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科目: 来源: 题型:





30% time

25% time

23% time

10% time

10% time

2% time







注意  1)开头已给,不计入总词数    2)书写清楚,卷面整洁

Recently we have carried out a survey among 3000 senior students in my school about their distribution of time on different language skills while learning English.

As we can see from the table


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 如果人类继续像这样无节制地消耗自然资源,终有一天所有资源必将用尽!

   All the natural resources will ______ ________ some day in the future if we human beings continue consuming them like that.

2. 每次想锻炼时,TIM就会去健身中心。

Every time he __________ __________ doing sports, Tim will go to the fitness center.

3. 他已被指控虐待儿童,逃不了严厉处罚。

He has been __________ of __________ children and won’t be able to escape from severe punishment.

4. 这家博物馆的藏品包括如莫奈、凡高、毕家索等著名画家的作品。

The _________ in this museum includes paintings by________ famous artists ______ Monet, Van Goho and Picasso.

5. 尽管缺乏资金,志愿者们还是设法为山区的孩子们建起了一个流动图书馆。

   Volunteers __________ _________ build a moving library for the children in the mountainous regions _________ _____________ _________ lacking money.

6. 见到莫言本人,学生们献上一束鲜花以表敬佩之意。

Seeing Mo Yan _______ _______ _________, the students presented him with _______ _________ _______ flowers in admiration.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示; 2)首字母提示;3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意


We held an English festival last week, from which we learnt a lot.  

We organized a v      ___ of colorful activities, English speech     1__________

included. Besides, we i           Professor Smith to give a        2_________

lecture on English               (文化的) background information. 3_________

So learned and humorous was the professor _________ he attracted the 4_________

audience by beginning his lecture _________ an amusing story and all  5________

of us were         _  (深刻)impressed by his wisdom and humor.   6________

During the lecture, he made himself u           by speaking English 7________

slowly and clearly for us to t          notes. He also gave us some   8________

practical learning m    ___    to develop the sense of language and  9________

encouraged us to use English as much as ________ in our daily life.   10_________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We're nearing the peak of the 11-year solar cycle, so double-check your GPS and watch where you're going.

On Thursday, the sun suddenly gave off a massive solar flare. Solar flares can disrupt(使中断) radio communications, including devices that use Global Positioning System technology, such as cell phones, airplanes and car navigation(导航) systems.

So if you're relying on your GPS for driving directions, to find your location on your phone's mapping tool or for any other purpose, have a backup navigation system handy, such as a printed map. Even more importantly, pay close attention to where you are and where you're going. Don't rely solely on your GPS to give you directions.

In 2006, research from Cornell University proved that solar flares can cause GPS devices to lose signal. This can cause these devices to temporarily misrepresent your location or otherwise malfunction. "If you're driving to the beach using your car’s navigation system, you'll be OK. If you're on a commercial airplane in zero visibility weather, maybe not," said the researchers and they warned that after 2011 there would probably be lots of GPS disruptions.

In addition, solar flares can disrupt power systems. This week, National Geographic reported: "Under the right conditions, solar storms can create extra electrical currents in Earth's magnetosphere -- the region around the planet controlled by our magnetic(磁的) field. The electrical power grid(电网) is particularly likely to be affected by these extra currents, which can go into high-voltage transmission lines, causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out." Across the nation, electric services and grid operators are preparing to respond to such problems.

A number of such blasts are expected over the next three to five years -- and the biggest flares are yet to come. This week's flare registered M9.3, about the highest level in the medium category. Larger flares that fall into the "X" category can cause global radio blackouts, but large M-class flares also can cause radio disruptions.

This is one of a series of recent chain reactions of severe space weather, as the solar cycle approaches solar maximum in 2013. Other major flares came in February and June, and more may follow. Remember to keep those printed maps handy.

72. ________ can help you better if massive solar flares break out.

    A. The phone’s mapping tool.

    B. Global Positioning System.

    C. Car navigation systems.

    D. The printed map at hand.

73. The underlined word “malfunction” refers to ________.

    A. operate smoothly.

    B. fail to run properly

  C. crash as directed

    D. manage appropriately

74. How many major flares have broken out according to the passage?

    A. Once       

    B. Twice   

    C. Three times      

    D. Four times

75. Which will probably be the most suitable title?

A. Recent solar flare may disrupt your GPS

    B. 2013, the solar cycle approaches maximum

    C. Cornell University’s research on the solar flare

    D. Never rely on your GPS for directions any longer


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Australian people love swimming and going to its beautiful beach. But it wasn’t always that way.

       Different climate leads to different habits. When Europeans first invaded Australia, the only people here who were good at swimming were the Aboriginal people. The Europeans came from climates where it was too cold to swim. However the warm climate of Australia soon changed their attitude to swimming. At first, only men swam. They swam without any clothes on—there were no women to see them.

       Cover up! By the 1880 and 1890s visiting the beach was very fashionable. People wore everyday street clothes—much more than people wear at the beach today. In those days it’s believed people should cover their most body so as not to be seen by the opposite sex. Special bathing costumes were designed for women. This costumes used a lot of cloth and were very heavy when wet, making it difficult to swim.

