes never come naturally with intelligence. While some might think this is a dramatic picture to paint, it is sometimes the end result of some people.

58. The example of “the blue whale” is used to show ____.

A. communication is more important than intelligence

B. human beings are always more intelligent than animals

C. humans should have the sense of protecting animals

D. the blue whale is the largest animal in the world

59. What makes the intelligent people lose their confidence?

A. They become separated from other people and lose their support.

B. They often can’t get higher positions though they are intelligent.

C. They can’t persuade those stupid people to accept their ideas.

D. They often can’t make good use of their advantages.

60. We can infer that the end result of the supposed intelligent people would be ____.

A. great achievements         B. more enjoyable

C. failure in the future         D. surely successful


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Post Login Register Support

Sourcing assistant needed

Posted On: Sunday, 28 March, 2010, 17:27

Expires On: Monday, 27 September, 2010, 17:237

Indian company’s Shanghai office is now looking for a local Chinese girl, who can speak fluent English, and has at least one year experience in trading business. Healthcare working experience would be an advantage.

Main responsibilities are: sourcing for new suppliers, factory visiting, negotiating and orders following up…

Interested candidates can email me you expected salary, resume and current photo to: sarah @ gate. com, Miss Sarah Wang for more details. Thanks.

Senior Interior Designer

Posted On: Sunday, 10 January, 2010, 11:50

Expires On: Wednesday, 09 June, 2010, 11:50

Reply to: linette, killbourn @ rhdesign. Com. Cn

    KHK Design is seeking a Senior Interior Designer for our corporate projects. Your primary role is to work closely with our American and European clients to deliver the international design solution they require. You must have an ability to work with 8 individual managers to negotiate space needs and requirements, and communicate your designs to your design support team. Indepth knowledge of interesting and innovative(创新的)materials is required. Travel throughout China may be required.

Customer Service Assistant

Posted On: Monday, 01 February, 2010, 15:25

Expires On: Tuesday, 31 August, 2010, 15:25

Reply to: chinasemeste: @ gmail. Com

Compensation(报酬): RMB 8-10K

Type of job: Full-time

Contract: One year contract or longer

Job Category: Customer Service


—B.A, or B.S. degree; foreigners only:

—1 year’s working experience desired, preferably in customer service or hospitality industry

—Responsible, pleasant personality and self-motivated.

—Customer-oriented with good communication and interpersonal skills

—Good command of both spoken and written English; Putonghua is an advantage but not a must

Work Load: 5-day-work; national holidays

Monthly Salary: Around RMB 8-10 K

Female English Tutor Needed

Posted On: Tuesday, 05 January, 2010, 03:38

Explres On: Friday, 01 October, 2010, 03:28

Reply to: zsj123@ 163. com

A girl is looking for an oral English tutor

Location: close to Metro Line Six

Time: twice a week , in the evening and weekend, 1.5 hrs at a time

Rate: 200/h

Student: 10 years old

Requirements: From America: female; experienced

54.We can know from the first two ads that        .

       A.KHK Design deals with business from European countries

       B.to be a souring assistant, you need to be very persuasive

       C.to work for KHK Design, you need to be very experienced in trading

       D.a girl from Beijing is very likely to be employed by the Indian Company

55.If you are an American woman looking for a part-time job, you can contact       .

       A.sarah@ gste. com

       B.linette. killboum@ rhkdesign. com. cn

       C.zsj123@ 163. com

       D.chieasemester@ gmail. com

56.For one who doesn’t mind traveling a lot, which of the positions above can be considered?

       A.Senior Interior Designed.

       B.Female English Tutor.

       C.Sourcing assistant.

       D.Customer Services Assitant.

57.Which of the following statements about the third position is TRUE?

       A.Nationalities are not required for the position.

       B.There’s a requirement of maximum service period.

       C.The deadline for application is July the 31st.

       D.Communication skills are requested a must.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tragedy at the Circus

In yesterday’s circus(马戏团)show, a tiger suddenly attacked its trainer and had to be shot dead. As the circus packed up and left, circus officials said the show would go on, even without tigers.

However, the officials can’t simply turn a blind eye to the ethical problems left behind. Even before this tragedy, animal rights activists protested against keeping wild animals in unnatural conditions and forcing them to suffer for the profit of circus organizers.

It is now time for us to take effective steps to make sure that circus animals are treated properly.

Circus Safe for Animals

Our circus recently suffered a most tragic event in its history. While we are thankful for the pity from the public, we are also astonished by the opinion expressed in “Tragedy at the Circus.”

First, our performing animals are not taken from the wild. As to the ethical problems, we always believe humans and animals can—and should—live together nicely. To us, the performing animals are representatives of their species, and our circus is one of the only places left willing to support this special role of performing animals in the existence of the species. Those who argue that circus life is harmful to animals show little knowledge of these facts. Life in the “wild” is unsafe, but a continuous struggle for existence. To overlook these realities is the greatest fault against the animal kingdom.

