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科目: 来源: 题型:

Our school sports meeting we had looked forward to______ in _______ fine weather, which was beyond our expectation.

  A. falling; so      B. falling; such      C. fell; such        D. fall; so


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Do you mind if I leave my car here for a minute?

--- ________.

A. Great ! Never mind         B. Of course not. It’s not allowed here

C. No, you can’t            D. I’d rather you didn’t, actually


科目: 来源: 题型:




    参考词汇:文明城市model city of social development;创建create


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


[1] Having good manners is seen by many people as a sign of cultural understanding and good taste.Knowing about the good manners of different countries is interesting and very useful. Good  manners are not only about the way we talk, but also about all other things we do when we communicate with other people.

[2] When meeting people, Westerners usually shake hands. American and northwestern Europeans  expect a strong handshake, and some shake hands for several seconds, while people in East Europe and  some Arab countries embrace and kiss each other.

[3] When Spanish people talk to you, they like standing very close to you, but British people stand   quite          while talking, as they don't like people to come too close

[4] When visiting the house of Americans or Europeans, it is polite to look. at their books, paintings and small things in the living room. It is also thought to be a sign of good taste to say something nice about those things. However, in the Middle East, you should never do that.Saying that you like a painting or other things in their house will give your Arab host the feeling that they must give it to you.

[5] With Indians you should never use your left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking.In Thailand, when people meet, they put their hands together before their nose and lower their head and eyes.

66.What's the text mainly about? (No more than 8 words)

67.What should you do if you meet an American? (No more than 6 words)

68.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3. (No more than four words)

69.What does the underlined word "that" (Line 3, Paragraph 4) refer to? (No more than 12 words)

70.In which country must people use their right hand to eat?



科目: 来源: 题型:






      I was a high school student from the low-income                         56.               

family. So I have to work to support my family. My                        57.               

first job was to clean the table in a small restaurant. I still                        58.               

remember going there early and feeling anxiously about                              59.               

the new world.I worked hard because of l was afraid of                          60.                

losing the job. At night,1 was sometimes so tired to do                            61.                

my homework. And I came to understand that it was not                        62.                

easy to earning money, and that knowledge could change                           63.                

my life. So what I learned the job, in a hard way,                              64.                

was much more important as what I earned                                 65.                 



科目: 来源: 题型:



  —Freedom Travel. Can l help you?

   — 51

    — Okay. What is your destination?

    — Well, I'd like to fly to Helsinki Finland. I'd like the cheapest flight available.

    —Okay. 52 There is one flight heading out then for $980. Will that be OK for you?

    — All right. I'll take it.

    —That's Flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90

   from Kennedy to Helsinki.


    —It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 a.m. and arrives in New York at 4:35 p.m.You will then transfer to flight 90 at 5:55 p.m., and arrive in Helsinki at 8:30 a.m.the next day.

    — All right.54

    — Sure, no problem. You will be served any time. We will inform the airlines. _ 55

    — William Smith.

A. Can I request a meal?

    B. Could I have your mane, please?

    C. When can I get to Helsinki Finland?

    D. I’d like to make a reservation for 23rd.

    E. Cheap flights might not be comfortable.

F. Let me check what flights are available.

    G. What are the departure and arrival time of those flights?




科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Anne Battle's "Do We Over-educate Our Children" reminded me that the German author Gunter Grass once said that failing his school leaving exams was a blessing (福气) without which he would never have achieved the position he now holds. I wonder how many other great men and women owe their success to having failed in their academic careers.

I was a college student in the 1960s the time when it was believed that the future wealth of the country depended on the education of the young: money was plentiful, new universities sprang up and great myths evolved to attract young people into the academic life.

Three years later, I got a first-class degree in mathematics. For some months there had been pressure to try for a further degree-the more post-graduate students there are, the mere financial benefits exist for us. My fellow postgraduates and I knew nothing of the outside world, and happily believed that academic life for another three years would uplift us in the eyes of future employers: and so I went to London and began work for a doctor's degree.

Here, for the first time, I came across  "mature students" -people who had left school at 16 and, years later, taken A-levels at technical colleges and come to university. Having chosen their subject with great care, and being more mature, they found a joy in their courses unknown to most of us.

I have been working now for several years: life has been very different from what I had been led to expect. However, it is too late Lo change: the state of understanding will not pay to reeducate people  completely. As I think back, I regret that I did not fail my A-levels.

47.What can we infer from Gunter Grass' words?

       A. He's ashamed of failing school leaving exams.

       B. He's satisfied with his present position.

       C. He's regarded as a great man.

       D. He's achieved a lot in career.

48.When the author was at college in the 1960s, the youth             .

       A. were linked up with the society

       B. were attracted by school

      C. were hopeless about life

       D. were quite wealthy

49.What makes the author feel regretful?

       A. Post-graduate students increased fast.

       B. She had had a hard time in academic life.

       C. The reality was different from what expected.

       D. She missed being a "mature student" in academe.

50.Which agrees with the author's idea?

       A. The society couldn't provide enough jobs for the youth

       B. Universities have done a lot for the society today.

       C. The youth shouldn't be at school for so long.

    D. Many great persons failed exams at school.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In January of 2006, Alan Poster was surprised when he was told that his stolen Corvette had been  recovered, 37 years after it disappeared from a parking garage in New York City.

On August 25, 2006, Poster displayed his fully restored(修复 )1968 Corvette at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.With $15,000 donated by Corvette America.com and work done by restoration shop California Classics, the car, now named "Reunion Blues" by Poster, is being rolled out in its newly restored glory.Poster is planning to use his now famous car to promote worthy causes.

As a 26-year-old in the late 1960s, Poster bought a brand new blue Corvette for $6,000. Three months   later, in January 1969, it was stolen from a parking garage in Manhattan, and since he was unable to afford   theft insurance, Poster lost the car and his $6,000. He never imagined he would see his car again.