       Laws made and laws changed. The government decided to stop men swimming naked(裸体). It passed a law which forbade bathing between 6 am and 7 am. But in 1903, the laws changed; people could swim in the daytime, but they had to wear neck-to-knee costumes.

        Costume is shrinking. As time passed, swimming costumes became smaller and more convenient. At first men and women were covered from neck to knee. Then arms became bare. Then more of the legs were uncovered. Each new change was regarded by many as shocking and rude and people wrote letters to the newspapers complaining about the new costume.

Nowadays some people go to special “nude beaches” to swim naked. However, most people cover their bodies more than they did ten years ago—not because they think bare skin is shocking—but to protect their skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

68. Which of the following statements about the climate of Australia is TRUE?

       A. It changed European settlers’ attitude to swimming.

       B. It changed European settlers’ swimming costume.

       C. It made European settlers feel much hotter.

       D. It made European settlers have to swim naked.

69. During the late 19th century, swimmers should_________.
       A. wear a lot of heavy clothes on beaches.

       B. wear special wet costumes designed for them.

       C. hide when they come across a person of the opposite sex.

       D. cover their body to avoid being seen by the opposite sex.

70. What does the underlined sentence mean?

       A. People were surprised by each new change and criticized it.

       B. People were amazed by each new change and welcomed it.

       C. Only newspapers were in favor of each new change.

       D. Only newspapers thought poorly of each new change.

71. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

       A. People worry about getting skin disease from too much sun.

       B. People protect their swimming costumes from too much sun.

       C. People sometimes go swimming on the nude beaches.

       D. People today cover their bodies more than before.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Here is a memo (备忘录) to all staff who work for “Sports for Life”. “Sports for Life” sent its schedule to the parents who would like to choose a sport for their child to play. The memo is for your reference when you answer the phones from parents asking for further information.

Sports 1: Basketball.

We expect this will be the most popular of the four sports. Students are advised to sign up as soon as possible. Students will take a private bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park. To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay$10 each time. There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game.

Sports 2: Gym

We will be using St. Peter’s Memorial Park. It is not very busy and crowded before 6:00 pm. Besides, it has lot of trees with plenty of shade. Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst. Three activities, skipping, jogging, outdoor aerobics (有氧运动), all of which are free of charge, will be arranged. And there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities.

Sports 3: Hiking

Hiking(远足)will take place at Kowloon Peak. The activity will start at 2:30 pm and finish 90 minutes later. Three teachers will accompany the students, and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers. Each instructor will cost$75/hr.

Sports 4: Swimming

The Kowloon City Aqueatic Centre is a 10-minute walk from our school. Four teachers will go to the pool and conduct the goings-on from the poolside. We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour (i.e. 2:45pm to 3:45pm). Only students skilful at swimming can take up this activity. The pool will have two lifeguards present. Girls must wear a swimming suit. The cost is $10 per visit.

64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Students selecting basketball had better sign up early.

  B. Students taking part in gym should arrive at 6:00 pm.

  C. Hiking usually begins at 2:30 pm and lasts 2 hours.

D. Students having swimming suits can take up swimming.

65. Students should pay for the sports except________.

  A. jogging and skipping

  B. swimming and hiking

  C. hiking and jogging

  D. basketball and swimming

66. We know from the memo that ________.    

  A. each sport will take only on hour

  B. students will be charged for the four sports

  C. teachers will accompany students on each sport

  D. all the sports will take place at Kowloon Peak

67. The purpose of the memo is to ________.   

  A. attract students’ interest in the programme

  B. help the staff explain the programme to the parents

  C. require the parents to select a sport for their child

  D. remind teachers and lifeguards to be present on time


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    When I was a baby, I entertained you and made you laugh.Whenever I was "bad", you'd shake your finger at me and ask: " How could you?"—but then you'd give up, and roll me over for a belly scratch and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.

My housetraining was a long process, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together.We went for long walks, runs in the park and car rides.We stopped for ice cream.I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.

Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate.Eventually, you fell in love.She, now your wife, is not a dog person, but I still welcomed her into our home.I was happy because you were happy.Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement, I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them too.Your wife was afraid I would bite them.But nevertheless, as they began to grow, I became their friend.

Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets.You've made the right decision for your "family" , but there was a time when I was your only family.

I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the dog pound.It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness.You filled out the paperwork and said:"I know you will find a good home for her." They shrugged and gave you a pained look.The children were in tears as they waved me goodbye.And "How could you?" were the only three words that swept over my mind.

Is it better to live with hope or without hope? At first, whenever anyone passed my pen(畜栏), I rushed to the front, hoping it was you, that you had changed your mind and that this was all a bad dream.

My beloved master, I will think of you and wait for you forever.I hope you receive more faithfulness from your family than you showed to me.

60. Who tells this story?

    A.A dog.    

    B.A child.      

    C.A dog's owner.  

    D.A dog trainer。

61.The dog's owner took his dog to the pound because_________.

A.he had a newborn baby.         

B.his wife did not like the dog.

    C.he was moving into a new building.  

    D.he thought the dog too troublesome.

62.Which is TRUE about the dog when it lived at the pound?