This circus has proven that animals are stronger and smarter than we could imagine. Within the circus is a joyful atmosphere for both animals and humans: people are educated, and species saved.

51.What is the main purpose of the first passage?

A. To show pity for the performing animals.          

B. To express worries about animal trainers' safety.

C. To deal with the difficult situations of the circus.    

D. To call for action to protect circus animals.

52.What will the circus most probably do?

A. Take no notice of the tragedy.                   B. Continue its performances.

C. Use fewer wild animals.                       D. Limit its profit.

53.What does the circus think of its performing animals?

A. They are as clever as human beings.

B. They struggle continuously with human beings for existence.

C. They are helpful in saving their species.

D. They have equally natural living conditions as wild animals.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern

times two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have

shown that heroes still exist(存在).
   According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧) occurred on the afternoon of December 14,2002 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohhot fell through the ice into the freezing water.More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to the rescue of the children.
  Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The child's body was not found for three hours.Two of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbiao,also died of cold and exhaustion(筋疲力尽).The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.
  A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake. When they heard the children's cries for help, they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children.But the ice kept breaking, causing most of them to fall into the icy water.
  Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式) at the lake. Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital for further observation, but their lives were no longer in danger.
46. The underlined word “occurred” here means“____”.
   A. employed   B. mixed    C. guided    D. happened
47 When the three students fell into water, the university students were __.
   A. skating on the ice       B. taking photos at the lake
   C. having a picnic         D. walking along the lake
48 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
   A. Three students died on the same day in all.
   B. Hao Longbiao’s body was found on December 14,2002.
   C. The university students didn’t think it dangerous to save the drowning

children in the lake.
   D. Local residents were not brave in face of danger.
49. It can be inferred that ____.
   A. people think little of the two university students' death
   B. the ice on the lake wasn't strong enough to skate on
   C. some students regretted for what they had done
   D. heroes don't agree with the steps of modern times
50. The author wrote the passage to ____.
A. warn people of the danger of skating on ice

B. call on people to learn from the brave university students

C. tell us a tragedy

D. advise university students to cherish(珍惜) their lives


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  For many 26 in the US, earning some money gives them a sense of 27. By making their own money they can buy whatever they want. It also develops a sense of responsibility and independence.

Most teens I know have a small sum of money. Their 28 give them an allowance . For some, an allowance is given every week; for 29, every month or so. Usually they can get 10 to 30 dollars a month from their parents. An allowance is typically based on the 30 of chores , such as washing the dishes, cleaning up one’s room, taking out the trash, and 31 the floor. 32 to younger siblings is also regarded as worthy of extra cash, 33 some cases.

Many teens also work to get 34. Since most of my peers are not 35 for a formal job, many choose part-time positions. These require relatively 36 time and basically no training. They can have these jobs like babysitting; 37 younger students, offered by most schools 38 a small fee; 39 bagging groceries at local supermarkets.

40 spending habits, most teens spend their money in a relatively carefree(无忧的) style. Often, a month’s allowance can be spent in just a few hours. I’m not saying that teens in US are 41 saving money. Indeed, in many situations, teens can be quite level-headed in 42 money towards college or other 43 plans. The way teens manage their money should not be seen as a 44. It may just be a defining characteristic of their carefree 45.

26. A. adults   B. teens     C. babies      D. elders

27. A. freedom      B. pride     C. happiness    D. excitement

28. A. parents  B. teachers     C. friends     D. schools

29. A. the others  B. another     C. the other     D. others

30. A. completion     B. performance  C. end       D. success

31. A. watering  B. washing    C. sweeping    D. removing

32. A. Cruelty  B. Coldness     C. Usefulness       D. Kindness

33. A. in        B. on             C. by             D. for

34. A. dollars    B. money       C. cash     D. fees

35. A. satisfied  B. ready       C. qualified        D. allowed

36. A. little   B. much          C. more     D. no

37. A. helping  B. training         C. tutoring         D. informing

38. A. in need of B. in return for    C. with the purpose of     D. as a result of

39. A. and    B. but          C. so       D. yet

40. A. As for   B. Because of       C. In spite of        D. But for

41. A. used to  B. expert at         C. looking forward to D. incapable of

42. A. spending  B. earning     C. saving     D. collecting

43. A. future    B. present     C. past      D. last

44. A. characteristic B. weakness     C. merit     D. symbol

45. A. lifestyle   B. attitude        C. habit       D. Thinking


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If my lawyer ______here last Sunday, he ______ me from going.

A. had been, would have prevented

B. had been, would prevent

C. were, prevent     

D. were, would have prevented published


科目: 来源: 题型:

His first book    last month is based on a true story.

A. published   B. to be published

C. to publish   D. being published