In January of 2006, Poster was told that the car had turned up in Long Beach, California.Clearly, an  American collector was selling the car to a buyer in Sweden when the Customs found the vehicle.The   collector isn't suspected of any wrongdoing, and nobody knows where the car had been or how many   hands it had passed through.

With the help of the California Highway Patrol, the Customs Service and the New York Police Department, the car has been returned to Poster.

"This is definitely a wonder," said Poster."Because in speaking to the police, the odds (几率)of them finding me were a million to one."

The car Poster paid $6,000 for in 1968 is now worth anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000 today, according to a Florida classic Corvette dealer.

43.We can infer that Corvette America.com donated $15,000____.

       A. to comfort Alan Poster

       B. to hold an exhibition of the car

       C. to congratulate the regain of the car

       D. to make a fame of the car company

44.How old should Alan Poster be in 2012?         '

       A. 43.                     B. 44.            C. 63.                   D. 69.

45.Why is the car now so famous?

       A. It's very old with a good story behind it.

       B. It's newly restored and worth much.

       C. It's from a famous company.

       D. It's for worthy courses.

46.What does the underlined word "This" refer to?

       A. He got a donation of $15,000.

       B. The Customs gave him such a great help.

       C. He lost the car shortly after he bought it.

       D. The police could find him after so many years.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to Language upon Thames. This brochure has been designed to give you an overview of our Language School and the courses we offer. If you have some additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

At Language upon Thames, we feel it is important to be flexible, in order that students can decide  what period of study suits them best.

Small Group General English Courses

These courses are aimed at students who wish to improve their speaking, listening, reading and  writing skills and are offered at the following levels:






Studying one of the above courses will enable you to use English more confidently and competently (出色地)on a daily basis.

Try our free online test to see which level you are at—CLICK HERE

Speaking, Listening & Pronunciation

This course builds on communicative confidence and competence and is aimed at students who wish to develop the important skills of speaking and listening.

Emphasis is also placed on pronunciation, with activities designed to meet the needs of students of different nationalities, who need to focus on different areas.

CLICK HERE to register for a General English course.

Exam Courses

These courses are aimed at students who wish to gain academic qualifications in English and are offered at the following levels:

University of Cambridge Exams:

ADVANCED l-FCE (First Certificate)

ADVANCED 2-CAE (Advanced)

ADVANCED 3-CPE (Proficiency)

Studying one of the above courses will enable you to continue your education or enter university in this country.(Students wishing to gain admission to a British university are normally required to have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate).

Other Languages

At Language upon Thames we offer a wide range of cafes, restaurants, shops and bars.Most  importantly, we have foreign language classes of French, Japanese, German, Spanish and Italian during the day, evening or on a one-to-one basis.

39.From the first paragraph we can know that the author is eager         

       A. to answer questions

       B. to teach students languages

       C. to receive contact from the readers

       D. to introduce the language teachers

40.If you attend Small Group General English Courses, you will          

       A. use English as fluently as a native does

       B. deal with everyday English well

       C. rise your academic level

       D. have no tests

 41.Which should you choose if you want to get admitted into a British university?

       A. Exam Courses.

       B. The courses from Other Languages.

       C. Speaking, Listening & Pronunciation.

       D. Small Group General English Courses.

42.What is the text mainly about?                                         .

       A. Language courses to offer.

       B. Ways to improve language skills.

       C. The importance of foreign languages.

       D. Methods to apply for language schools.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Scientists have found that human eyes are more likely to be damaged by UV rays (紫外线)while skiing in the snow-covered areas than sitting on the beach, according to a report by the UK newspaper The Telegraph.

The researchers at Kanazawa Medical University, Japan and American company Johnson conducted the study together. They looked at the effects of light reflection on newly fallen snow on a ski trail in Ishikawa District, northern Japan. They compared the results with levels of UV rays on a sand beach in southern Japan's Okinawa District.

They found that on the beach, eyes are exposed to a daily 260 kilojoules (千焦耳) of UV a square meter compared to 658 kilojoules in snow-covered areas.

The findings are supposed by the Japan Meteorological Agency. According to the agency, the reflection rate of UV light on beaches is often between 10 and 25 percent, compared to 80 percent in the  new snow areas. The amount of light increased 4 percent with a 300-meter rise in height.

Most of us know that UV rays can harm the skin. That's why we wear sunscreen on our skin before we get out in the sun. But many of us may not realize that UV rays are also harmful to the eyes.

If your eyes are exposed to large amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, you may experience a kind of sunburn of the eye, which is harmful. Your eyes will become red and feel a strange feeling. They may be sensitive to light. Fortunately, this is usually temporary and seldom causes long-time damage to the eyes.

Long-term exposure to UV radiation, however, can be more serious. Scientific studies and researches have shown that exposure to small amounts of UV radiation over a period of many years increases the  chance of eye damage, which could lead to total blindness.

35.What's the finding of the scientists mentioned in the text?

       A. UV rays can damage the eye.

       B. Skiing in snow does harm to the eye.

       C. Snow reflects more UV rays than sand.

       D. The level of UV rays is low on a sand beach.

36.If a place is 1500 meters higher, the amount of light increases              .

       A. 15 percent            B. 20 percent            C. 25 percent          D. 30 percent

37.What does the underlined word "temporary" probably mean?

       A. Limited.             B. Serious.            C. Short-time.      D.Unusual

38.Which could cause blindness talking about the damage by UV rays?

       A. Long-time exposure to even small amounts of it.

       B. Exposure to great amounts of it for a short time.

    C. Short-time exposure to small amounts of it.

    D. Exposure to great amounts of it for once.