    A.It was excited about the pound.

    B.It did not trust humans any more.

C.It continued to love its former owner.

    D.It hoped to be adopted by another family. 

63.What is the theme of the story?

    A.Be faithful to those who love you.

    B.Never complain about your life.

    C.Never expect too much.

    D.Be ready for changes.         



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You cannot say that it’s entirely true that kids learn a second language easily, but it’s still the best time to learn. Babies are basically equipped to hear and distinguish every possible language and dialect, but once they reach 6 months old, they begin to focus on the particular sounds that exist in the languages that they’re exposed to. In this way, kids will naturally and automatically be bilingual(双语的) if they hear multiple languages on a daily basis when they are still babies.

One lady told me of her son who grew up in a very multi-cultural community working at a resort. He would naturally and easily switch from Dutch, to French, to Italian, German and English depending on who he was talking to. Of course that’s an extreme case, but it’s completely possible and easy.

It’s not true that they will get mixed up by learning multiple languages. They may mix them up purposely simply because certain words or expressions are easier, but they won’t develop any permanent language disabilities. Quite the contrary, bilingual children have been shown to be as much as a year more advanced in learning ability development for 2 and 3 years olds.

Some kids who simply aren’t gifted at learning languages, just as some aren’t gifted at sports or music, will find it difficult to continue schooling in a foreign language. In that case, it may be better not to continue with the foreign language school. Perhaps for Grade Two you could try a bilingual school.

In any case, learning even a small amount of a foreign language, maintaining the ability to hear and pronounce it by listening to music and movies will keep a foundation for later learning. Knowing a second language can be a great benefit for gaining employment.

56. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

    A. It’s difficult for kids to learn a second language.

    B. Kids are able to learn multiple languages.

    C. Kids should be exposed to the native language.

    D. Kids enjoy all kinds of different dialects.

57. The lady told us that her son_________.

    A. was working in a multi-community

B. could speak five kinds of languages

    C. was learning some different languages

    D. could talk with many people at the same time

58. In which way can learning multiple languages benefit kids?

    A. Mixing up different languages.

    B. Distinguish different dialects.

    C. Developing learning ability.

    D. Developing language disabilities.

59. What should you do if your kids are not good at learning language?

    A. Send them to a bilingual school later.

    B. Ask them to turn to sports or music.

    C. Encourage them to remain in Grade One.

    D. Let them remain in the foreign language school.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After losing his job at 50, Lee had enough time and made a list of unfinished business. He was _36  through boxes of reminders that called up memories of things he 37 have done but didn’t.

    For the next year, Lee travelled the country to fulfill his unfinished 38 on the list. Among his ten tasks: Pay a thank-you visit to a high school teacher;  39 out for a lonely mentally ill aunt 40 whom his whole family had lost touch over ten years ago; repay a $600 41 to a friend he hadn’t seen in decades.

“Once you start working and 42 a family, you have only so much time and energy. It’s easy to tell 43 you’ll get back to the people later.” Lee said, “At 50, I realized I had become 44  from important people and values.”

    “Every 45 was just so much richer than I could have imagined. Every meeting called up a 46 experience in the people I spent time with.” The friend who had 47 his $600 had completely forgotten that debt, which 48 had grown to 6 million. But their meeting 49 memories of a brave and energetic youth, 50 Lee afterwards to climb mountains. The high school teacher was not only pleased with his former student’s visit 51 also asked questions that were challenging and inspiring as ever. Lee’s aunt, a promising pianist who hadn’t had a visit from her family in 52 , cheered up and began playing piano again; most important, she knows 53 cares.

    Now Lee needs to find a new job, but he has decided to continue 54__ unfinished business. “It’s amazing 55 _ you can achieve with just a visit, a call or an email when you make efforts to reach out!”

36. A. getting        B. seeing        C. going          D. glancing

37. A. must             B. should        C. might       D. would

38. A. matter            B. affair            C. thing           D. business

39. A. reach         B. make         C. take            D. get

40. A. for              B. with            C. to              D. of

41. A. check            B. note            C. budget           D. debt

42 A. living             B. lifting        C. raising        D. rising

43. A. themselves     B. myself        C. oneself           D. yourself

44. A. disconnected      B. dismissed        C. disappointed    D. disliked

45. A. memory         B. schedule           C. arrangement       D. moment

46. A. similar        B. same            C. different          D. difficult

47. A. borrowed          B. lent             C. sent             D. kept

48. A. strangely          B. effectively     C. fortunately     D. actually

49. A. brought back      B. brought down   C. brought in     D. brought out

50. A. informing          B. inspiring        C. reminding        D. taking

51. A. however          B. and            C. but              D. yet

52. A days              B. weeks      C. months        D. years

53. A. someone          B. everyone        C. no one        D. any one

54. A looking after   B. taking care of     C. going through   D. thinking over

55. A. that            B. which           C. what             D. as


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Philip was ill and didn't attend Tom's wedding last week.

---I ________, either, if my sister _______ me.

A. wouldn't; hadn’t reminded B. wouldn't have; hadn’t reminded     

C. hadn’t; wouldn’t remind       D. didn’t; hasn’t reminded

